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Last active March 6, 2023 11:17
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Server Monitor
import requests, json
import os, psutil, re, time
def parse_syslog():
syslog = "/var/log/messages"
if os.path.isfile("/var/log/syslog"):
syslog = "/var/log/syslog"
f = open(syslog, 'r'), 2)
while True:
line = ''
while len(line) == 0 or line[-1] != '\n':
tail = f.readline()
if tail == '':
line += tail
output = parse_syslog_entry(line)
def parse_syslog_entry(line):
data = line.split(": ")
message = data[1].strip()
context = data[0].split()
ts = ' '.join(context[0:3])
hostname = context[3]
process = context[4]
if "[" in process and "]" in process:
pid = re.findall(r'\[(\d+)\]', process)[0]
process = process.replace("["+pid+"]", "")
pid = 0
return {"ts":ts, "hostname":hostname, "pid":pid, "process":process, "message":message}
def update_file(file, data):
file_content = ""
if not os.path.isfile("/var/log/health/"+file+".csv"):
file_content += 'ts,'+','.join(data.keys()) + "\n"
ts = str(time.time())[:-3] + ','
file_content += ts+','.join([str(v) for k, v in data.items()]) + "\n"
with open("/var/log/health/"+file+".csv", "a+") as f:
def update_top_info():
top_data = {}
for k in psutil.cpu_times().__dict__:
top_data[k] = getattr(psutil.cpu_times(), k)
update_file("top_data", top_data)
return top_data
def update_ram_usage():
ram_data = {}
for k in psutil.virtual_memory().__dict__:
ram_data[k] = getattr(psutil.virtual_memory(), k)
update_file("ram_usage", ram_data)
return ram_data
def update_swap_usage():
swap_data = {}
for k in psutil.swap_memory().__dict__:
swap_data[k] = getattr(psutil.swap_memory(), k)
update_file("swap_usage", swap_data)
return swap_data
def update_disk_usage():
disk_data = {}
for mp in psutil.disk_partitions():
disk_data[mp.mountpoint] = {"mountpoint":mp.mountpoint}
data = psutil.disk_usage(mp.mountpoint)
for k in data.__dict__:
disk_data[mp.mountpoint][k] = getattr(data, k)
update_file("disk_usage", disk_data[mp.mountpoint])
return disk_data
def update_disk_io():
disk_data = {}
for d, data in psutil.disk_io_counters(perdisk=True).items():
disk_data[d] = {"partition":d}
for k in data.__dict__:
disk_data[d][k] = getattr(data, k)
update_file("disk_io", disk_data[d])
return disk_data
def update_network_io():
net_data = {}
for n, data in psutil.net_io_counters(pernic=True).items():
net_data[n] = {"nic":n}
for k in data.__dict__:
net_data[n][k] = getattr(data, k)
update_file("net_io", net_data[n])
return net_data
def update_temp_data():
temp_data = {}
for t, data in psutil.sensors_temperatures().items():
temp_data[t] = []
for d in data:
temp = {"probe":t}
for k in d.__dict__:
temp[k] = getattr(d, k)
update_file("temps", temp)
return temp_data
def update_fan_speed():
temp_data = {}
for t, data in psutil.sensors_fans().items():
temp_data[t] = []
for d in data:
temp = {"probe":t}
for k in d.__dict__:
temp[k] = getattr(d, k)
update_file("fans", temp)
return temp_data
def update_cpu_usage():
cpu_data = {}
data = psutil.cpu_percent(interval=1, percpu=True)
for cpu in data:
cpu_data["CPU"+str(data.index(cpu))] = cpu
update_file("cpu_usage", cpu_data)
return cpu_data
def update_process_list():
proc_data = []
for proc in psutil.process_iter(attrs=['pid', 'name']):
return proc_data
def send_data(data):
data = json.dumps(data)"", data=data)
def check_service_status(service):
global reported_data
status = False
for process in reported_data["processes"]:
if process["name"] == service:
status = True
update_file("service_status", {"service":service, "status":status})
return {"service":service, "status":status}
services = ["ssh", "nginx"]
if not os.path.isdir("/var/log/health/"):
reported_data = {}
reported_data["top"] = update_top_info()
reported_data["cpu"] = update_cpu_usage()
reported_data["ram"] = update_ram_usage()
reported_data["swap"] = update_swap_usage()
reported_data["disk"] = update_disk_usage()
reported_data["io"] = update_disk_io()
reported_data["net"] = update_network_io()
reported_data["temps"] = update_temp_data()
reported_data["fans"] = update_fan_speed()
reported_data["processes"] = update_process_list();
reported_data["services"] = []
for service in services:
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