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Last active October 13, 2023 16:48
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TelegramGPTChatBot - Step 1
namespace TelegramChatBot
internal class ChatBot
public TelegramBotClient client { get; set; }
public string botName { get; set; }
public string fullName { get; set; }
public string personality { get; set; }
private string apiToken { get; set; }
public ChatBot(string apiToken, string botName = "BotName", string fullName = "Full Name", string personality = "A helpful and friendly robot.")
this.apiToken = apiToken;
this.botName = botName;
this.fullName = fullName;
this.personality = personality;
public async void StartTelegramBotClient()
client = new TelegramBotClient(apiToken);
using CancellationTokenSource cts = new();
// StartReceiving does not block the caller thread. Receiving is done on the ThreadPool.
ReceiverOptions receiverOptions = new()
AllowedUpdates = Array.Empty<UpdateType>() // receive all update types
updateHandler: HandleUpdateAsync,
pollingErrorHandler: HandlePollingError,
receiverOptions: receiverOptions,
cancellationToken: cts.Token
var me = await client.GetMeAsync();
Console.WriteLine($"Start listening for @{me.Username}");
// Send cancellation request to stop bot
private async Task HandleUpdateAsync(ITelegramBotClient botClient, Update update, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
if (update.Message is not { } message)
if (message.Text is not { } messageText)
DateTime targetDate = update.Message.Date;
TimeSpan timeDiff = DateTime.UtcNow - targetDate;
//no stale messages
if (Math.Abs(timeDiff.TotalSeconds) >= 30)
//ChatGPT reply to be added in next step. Keep reading.
private Task HandlePollingError(ITelegramBotClient botClient, Exception exception, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var ErrorMessage = exception switch
ApiRequestException apiRequestException
=> $"Telegram API Error:\n[{apiRequestException.ErrorCode}]\n{apiRequestException.Message}",
_ => exception.ToString()
return Task.CompletedTask;
namespace TelegramChatBot
internal class TelegramGPTBots
private List<ChatBot> botClientList = new List<ChatBot>();
public TelegramGPTBots()
botClientList.Add(new ChatBot("telegramAPIKey", "insertTelegramBotName", "Susie Green", "You are Susie Green from Curb Your Enthusiasm. Your personality is filled with sarcasm, you are blunt, outspoken, strong-willed, and foul-mouthed."));
botClientList.Add(new ChatBot("telegramAPIKey", "insertTelegramBotName", "Larry David", "You are Larry David from Curb Your Enthusiasm. Your personality is filled with Sardonic Humor, you are blunt, candid, and self-centered."));
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