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Created November 25, 2009 10:30
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import scala.collection.mutable;
class Anagrams(file:String){
private val combinations = mutable.Map.empty[String, List[String]];
def run() : List[List[String]] = {
for( word <- Source.fromFile(file).getLines ){
val characterStr = sortByChars(word.trim);
val appendTo = combinations.getOrElseUpdate(characterStr,List());
combinations(characterStr) = word::appendTo
return combinations.values.toList filter ( _.length > 1 )
def sortByChars(str:String) : String = {
return str.toList.sort( (a,b) => a > b ).mkString;
val a = new Anagrams( "/usr/share/dict/words" );
println( );
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