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Last active November 22, 2015 20:57
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  • Save MrHen/2b29cc23cee893ef5e54 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save MrHen/2b29cc23cee893ef5e54 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Incremental seed
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<h1>Widgets: <span id="widget-count">0</span></h1>
<button id="produce-widget">Produce Widget</button>
<button id="novice-widgeteer">Hire Novice Widgeteer</button>
<button id="master-widgeteer">Hire Master Widgeteer</button>
<button id="wisened-widgeteer">Hire Master Widgeteer</button>
<h2>Coding exercises:</h2>
<li>Change the starting costs and see how it affects the game</li>
<li>Add two more levels of widgeteers</li>
<li>Add stats near the top showing widgets per second and the number of widgeteers of each type</li>
<li>Add an upgrades section</li>
<li>Add save/load buttons that use localStorage.setItem() and localStorage.getItem()</li>
<li>Check the Bootstrap 3 checkbox in the upper left and change the &lt;button&gt; elements to use &lt;div class="btn btn-primary"&gt; instead</li>
<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="index.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
// Basic variable declaration - keep track of how many of each
// item we currently own, and how much the new ones should cost.
var numWidgets = 0;
var costScaling = 1.1;
var widgeteers = {
"novice-widgeteer": {
"label": "Hire Novice Widgeteer",
"cost": 10,
"value": 1,
"owned": 0,
"master-widgeteer": {
"label": "Hire Master Widgeteer",
"cost": 25,
"value": 5,
"owned": 0,
"wisened-widgeteer": {
"label": "Hire Wisened Widgeteer",
"cost": 100,
"value": 10,
"owned": 0,
function init() {
// Increase numWidgets every time produce-widget is clicked
$('#produce-widget').on('click', function () {
// Same for novice-widgeteer
$('#novice-widgeteer').on('click', function () {
var widgeteer = widgeteers["novice-widgeteer"];
// Deduct cost
numWidgets -= widgeteer.cost;
// Increase cost for the next one, using Math.ceil() to round up
widgeteer.cost = Math.ceil(widgeteer.cost * costScaling);
// Ditto for master-widgeteer... you get the idea
$('#master-widgeteer').on('click', function () {
var widgeteer = widgeteers["master-widgeteer"];
numWidgets -= widgeteer.cost;
widgeteer.cost = Math.ceil(widgeteer.cost * costScaling);
$('#wisened-widgeteer').on('click', function () {
var widgeteer = widgeteers["wisened-widgeteer"];
numWidgets -= widgeteer.cost;
widgeteer.cost = Math.ceil(widgeteer.cost * costScaling);
// Run UI update code every 10ms
window.setInterval(function () {
// Novices add 1 per second (1/100 every 10ms)
// Masters add 5 per second (5/100 every 10ms)
for (var name in widgeteers) {
numWidgets += (widgeteers[name].owned * widgeteers[name].value / 100);
// Update the text showing how many widgets we have, using Math.floor() to round down
for (var name in widgeteers) {
// Update the widgeteers with their current prices
$('#' + name).text(widgeteers[name].label + ' - ' + widgeteers[name].cost);
// Enable/disable the widgeteer buttons based on our numWidgets
$('#' + name).prop('disabled', widgeteers[name].cost > numWidgets);
}, 10);
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