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Using DNS Horizontal Autoscaling feature in Kuberentes.

Using DNS Horizontal Autoscaling feature in Kubernetes

This doc shows how to use the DNS Horizontal Autoscaling featrure in a Kubernetes cluster.

Before you begin

You need to have a Kubernetes cluster, and the kubectl command-line tool must be configured to communicate with your cluster:

  • Make sure the DNS feature itself is enabled

  • Recommended Kuberentes version 1.4.0 or higher.

Enable DNS horizontal autoscaling feature

Note: this feature is enabled by default on GCE clusters with Kubernetes version 1.5.0 or higher.

  1. Check whether this feature is enabled by listing deployments in your cluster:

     kubectl get deployment --namespace=kube-system

    The output should be similar to this:

     kube-dns-autoscaler   1         1         1            1           <some-time>

    If you see the kube-dns-autoscaler deployment, DNS horizontal autoscaling is already enabled in your cluster.

  2. Get DNS Deployment / ReplicationController name as the scale target:

     kubectl get deployment --namespace=kube-system

    The output should be similar to this:

     kube-dns     1         1         1            1           <some-time>

    In this case, the scale target should be Deployment/kube-dns.

    Or DNS may be using Replication Controller with Kubernetes version lower than 1.5.0

     kubectl get rc --namespace=kube-system

    The output should be similar to this:

     NAME            DESIRED   CURRENT   READY     AGE
     kube-dns-v20    1         1         1         <some-time>

    In this case, the scale target should be ReplicationController/kube-dns-v20.

  3. Deploy cluster-proportional-autoscaler to autoscale the DNS backends:

    # file name: dns-horizontal-autoscaler.yaml
    apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
    kind: Deployment
      name: kube-dns-autoscaler
      namespace: kube-system
        k8s-app: kube-dns-autoscaler
            k8s-app: kube-dns-autoscaler
          - name: autoscaler
                    cpu: "20m"
                    memory: "10Mi"
              - /cluster-proportional-autoscaler
              - --namespace=kube-system
              - --configmap=kube-dns-autoscaler
              - --mode=linear
              - --target={SCALE_TARGET}
              # When cluster is using large nodes(with more cores), "coresPerReplica" should dominate.
              # If using small nodes, "nodesPerReplica" should dominate.
              - --default-params={"linear":{"coresPerReplica":256,"nodesPerReplica":16,"min":1}}
              - --logtostderr=true
              - --v=2

    Above deployment configuration file deploys the horizontal autoscaler for DNS.

    Replace the {SCALE_TARGET} with what you got from the second step. Enter below command to use this configuration file.

     kubectl create -f dns-horizontal-autoscaler.yaml

    The output should be:

     deployment "kube-dns-autoscaler" created

    DNS horizontal autoscaling is now enabled.

Tuning autoscaling parameters

  1. Confirm the kube-dns-autoscaler ConfigMap exists:

     kubectl get configmap --namespace=kube-system

    The output should be similar to this:

     NAME                  DATA      AGE
     kube-dns-autoscaler   1         <some-time>
  2. Modify the data in ConfigMap:

     kubectl edit configmap kube-dns-autoscaler --namespace=kube-system

    Look for below line:

     linear: '{"coresPerReplica":256,"min":1,"nodesPerReplica":16}'

    Modify any field above for your own demand. "min" field indicates the minimal number of DNS backends. The actual backends number is calculated using below equation:

     replicas = max( ceil( cores * 1/coresPerReplica ) , ceil( nodes * 1/nodesPerReplica ) )

    Note that the values of both "coresPerReplica" and "nodesPerReplica" should be int with Cluster-proportional-autoscaler Version 1.0.0.

    Ideally, when cluster is using large nodes(with more cores), "coresPerReplica" should dominate. If using small nodes, "nodesPerReplica" should dominate.

    There are other supported scaling patterns. See here for details.

Disable DNS horizontal autoscaling feature

There are a few options for turning off this feature. Which option to use depends on different conditions.

  1. Scale down the kube-dns-autoscaler deployment to 0 replica:

    This option works for all situations, use below command:

     kubectl scale deployment --replicas=0 kube-dns-autoscaler --namespace=kube-system

    You should see below output:

     deployment "kube-dns-autoscaler" scaled

    By listing the deployments again, you should see:

     kube-dns-autoscaler   0         0         0            0           <some-time>
  2. Delete the kube-dns-autoscaler deployment:

    This option works if kube-dns-autoscaler is under your own control, which means no one will re-create it:

     kubectl delete deployment kube-dns-autoscaler --namespace=kube-system

    The output should be:

     deployment "kube-dns-autoscaler" deleted
  3. Delete the kube-dns-autoscaler manifest file from the master node:

    This option works if kube-dns-autoscaler is under the Addon Manager's control, but you have the write access permission for the master node.

    If above conditions are true, you could log on to the master node and delete the corresponding manifest file. The common path for this kube-dns-autoscaler is:


    Kube-dns-autoscaler deployment and pod will be deleted by the Addon Manager after its manifest file is deleted.

Understanding how DNS Horizontal Autoscaling works

The cluster-proportional-autoscaler is deployed as a standalone application from the DNS service. How it works could be demonstrated using below bullet points:

  • An autoscaler pod runs a Kubernetes Golang API client to connect to the Apiserver and polls for the number of nodes and cores in the cluster.
  • A desired replica count would be calculated and applied to the DNS backends based on current schedulable nodes/cores and the given scaling parameters.
  • The scaling parameters and data points are provided via a ConfigMap to the autoscaler and it refreshes its parameters table every poll interval to be up to date with the latest desired scaling parameters.
  • On-the-fly changes of the scaling parameters are allowed without rebuilding or restarting the autoscaler pod.
  • The autoscaler provides a controller interface to support multiple control patterns. Current supported control patterns are linear and ladder. More comprehensive control patterns that consider custom metrics will be developed in the future.

Future Works

One growing direction for this DNS horizontal autoscaling feature is to scale DNS backends based on DNS specific metrics. The current implementation, which utilizes number of nodes and cores in cluster, is not practical enough.

On another aspect, this functionality seems to be a fit for custom metric case in Horizontal Pod Autoscaler. We may consider embrace this Custom Metric feature for DNS horizontal autoscaling in the future, giving that it may have lower maintenance overhead and well defined configuration.


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