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Created October 2, 2016 03:40
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"Decorator Pattern in Go" learned from GopherCon 2015.
package main
import (
type Worker interface {
Do(string) bool
type WorkerFunc func(s string) bool
func (w WorkerFunc) Do(s string) bool {
return w(s)
type WorkerDecorator func(Worker) Worker
func LoggingDecorator(header string) WorkerDecorator {
return func(w Worker) Worker {
return WorkerFunc(func(s string) bool {
fmt.Printf("%s: start.\n", header)
defer fmt.Printf("%s: End.\n", header)
return w.Do(s)
func AuthorizationDecorator(token string) WorkerDecorator {
return func(w Worker) Worker {
return WorkerFunc(func(s string) bool {
fmt.Printf("Authorizing with token: %s\n", token)
return w.Do(s)
func RetryDecorator(attempts int, interval time.Duration) WorkerDecorator {
return func(w Worker) Worker {
return WorkerFunc(func(s string) (res bool) {
for i := 1; i <= attempts; i++ {
fmt.Printf("Attempt: %d.\n", i)
if res = w.Do(s); res == true {
return res
func WorkerDecorate(w Worker, ds ...WorkerDecorator) Worker {
decorated := w
for _, decorator := range ds {
decorated = decorator(decorated)
return decorated
type PrintWorker struct{}
func (*PrintWorker) Do(s string) bool {
fmt.Printf("PrintWorker: Doing %s.\n", s)
return true
func main() {
decoratedWorker := WorkerDecorate(&PrintWorker{},
LoggingDecorator("Decorator-sample logging"),
RetryDecorator(3, 2*time.Second))
decoratedWorker.Do("some serious works")
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