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Created April 3, 2019 13:25
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extension Collection where Element: FutureType {
/// Flattens an array of futures into a future with an array of results.
/// - note: the order of the results will match the order of the futures in the input array.
public func flatten(on worker: Worker) -> Future<[Element.Expectation]> {
let eventLoop = worker.eventLoop
// Avoid unnecessary work
guard count > 0 else {
return eventLoop.newSucceededFuture(result: [])
let resultPromise: EventLoopPromise<[Element.Expectation]> = eventLoop.newPromise()
var promiseFulfilled = false
let expectedCount = self.count
var fulfilledCount = 0
var results = Array<Element.Expectation?>(repeating: nil, count: expectedCount)
let inEventLoop = eventLoop.inEventLoop
for (index, future) in self.enumerated() {
if inEventLoop && future.eventLoop === eventLoop,
let result = (future as? Future<Element.Expectation>)?.value {
switch result {
case .success(let result):
results[index] = result
fulfilledCount += 1
if fulfilledCount == expectedCount {
promiseFulfilled = true
// Forcibly unwrapping is okay here, because we know that each result has been filled.
resultPromise.succeed(result: { $0! })
case .failure(let error):
promiseFulfilled = true error)
} else {
future.addAwaiter { result in
let work: () -> Void = {
guard !promiseFulfilled else { return }
switch result {
case .success(let result):
results[index] = result
fulfilledCount += 1
if fulfilledCount == expectedCount {
promiseFulfilled = true
// Forcibly unwrapping is okay here, because we know that each result has been filled.
resultPromise.succeed(result: { $0! })
case .error(let error):
promiseFulfilled = true error)
if future.eventLoop === eventLoop {
} else {
return resultPromise.futureResult
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