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Last active May 2, 2018 03:05
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Sublime Text - Version 3.0 Build 3143
Single User License
C0360740 20724B8A 30420C09 6D7E046F
3F5D5FBB 17EF95DA 2BA7BB27 CCB14947
27A316BE 8BCF4BC0 252FB8FF FD97DF71
B11A1DA9 F7119CA0 31984BB9 7D71700C
2C728BF8 B952E5F5 B941FF64 6D7979DA
B8EB32F8 8D415F8E F16FE657 A35381CC
290E2905 96E81236 63D2B06D E5F01A69
84174B79 7C467714 641A9013 94CA7162
--Doc​Blockr --> para comentar
--Laravel 5 ->
Package Control Messages
LaravelCollective HTML Form Snippets
Thanks for installing LaravelCollective Form Snippets!
Like this project? Keep me caffeinated by making a donation.
Hopefully everything will work properly for you, but if you experience
any issues please report them on the GitHub Issue Tracker:
____ _ _ _ ____ _ ___ _ _
/ ___| _ _| |__ | (_)_ __ ___ ___ / ___|___ __| | ___|_ _|_ __ | |_ ___| |
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A full-featured code intelligence and smart autocomplete engine for Sublime Text.
(Code intelligence plugin ported from Open Komodo Editor to Sublime Text)
+-------------------------------- HELP WANTED ---------------------------------+
| Maintaining this project is hard, I do it in my spare time, but I'm |
| basically all alone. If anyone is interested in contributing, please |
| contact me. I really need much more help maintaining SublimeCodeIntel |
| |
| Follow me on twitter @germbravo |
| You can find us at #sublimecodeintel on |
| |
| If you like SublimeCodeIntel, please make a donation: |
| |
Supports all the languages Komodo Editor supports for Code Intelligence (CIX, CodeIntel2):
JavaScript, Mason, XBL, XUL, RHTML, SCSS, Python, HTML, Ruby, Python3, XML, Sass, XSLT, Django, HTML5, Perl, CSS, Twig, Less, Smarty, Node.js, Tcl, TemplateToolkit, PHP.
Provides the following features:
* Jump to Symbol Definition - Jump to the file and line of the definition of a symbol.
* Imports autocomplete - Shows autocomplete with the available modules/symbols in real time.
* Function Call tooltips - Displays information in the status bar about the working function.
+ Shortcuts for jump to definition have changed:
For Mac OS X:
* Jump to definition = ``Control+Click``
* Jump to definition = ``Control+Command+Alt+Up``
* Go back = ``Control+Command+Alt+Left``
* Manual CodeIntel = ``Control+Shift+space``
For Linux:
* Jump to definition = ``Super+Click``
* Jump to definition = ``Control+Super+Alt+Up``
* Go back = ``Control+Super+Alt+Left``
* Manual CodeIntel = ``Control+Shift+space``
For Windows:
* Jump to definition = ``Alt+Click``
* Jump to definition = ``Control+Windows+Alt+Up``
* Go back = ``Control+Windows+Alt+Left``
* Manual CodeIntel = ``Control+Shift+space``
** Restart Sublime Text after reading this **
More information
Please take the time to read the documentation:
In case of trouble, please read the Troubleshooting section in the README.
* Online -
* Git -
Do NOT edit the default SublimeCodeIntel settings. Your changes will be lost
when SublimeCodeIntel is updated. ALWAYS edit the user SublimeCodeIntel settings
by selecting "Preferences->Package Settings->SublimeCodeIntel->Settings - User".
Note that individual settings you include in your user settings will **completely**
replace the corresponding default setting, so you must provide that setting in its entirety.
This linter plugin for SublimeLinter provides an interface to php -l.
Before this plugin will activate, you *must*
follow the installation instructions here:
Thank you for installing Emmet -- a toolkit that can greatly improve your workflow. Note that this plugin automatically downloads and installs PyV8 binary (see status bar message).
Please restart editor
to finish installation process
after PyV8 was downloaded.
Tab key handler
By default, Emmet allows you to expand abbreviations with Tab key in HTML, XML, HAML and CSS/SASS/LESS/Stylus documents. As a side effect, you can’t use some of your ST2 snippets.
Please read about how Tab handler works and how to tweak its behavior to match your needs.
Enter key
In HTML and XML documents, Emmet overrides Enter key to insert formatted line breaks between opening and closing tags. In some cases it will break character input (for example, in Japanese language).
To disable Enter key handler, simply add the following option in your user's Preferences file:
"disable_formatted_linebreak": true
Actions shortcuts
Emmet has a number of actions with keyboard shortcuts that may override ones you're using commonly (for example, Ctrl-E or Ctrl-Down). Please read the project main page to get list of available actions and keyboard shortcuts and how to disable them:
Documentation and examples:
Follow me on Twitter: @emmetio
# BracketHighlighter
Welcome to BracketHighlighter! For a quick start guide, please go to
`Preferences->Package Settings->BracketHighlighter->Quick Start Guide`.
Color Highlighter
Color Highlighter v8.0 is released!
For more info about the plugin visit
Color Highlighter was developed for many years and features were added without consideration.
As a result it has plenty of bugs and code is completely unmaintainable.
Because of it, I've decided to rewrite the plugin from scratch using all the good programming practices I learned
over the years.
This is the first release of the new version and it might have some subtle bugs, especially on Windows and Mac, as I
don't have machines with these systems. If you find any bugs, please file them in
the bug tracker here: I always appreciate your help and try to fix
problems as soon as possible.
The plugin is being developed by me alone in my spare time, so if you want to encourage me to build it
better and faster, donations as always welcome.
Thank you guys for your support, every little bit helps!
Laravel 5 Snippets
Laravel 5 Snippets for Sublime Text
Thank you for installing this package!
Please have a look at the project's Readme for up-to-date instructions.
These snippets are consistent with the latest stable release of Laravel and its
documentation, but some particularities are explained in the Readme file.
The home page of the project can be found here :
Improvements or suggestions? Contribute on GitHub!
Laravel Blade Highlighter
Laravel Blade Highlighter
This package adds syntax definitions for the Laravel 4 & 5 Blade engine.
Works with Sublime Text 3.
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