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Last active July 13, 2024 23:02
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matrix falling code in python using pygame
import pygame, pygame.font
import random
COLOR = (0, 200, 200) #The Color of the Matrix
ZERO_ONE = False #Makes a rain of zeros and ones instead of random ASCII character
def IsWritten():
defTemp = True
for x in range((lettersOnScreen[0] / 2) - (len(str) / 2), (lettersOnScreen[0] / 2) + (len(str) / 2) + 1):
if xHeads[x] == -1:
defTemp = False
return defTemp
def getColor(fx,fy):
if (maxCol>defTemp>0):
return defTemp
return maxCol-1
fo = open("indata.txt", "r+")
str = fo.readline()
# Close opend file
str = ''
str = str.upper() # for better placement
# Pygame init
temp = pygame.display.Info()
displLength = (temp.current_w, temp.current_h)
surface = pygame.display.set_mode(displLength, pygame.FULLSCREEN)
# Font init
fontObj = pygame.font.Font(pygame.font.get_default_font(), 14)
sampleLetter = fontObj.render('_', False, (0, 111, 0))
letterSize = (sampleLetter.get_width(), sampleLetter.get_height())
lettersOnScreen = (int(displLength[0] / letterSize[0]), int(displLength[1] / letterSize[1]))
# color init
colorList = [(255, 255, 255)]
primeColors = len(colorList)+1
colorList += [(R+10, G+10, B+10)] * ((lettersOnScreen[1] - 10))
endColors = len(colorList)
colorList += [(R-50 if R else 0, B-50 if B else 0, G-50 if G else 0),(R-100 if R else 0, B-100 if B else 0, G-100 if G else 0),(0, 0, 0)]
endColors = len(colorList) - endColors+1
maxCol = len(colorList)
# char generator
letters = [[0 for _ in range(lettersOnScreen[1] + 1)] for _ in range(lettersOnScreen[0])]
char = chr(random.randint(48, 49))
char = chr(random.randint(32, 126))
for y in range(lettersOnScreen[1] + 1):
for x in range(lettersOnScreen[0]):
letters[x][y] = [fontObj.render(char, False, colorList[col]) for col in range(maxCol)]
char = chr(random.randint(48, 49))
char = chr(random.randint(32, 126))
# word write
wordMode = False
if len(str) > 0:
wordMode = True
for x in range((lettersOnScreen[0] / 2) - (len(str) / 2),
(lettersOnScreen[0] / 2) + (len(str) / 2)):
letters[x][lettersOnScreen[1] / 2] = [fontObj.render(str[x - ((lettersOnScreen[0] / 2) - (len(str) / 2))],
False, (255, 255, 255))
for col in range(maxCol)]
for y in range(lettersOnScreen[1] / 2 + 1,
lettersOnScreen[1] + 1):
for x in range((lettersOnScreen[0] / 2) - (len(str) / 2),
(lettersOnScreen[0] / 2) + (len(str) / 2)):
letters[x][y] = [fontObj.render(char, False, (0, 0, 0)) for col in range(maxCol)]
char = chr(random.randint(32, 126))
if len(str) % 2 == 1:
letters[(lettersOnScreen[0] / 2) + (len(str) / 2)][lettersOnScreen[1] / 2] = \
[fontObj.render(str[len(str) - 1], False, (255, 255, 255)) for col in range(maxCol)]
for y in range(lettersOnScreen[1] / 2 + 1,
lettersOnScreen[1] + 1):
letters[(lettersOnScreen[0] / 2) + (len(str) / 2)][y] = \
[fontObj.render(char, False, (0, 0, 0)) for col in range(maxCol)]
char = chr(random.randint(32, 126))
if wordMode:
xHeads = [-1 for _ in range(lettersOnScreen[0] + 1)]
xHeads = [0 for _ in range(lettersOnScreen[0] + 1)]
# 1st loop - word write, no char switch
notDone = True
ticksLeft = lettersOnScreen[1] + maxCol
while ticksLeft > 0 and (notDone) and (wordMode):
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
notDone = False
if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
notDone = False
if IsWritten():
ticksLeft -= 1
if random.randint(1, 2) == 1:
randomInt = random.randint(0, lettersOnScreen[0])
if wordMode:
if xHeads[randomInt] == -1:
xHeads[randomInt] = 1
if random.randint(1, 6):
randomInt = random.randint((lettersOnScreen[0] / 2) - len(str),
(lettersOnScreen[0] / 2) + len(str) + 1)
if xHeads[randomInt] == -1:
xHeads[randomInt] = 1
if xHeads[randomInt] == 0:
xHeads[randomInt] = 1
for x in range(lettersOnScreen[0]):
col = 0
counter = xHeads[x]
while (counter > 0) and (col < maxCol):
if (counter < lettersOnScreen[1] + 2) and (col < primeColors or
col > (maxCol - endColors)):
surface.blit(letters[x][counter - 1][col], (x * letterSize[0],
