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Created April 26, 2015 21:00
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Count of Iconclass codes of depth 3
ic_d3 ic_count avg_weight ic_text
0 12 0.933333333333333 Abstract, Non-representational Art
11D 3 0.297619047619048 Christ
11G 12 0.363888888888889 angels
11H 2 0.666666666666667 saints
11K 3 0.305555555555556 devil(s) and demons
11P 3 0.5 the Church (as institution)
11Q 1 0.333333333333333 the worship of God
11R 1 0.166666666666667 the life of man
13C 3 1.0 magic signs and objects (numbers, words, etc.)
13D 3 0.3 enchantment (evil eye, transformation, healings, etc.)
22E 1 0.5 temperature
23U 47 0.375337723741979 chronology
24A 42 0.382596371882086 sun as celestial body
24B 11 0.342424242424242 moon as celestial body
24D 15 0.34 stars
24F 27 0.279365079365079 firmament, sky
25 49 0.576409135082604 earth, world as celestial body
25A 34 0.509325396825397 maps, atlases
25C 3 0.225396825396825 geological phenomena
25F 90 0.4168430335097 animals
25G 104 0.384794719169719 plants; vegetation
25H 86 0.345141196013289 landscapes
25I 74 0.404456241956242 city-view, and landscape with man-made constructions
25K 5 0.213809523809524 landscapes in the non-temperate zone, exotic landscapes
26A 26 0.260714285714286 clouds
26B 28 0.519727891156463 rain
26D 1 0.333333333333333 frost, freezing weather
26E 3 0.305555555555556 thunderstorm
31A 3315 0.356890995714528 the (nude) human figure; 'Corpo humano' (Ripa)
31B 11 0.245670995670996 mind, spirit
31D 5 0.666666666666667 human life and its ages (young, adult, old, etc.)
31E 6 0.35 death of human being
31F 16 0.263095238095238 symbols and personifications of Death
33 27 0.427513227513228 relations between individual persons
33A 120 0.243386243386243 non-aggressive relationships
33C 457 0.319070195547219 relations between the sexes
34B 10 0.207857142857143 domestic animals, kept in and outside the house
34D 1 0.142857142857143 control and eradication of injurious animals
41A 130 0.299154456654457 housing
41B 22 0.440909090909091 heating, lighting, ventilating
41C 67 0.363041933191187 nutrition, nourishment
41D 423 0.375079740327967 fashion, clothing
42A 580 0.484902846195949 procreation, birth and (early) youth
42B 157 0.368739257911233 parents with their children
42C 1 1.0 period of adolescence
42D 1 0.142857142857143 betrothal and marriage
42E 18 0.459259259259259 burial rites
43A 13 0.416666666666667 festivities
43B 32 0.318501984126984 recreation
43C 82 0.502918118466899 sports, games and physical performances
44A 4 0.527777777777778 symbols of the state (in general)
44C 39 0.327096052096052 the citizen and his rights
44G 13 0.358424908424908 law and jurisprudence
45B 2 0.1625 the soldier; the soldier's life
45C 17 0.312418300653595 (military) equipment and supply
46A 169 0.461442190288344 communal life
46B 13 0.218772893772894 trade, commerce and finance
46C 64 0.387301587301587 traffic and transport
46D 8 0.531746031746032 press, journalism
46E 70 0.70781746031746 post, telegraph and telephone; means of communication
47A 1 0.25 industrial structures
47D 17 0.288141923436041 machines; parts of machines; tools and appliances
47I 13 0.262393162393162 agriculture, cattle-breeding, horticulture, flowerculture, etc.
480 5 0.425 symbolic representations, allegories and emblems ~ art; 'Arte' (Ripa)
48A 17 0.523529411764706 art and the public; styles and ornaments
48B 1 0.2 artist (in general)
48C 25 0.536 the arts; artists
49B 21 0.287358276643991 scholastic education, tuition
49D 10 0.508452380952381 mathematics
49E 5 0.595238095238095 science and technology
49G 191 0.353421839940165 medicine, medical science
49L 14 0.431122448979592 writing and letters
49M 11 0.352272727272727 production of printed matter, book-production
49N 1 0.111111111111111 reading
51H 3 0.444444444444444 Quantity and Degree
61B 62 0.401203277009729 historical persons (portraits and scenes from the life)
71A 1 0.166666666666667 Genesis from the creation to the expulsion from paradise, and later years of Adam and Eve
71E 1 1.0 Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua: from the bondage of the Israelites in Egypt to their settlement in Canaan
73B 1 0.333333333333333 birth and youth of Christ
73C 1 0.333333333333333 public life of Christ: from his baptism until the Passion
73D 2 0.126984126984127 Passion of Christ
82 1 0.25 literary characters and objects
82A 4 0.4375 names of literary characters
91B 1 1.0 offspring of Uranus and Gaea (Titans, Cyclopes, Centimani)
92D 8 0.483333333333333 lesser divinities of Heaven ~ serving and attendant environment
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