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Created May 12, 2019 10:06
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# lines like this starting with "#" are comments to help explain the code
# this is a number guessing game that can be run from run menu in idle or from
# the command prompt by typing python when the command prompt
# is in the same directory as the saved game file.
# gives us access to the random module to generate the computer's number
import random
# variables needed for game flow
secret = random.randint(1,100)
guess = 0
tries = 0
n = 6
# this is a dict, a type of data storage that allows the game
# to keep track of what the current guess number is and display it
indexer = {0:'first',1:'second',2:'third', 3:'fourth', 4:'fifth', 5:'sixth'}
# game introduction
print ("\nWelcome to the special number guessing game.")
print ("I am thinking of a number between 1 and 100.")
print ("I will give you six tries to guess my number. Good luck!")
# game loop that let's you guess up to 6 times
# the loop is entered if you have not guessed the number
# and you have guesses left
# pay careful attention to the indents when writing Python
while guess != secret and tries < n:
guess = int(input("\nWhat is your " + indexer[tries]+ " guess?\n"))
# test if your guess is higher or lower than the computer number
# and if you have more guesses
if guess > secret and tries < n-1:
print ("That's too high")
elif guess < secret and tries < n-1:
print ("That's too low")
tries = tries + 1
# tests if you have guessed the number or are out of tries
if guess == secret:
print( "Holy cow are you lucky, you guessed right!")
print ("Better luck next time, you are out of tries. The secret number was:",secret)
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