(counter - 1) * letterSize[1]))
col += 1
counter -= 1
if xHeads[x] > 0:
xHeads[x] += 1
if xHeads[x] - maxCol > lettersOnScreen[1]:
xHeads[x] = 0
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
# word delete
if len(str) % 2 == 1:
strLen = int((lettersOnScreen[0] / 2) + (len(str) / 2) + 1)
strLen = int((lettersOnScreen[0] / 2) + (len(str) / 2))
for x in range(int((lettersOnScreen[0] / 2) - (len(str) / 2)),strLen):
letters[x][lettersOnScreen[1] / 2] = \
[fontObj.render(str[x - ((lettersOnScreen[0] / 2) - (len(str) / 2))], False, colorList[col])
for col in range(maxCol)]
char = chr(random.randint(32, 126))
for y in range(int(lettersOnScreen[1] / 2 + 1), int(lettersOnScreen[1] + 1)):
for x in range(int((lettersOnScreen[0] / 2) - (len(str) / 2)), int((lettersOnScreen[0] / 2) + (len(str) / 2) + 1)):
letters[x][y] = [fontObj.render(char, False, colorList[col]) for col in range(maxCol)]
char = chr(random.randint(32, 126))
# main matrix, has char switch
while notDone:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
notDone = False
if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
notDone = False
if random.randint(1, 2) == 1:
randomInt = random.randint(0, lettersOnScreen[0])
if xHeads[randomInt] <= 0:
xHeads[randomInt] = 1
for x in range(lettersOnScreen[0]):
col = 0
counter = xHeads[x]
# main loop for redraw
while (counter > 0) and (col < maxCol):
if (counter < lettersOnScreen[1] + 2) and (col < primeColors or
col > (maxCol - endColors)):
surface.blit(letters[x][counter - 1][col], (x * letterSize[0],
(counter - 1) * letterSize[1]))
col += 1
counter -= 1
# charswirch
randomInt = random.randint(1, maxCol - 1)
charPosY = xHeads[x] - randomInt
if (lettersOnScreen[1] - 1 > charPosY > 0):
temp = letters[x][charPosY]
randomX = random.randint(1, lettersOnScreen[0] - 1)
randomY = random.randint(1,lettersOnScreen[1] - 1)
surface.blit(letters[x][charPosY][maxCol - 1], (x * letterSize[0],
charPosY * letterSize[1]))
surface.blit(letters[randomX][randomY][maxCol - 1], (randomX * letterSize[0],
randomY * letterSize[1]))
# char swap
letters[x][charPosY] = letters[randomX][randomY]
letters[randomX][randomY] = temp
surface.blit(letters[x][charPosY][randomInt], (x * letterSize[0], charPosY * letterSize[1]))
(randomX * letterSize[0], randomY * letterSize[1]))
# check if is out of screen
if xHeads[x] > 0:
xHeads[x] += 1
if xHeads[x] - maxCol > lettersOnScreen[1]:
xHeads[x] = 0
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
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holy moly this is amazing

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hello.its realy amazing but how can change color???

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MrKioZ commented Nov 23, 2020

hello.its realy amazing but how can change color???


You can change the color of it by changing the variable COLOR variable it's in RGB format

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hello.its realy amazing but how can change color???


You can change the color of it by changing the variable COLOR variable it's in RGB format

I tried that but I got this error

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\18043\PycharmProjects\Cool number thing\", line 66, in
letters[x][y] = [fontObj.render(char, False, colorList[col]) for col in range(maxCol)]
File "C:\Users\18043\PycharmProjects\Cool number thing\", line 66, in
letters[x][y] = [fontObj.render(char, False, colorList[col]) for col in range(maxCol)]
ValueError: invalid color argument

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Would it be possible to make it take ASCII Art and make it "rain/fall" aka make the ASCII imagine look like it is melting off the screen?

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@39324234792 to change the color modify the variable COLOR
MAX VALUES: (245,245,245) NOT 255

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CodGod33 commented Jan 9, 2023


What is the copyright for this code ?
Thank you for the response !

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