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;;; SBV: Starting at 2021-01-18 16:51:54.626121 CET
;;; Solver : CVC4
;;; Executable: /nix/store/4vm8vn16cjf0pxfm2j0g6kqi3a7vyn3m-cvc4-1.8-prerelease/bin/cvc4
;;; Options : --lang=smt --incremental --interactive --no-interactive-prompt --model-witness-value --tlimit-per=30000
;;; This file is an auto-generated loadable SMT-Lib file.
MrChico / overflow_checking.smt2
Created September 2, 2020 13:19
cvc4 example
;; overflow checking words vs. checking explicit bounds
;; x * y / y == x <==>
;; x * y does not overflow
;; max value of (_ BitVec 256)
(define-fun pow256 () Int
;; x * y / y == x
time hevm symbolic --code $(<noidea.bin-runtime) --solver cvc4 --get-models
checking postcondition...
Explored: 53 branches without assertion violations
However, 2 branch(es) errored while exploring:
["Unexpected symbolic argument at opcode: OpExtcodesize. Not supported (yet!)","Unexpected symbolic argument at opcode: OpCalldatacopy. Not supported (yet!)"]
-- Branch (1/53) --
;;; SBV: Starting at 2020-06-02 17:05:41.766748 CEST
;;; Solver : Z3
;;; Executable: /nix/store/ac646i28c44y2s3p5wy0zlhrlcx0x039-z3-4.8.5/bin/z3
;;; Options : -nw -in -smt2
;;; This file is an auto-generated loadable SMT-Lib file.
pragma solidity ^0.6.0;
import "../deposit_contract.sol";
contract DepositContractFactory {
bool public deployed;
uint public deploymentTime;
DepositContract depositContract;
constructor(uint _deploymentTime) public {
;; Proof of concept implementation of a simple stack machine
;; implementing PUSH1, ADD and STOP using the smt
;; It reads a "codestring", which is translated to opcodes according
;; to the following table:
;; 0 -> STOP
;; 1 -> PUSH1
;; 2 -> ADD
;; It does not deal with integer overflow or with stack overflow
;; but it does handle stack underflow.
-- data types for the parsed syntax.
-- Has the correct basic structure, but doesn't necessarily type check
-- It is also equipped with position information for extra debugging xp
module RawAst where
newtype Id = Id String
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)
data Act = Main [RawBehaviour]
behaviour mint of UniswapV2Exchange
interface mint(address to)
for all
LockState : bool
Token0 : address UniswapV2Exchange
Token1 : address UniswapV2Exchange
behaviour init of Token
interface constructor(string _symbol, string _name, string _version, uint _totalSupply)
creates Token
string name := _name
string symbol := _symbol
uint256 totalSupply := _totalSupply
mapping(address => uint) balanceOf := [CALLER := _totalSupply]
mapping(address=>mapping(address=>uint)) allowance := []
boot.loader.efi.canTouchEfiVariables = true;
boot.loader.efi.efiSysMountPoint = "/boot/efi";
boot.loader.grub = {
enable = true;
device = "nodev";
version = 2;
efiSupport = true;
enableCryptodisk = true;
extraInitrd = /boot/initrd.keys.gz;