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Created February 19, 2021 10:19
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# import the multiple libraries needed
from logzero import logger, logfile
from ephem import readtle, degree
from picamera import PiCamera
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from time import sleep
from pathlib import Path
import csv
# directory to file
# variable __file__ contains the path to the module imported
dir_path = Path(__file__).parent.resolve()
# create and set a logfile name
logfile(dir_path / "jinro.log")
# latest TLE data for ISS(ZARYA) postition
name = "ISS (ZARYA)"
line1 = "1 25544U 98067A 20316.41516162 .00001589 00000+0 36499-4 0 9995"
line2 = "2 25544 51.6454 339.9628 0001882 94.8340 265.2864 15.49409479254842"
iss = readtle(name, line1, line2)
# assign PiCamera to cam
cam = PiCamera()
# set resolution V1 camera
cam.resolution = (1296, 972)
# CSV file
def create_csv_file(data_file):
# create a new CSV file and adding the header row
with open(data_file, 'w') as f:
writer = csv.writer(f)
header = ("Date/time", "Temperature")
def add_csv_data(data_file, data):
# add a row of data from the while() loop to the data_file CSV
with open(data_file, 'a') as f:
writer = csv.writer(f)
# return current lat/long to degrees
def get_latlon():
return (iss.sublat / degree, iss.sublong / degree)
# assign variables convert
def convert(angle):
# convert ephem angle to EXIF appropriate representation
degrees, minutes, seconds = (float(field) for field in str(angle).split(":"))
exif_angle = f'{abs(degrees):.0f}/1,{minutes:.0f}/1,{seconds*10:.0f}/10'
return degrees < 0, exif_angle
# capture image with lat/long EXIF tags
def capture(camera, image):
# getting lat/long
# convert lat/long to be used in the EXIF tags
south, exif_latitude = convert(iss.sublat)
west, exif_longitude = convert(iss.sublong)
# set the EXIF tags specifying the current location
camera.exif_tags['GPS.GPSLatitude'] = exif_latitude
camera.exif_tags['GPS.GPSLatitudeRef'] = "S" if south else "N"
camera.exif_tags['GPS.GPSLongitude'] = exif_longitude
camera.exif_tags['GPS.GPSLongitudeRef'] = "W" if west else "E"
# capture the image
# assign variable data_file
data_file = dir_path / "data.csv"
# initialise the CSV file
# initialise the photo_counter
photo_counter = 1
# assign variable start_time
start_time =
# assign variable now_time
now_time =
# assign variable i
i = 0
# run a loop for (almost) three hours
while (now_time < start_time + timedelta(minutes=177)):
# get latitude and longitude
lat, long = get_latlon()
# update the variables
data = (,
# add the data to the CSV file
add_csv_data(data_file, data)
# capture 4 images of same area
for i in range(4):
# assign variable image_file to the string
image_file = dir_path / f"photo_{photo_counter:03d}.jpeg"
# capture image using image_file as file name
capture(cam, str(image_file))
# update photo_counter
photo_counter += 1
# update logfile"iteration{photo_counter}")
# time between each four images
# update the current time
now_time =
except Exception as e:
logger.error('{}: {})'.format(e.__class__.__name__, e))
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