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Created June 12, 2018 10:12
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Updated example test
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (C) 2018 Kevin Weiss <>
# Copyright (C) 2018 Peter Kietzmann <>
# This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU Lesser
# General Public License v2.1. See the file LICENSE in the top level
# directory for more details.
import puf_sram_if
import numpy
import sys
from time import gmtime, strftime
import argparse
__N = 500
__OFF_TIME = 1
def min_erntropy(all_meas):
p1 = numpy.zeros(len(all_meas[0]))
# number of ones for each bit
for i in range(0, len(all_meas[0])):
tmp = list(map(lambda x: int(x[i]), all_meas))
p1[i] = numpy.count_nonzero(tmp)
# probability of ones
p1 = numpy.divide(p1, float(len(all_meas)))
# probability of zeros
p0 = 1 - p1
p0_1_max = numpy.maximum(p1, p0)
log2_p0_1_max = numpy.log2(p0_1_max)
H_min = numpy.sum(-log2_p0_1_max)
H_min_rel = 100 * H_min/len(p0_1_max)
return [H_min, H_min_rel]
print ("Starting puf_sram Test")
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("--port", help='Sets Port')
parser.add_argument("--board", help='Sets board')
parser.add_argument("--ralloc", help='Sets ram allocation')
parser.add_argument("--offtime", help='Sets offtime')
parser.add_argument("--n", help='Sets sample number')
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.port is not None:
puf_sram = puf_sram_if.PufSram(port=args.port)
puf_sram = puf_sram_if.PufSram()
if args.board is not None:
__BOARD = args.board
__BOARD = '?'
if args.ralloc is not None:
__RALLOC = args.ralloc
__RALLOC = '?'
if args.offtime is not None:
__OFF_TIME = int(args.offtime, 0)
if args.n is not None:
__N = int(args.n, 0)
time = strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S", gmtime())
sys.stdout = open('puf_sram_test(%s)' % time, 'w')
print ("Starting puf_sram Test at %s" % time)
print ("Number of samples = %d" % __N)
print ("Off Time = %d(s)" % __OFF_TIME)
print ("Board = %s" % __BOARD)
print ("Ram Allocation = %s" % __RALLOC)
seeds = puf_sram.get_seed_list(n=__N, off_time=__OFF_TIME, allow_print=True)
seeds=[format( x, '0>32b') for x in seeds]
H_min, H_min_rel = min_erntropy(seeds)
print ("Number of seeds: %i " % len(seeds))
print ("Seed length : %i Bit " % len(seeds[0]))
print ("Abs. Entropy : %02.02f Bit " % H_min)
print ("Rel. Entropy : %02.02f perc. " % H_min_rel)
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