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Last active July 19, 2022 01:18
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# set -x
# detect total RAM
RAM="$(awk -F':' '/MemTotal/{gsub(/ /,"");print int($2/1024)}' /proc/meminfo)"
# aggressive LMK
MATH() { awk "BEGIN{print int($RAM*$1)}"; }
LMK1="$(MATH 5.1200)"
LMK2="$(MATH 7.6800)"
LMK3="$(MATH 15.360)"
LMK4="$(MATH 25.600)"
LMK5="$(MATH 35.840)"
LMK6="$(MATH 38.400)"
# settings prop
resetprop sys.lmk.minfree_levels "$LMK1:0,$LMK2:100,$LMK3:200,$LMK4:250,$LMK5:900,$LMK6:950"
resetprop lmkd.reinit 1
/system/bin/lmkd --reinit
# check prop
resetprop | awk '/sys.lmk.minfree_levels/'
# quit
exit 0
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