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Created May 7, 2021 16:07
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165 news crawler
* @OnlyCurrentDoc
const DATA_SHEET = '165 民眾通報假投資/博弈詐騙網站';
function getLastDate() {
const sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName(DATA_SHEET);
const lastRow = sheet.getLastRow();
return new Date(sheet.getRange(lastRow, 6).getValue() || 0);
function fetchArticles(fromDate) {
const resp = UrlFetchApp.fetch('', {method: 'get'});
return JSON.parse(resp.getContentText())
.filter(article => article.title.includes('民眾通報假投資') && new Date(article.publishDate) > fromDate)
.sort((a1, a2) => new Date(a1.publishDate) - new Date(a2.publishDate));
function fetchArticle(articleId) {
const resp = UrlFetchApp.fetch(`${articleId}`, {method: 'get'});
return JSON.parse(resp.getContentText());
function getTableDataFromHTML(htmlString) {
// Sanitize &XXX; that will break XML parsing
const sanitizedHtml = `<body>${htmlString.replace(/&.+?;/g, ' ')}</body>`;
const document = XmlService.parse(sanitizedHtml);
return document.getDescendants().reduce((tableData, descendant) => {
if(descendant.getType() !== XmlService.ContentTypes.ELEMENT) return tableData;
const element = descendant.asElement();
if(element.getName() !== 'tr') return tableData;
const [name, url, count] = element.getAllContent().filter(content => {
if(content.getType() !== XmlService.ContentTypes.ELEMENT) return false;
const elem = content.asElement();
return elem.getName() === 'td';
}).map(td => td.getValue());
return [...tableData, { name, url, count: +count }];
}, []).slice(1); // Skip header
function appendTableData(article, tableData) {
const sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName(DATA_SHEET);
const lastRow = sheet.getLastRow();
sheet.insertRowsAfter(lastRow, tableData.length);
const range = sheet.getRange(lastRow + 1, 1, tableData.length, 5);
range.setValues({name, url, count}) => [, name, url, count, article.publishDate]));
function main() {
const lastDate = getLastDate();
const articles = fetchArticles(lastDate);
console.log(`Fetched ${articles.length} new article(s):`,{id, title}) => `#${id}: ${title}`));
articles.forEach(a => {
console.log(`Processing article #${}`);
const article = fetchArticle(;
const tableData = getTableDataFromHTML(article.content);
appendTableData(a, tableData);
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