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Created June 15, 2020 11:22
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Codecademy: Become a Pokemon Master
class Pokemon:
def __init__(self, name='Default', level=1, element='Grass', maxhealth=100, curr_health=10, concious=True, attack=1, defence=1, speed=1): = name
self.level = level
self.element = element
self.maxhealth = maxhealth
self.curr_health = curr_health
self.concious = concious
self.attack = attack
self.defence = defence
self.speed = speed
self.experience = 0
#establishes advantages for the pokemon on instantiation
if self.element == 'Fire':
self.disadvantage = 'Water'
self.advantage = 'Grass'
elif self.element == 'Water':
self.disadvantage = 'Grass'
self.advantage = 'Fire'
self.advantage = 'Water'
self.disadvantage = 'Fire'
def __repr__(self):
return 'Pokemon Object {}'.format(
#method for displaying pokemon status
def status(self):
print('Current stats for {}:\n'.format(
print('Level: {}'.format(self.level))
print('Element: {}'.format(self.element))
print('Max Health: {}'.format(self.maxhealth))
print('Current Health: {}'.format(self.curr_health))
print('ATK: {} DEF: {} SPEED: {}'.format(self.attack, self.defence, self.speed))
print('XP: {}'.format(self.experience))
if not self.concious:
print('Awareness: Unconcious')
print('Awareness: Concious')
print('Has advantage over {} Pokemon.'.format(self.advantage))
print('Has disadvantage against {} Pokemon.\n'.format(self.disadvantage))
#method to render pokemon unconcious
def ko(self):
if not self.concious:
print('{} is already unconcious!\n'.format(
print('{} is rendered unconcious!\n'.format(
self.concious = False
self.curr_health = 0
#method to revive pokemon from unconciousness
def revive(self):
if self.concious:
print('{} is already concious!\n'.format(
print('{} is revived!\n'.format(
self.concious = True
#method to calculate the effects of damage
def damage(self, damage):
if damage >= self.curr_health:
print('{} takes {} damage!\n'.format(, damage))
self.curr_health -= damage
print('{} takes {} damage and has {} health remaining.\n'.format(, damage, self.curr_health))
#method to calculate the effects of healing
def heal(self, heal):
if self.curr_health + heal >= self.maxhealth:
print('{} is healed to max health!\n'.format(
self.curr_health = self.maxhealth
self.curr_health += heal
print('{} is healed for {} hit points and now has {} remaining.\n'.format(, heal, self.curr_health))
if not self.concious:
#method to calculate the effects of battle, according to advantages
def defend(self, pokemon):
print('{} is attacked by {}!'.format(,
#implement benefits provided by stats
damage = (pokemon.level + pokemon.attack)
if self.disadvantage == pokemon.element:
self.damage((damage * 2) - self.defence)
elif self.advantage == pokemon.element:
self.damage(round(damage / 2) - self.defence)
self.damage(damage - self.defence)
#method to handle experience gain and manage levels
def addxp(self, xp):
self.experience += xp
#checks for level up and retains excess experience
if self.experience >= 500:
self.experience -= 500
self.level += 1
print('{} has levelled up and is now level {}!\n'.format(, self.level))
#evolves every 5 levels
if self.level % 5 == 0:
def evolve(self):
print('{} has evolved, +1 added to all stats!'.format(
self.attack += 1; self.defence += 1; self.speed += 1
class Trainer:
def __init__(self, name='Default', pokemons=None, potions=0, active=1): = name
self.potions = potions
if pokemons is None:
self.pokemons = [] = None
self.pokemons = pokemons = self.pokemons[active - 1]
#cuts list if more than 6 pokemon in list
while len(self.pokemons) > 6:
print('Too many Pokemon! {} is cut from {}\'s roster.\n'.format((self.pokemons.pop()).name,
def __repr__(self):
print('Pokemon Trainer Object {}'.format(
#display trainer status
def status(self):
print('Current stats for {}:\n'.format(
print('Potions Remaining: {}'.format(self.potions))
if self.pokemons:
print('Active Pokemon: {}\n'.format((
print('No Pokemon to make active.\n')
#list available pokemon
def listpokemon(self):
print('{} has collected the following Pokemon:\n'.format(
for i in range(len(self.pokemons)):
print('{}: {}'.format(i + 1, (self.pokemons[i]).name))
#function to change the current active Pokemon
def make_active(self, activate):
if not (self.pokemons[activate - 1]).concious:
print('{n} is unconcious, you can\'t activate {n}.\n'.format(n=(self.pokemons[activate -1 ]).name))
else: = self.pokemons[activate - 1]
print('{}\'s active Pokemon is now {}.\n'.format(, (
print('Invalid Pokemon selected. Try listing your Pokemon.\n')
#calculate effects of trainer using a healing potion
def usepotion(self):
if ( == (
print('{} is already at max health!\n'.format(
elif self.potions > 0:
print('{} uses a potion to heal {} for 25 hit points!\n'.format(, (
#call the pokemon heal method
self.potions -= 1
print('{} doesn\'t have enough potions to do that!\n'.format(
def pokemonstatus(self):
if is None:
print('{} does not have an active Pokemon.'.format(
#calculate effects of trainer attacking with active pokemon
def attack(self, trainer):
if is None:
print('{} cannot attack without an active Pokemon!'.format(
elif not (
print('{} cannot attack with an unconcious Pokemon!\n'.format(
elif not (
print('{} automatically wins, but gains no XP as {}\'s Pokemon is unconcious.\n'.format(,
print('{} attacks {}!\n'.format(,
if not (
print('{} renders {} unconcious, winning the battle and gaining 100 XP!\n'.format((, (
def autobattle (trainer1, trainer2):
#implement effects of speed stat
if ( > (
gonext = True
print('{} has the faster active Pokemon and attacks first!\n'.format(
gonext = False
print('{} has the faster active Pokemon and attacks first!\n'.format(
if not (
print('Cannot auto-battle, {}\'s Pokemon is unconcious.'.format(
if not (
print('Cannot auto-battle, {}\'s Pokemon is unconcious.'.format(
while ( and (
if gonext:
gonext = False
gonext = True
#test data
bob_pickachu = Pokemon('Pickachu', 3, 'Fire', 100, 0, False, 2, 2, 2)
bob_charmander = Pokemon('Charmander', 5, 'Water', 100, 50, True, 1, 2, 3)
bob_grassgalor = Pokemon('Grassgalor', 8, 'Grass', 100, 24, True, 3, 1, 2)
jane_pickachu = Pokemon('Pickachu', 4, 'Fire', 100, 80, True, 2, 2, 2)
jane_charmander = Pokemon('Charmander', 3, 'Water', 100, 30, True, 1, 2, 3)
jane_grassgalor = Pokemon('Grassgalor', 5, 'Grass', 100, 50, True, 3, 1, 2)
jim_grassgalor = Pokemon('Grassgalor', 10, 'Grass', 100, 100, True, 3, 1, 2)
bobs_mons = [bob_pickachu, bob_charmander, bob_grassgalor]
janes_mons = [jane_pickachu, jane_charmander, jane_grassgalor]
jims_mons = [jane_pickachu, jane_charmander, jane_grassgalor, bob_pickachu, bob_charmander, bob_grassgalor, jim_grassgalor]
bob = Trainer('Bob', bobs_mons, 3, 1)
jane = Trainer('Jane', janes_mons, 3, 1)
jim = Trainer('Jim', jims_mons, potions=3, active=1)
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