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Last active June 14, 2019 12:18
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Bash scripting excersize

Bash coding assignment: Write a wrapper script for ffmpeg

ffmpeg is a command-line tool for transcoding (converting) media like video and audio files. It is extraordinarily powerful, but also not terribly easy or convenient to use. That's where the script comes in: Your goal is to set up a few defaults for yourself for when you need to use ffmpeg so that you don't have to remember or type out the whole command line.

While not strictly necessary, we will also be adding argument parsing, loops for dealing with multiple files, and error handling.


Your script must accomplish the following things:

  • Process command line arguments.
    • One for converting video to a predefined format
    • One for just converting audio
  • Provide a helpful error message and exit when something unexpected happens.
  • Process multiple files.
  • Show progress for processing multiple files.
  • Make use of the following Bash constructs:
    • case statements
    • if conditions
    • for loops
    • while loops
    • functions
    • traps
    • local and global variables
    • variable default values
    • variable substitution
    • arrays
    • shift
    • pipes
    • logger
    • math expressions

Pseudocode to guide you


trap exit on signal
array files = []
variable counter = 1
variable conversion_type = none
variable destination_directory = here
variable video_options = things
variable audio_options = stuff

while loop arguments
  case argument
    is it a directory?
      set destination directory
    is it a media type?
      set media type
    is it a file?
      is it a valid media file?
        add it to the file array
      else say that's nonsense and exit
      say that the argument was bad and you should feel bad
  next argument
pipe all output of while loop to logger and standard error

print info on what we are about to do to logger and standard error

function convert file
  local variable full path to input file (taken from function argument)
  local variable input filename (derived from input file path)
  local variable destination filename (derived from source file name and destination file type)
  print file name, file counter, and how many files there are in total
  ffmpeg input options output
    quit script on errors

for loop on file array
  call convert function with file path as argument
  increment counter
pipe all output of for loop to logger and standard error

say we're done here




I will not expect you to know ffmpeg for this challenge. That is a whole different skill set. I will fill out the ffmpeg options for you here:

Video, which must have a .mkv extension: -loglevel error -stats -ac 2 -b:v 0 -c:a libopus -c:v libvpx-vp9 -crf 24 -threads 8 -speed 8 -tile-columns 6 -frame-parallel 1 -strict -2

Audio, which must have a .opus file extension: -loglevel error -stats -vn -c:a libopus -ac 2

You can download ffmpeg from here:

You may need VLC to play back the files:

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