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Created February 22, 2015 10:40
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Lisp interpreter (by Ketmar)
/* idiotic microlisp */
//module milf is aliced;
module milf;
alias usize = size_t;
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
class MilfException : Exception {
Cell cell;
this (string message, Cell acell=null, string file=__FILE__, usize line=__LINE__, Throwable next=null) @safe pure nothrow {
cell = acell;
super(message, file, line, next);
class MilfReturnException : Exception {
Cell cell;
this (Cell acell, string file=__FILE__, usize line=__LINE__, Throwable next=null) @trusted nothrow {
cell = (acell !is null ? acell : Cell.cnil);
super("return without function", file, line, next);
class MilfBreakContException : Exception {
Cell cell;
bool isBreak;
this (bool aIsBreak, Cell acell, string file=__FILE__, usize line=__LINE__, Throwable next=null) @trusted nothrow {
cell = (acell !is null ? acell : Cell.cnil);
isBreak = aIsBreak;
super((isBreak ? "break without loop" : "continue without loop"), file, line, next);
class MilfParseException : Exception {
Cell.Loc loc;
this (in Cell.Loc aloc, string message, string file=__FILE__, usize line=__LINE__, Throwable next=null) @safe pure nothrow {
loc = aloc;
super(message, file, line, next);
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
bool isNil() (in Cell c) { return (c is null || c is Cell.cnil); }
bool isFalse() (in Cell c) { return (c is null || c is Cell.cnil || c is Cell.cfalse); }
bool isTrue() (in Cell c) { return !isFalse(c); }
string toString (in Cell c) { return (c !is null ? c.toString : "#nil"); }
string toNakedString (in Cell c) { return (c !is null ? c.toNakedString : ""); }
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
class Cell {
static struct Loc {
usize cpos; // char postion
ushort row;
ushort col;
@property bool valid () const {
return (row > 0 && col > 0);
string toString () const {
import std.string;
return format("(%s,%s)", row, col);
// special cells
__gshared Cell ctrue = new Cell("#t");
__gshared Cell cfalse = new Cell("#f");
__gshared Cell cnil = new Cell("#nil");
__gshared Cell ceof = new Cell("#eof");
Loc loc; // start
string name;
this (in Loc aloc=Loc.init) { loc = aloc; }
this (string aname="#dummy", in Loc aloc=Loc.init) { name = aname; loc = aloc; }
// args is guaranteed to be either `null` or valid list
Cell execute (Milf eng, CellCons args) { return this; }
override string toString () const { return name; }
string toNakedString () const { return this.toString; }
T to(T) () const {
inout(Cell) opDispatch(string name) () inout
if (name.length > 2 && name[0] == 'c' && name[$-1] == 'r' && isGoodCxROps!(name[1..$-1]))
return Cell.opDispatch!name(this);
private template isStringType(T, CT) {
import std.traits;
static if (isArray!T) {
static alias ArrayElementType(AT : AT[]) = Unqual!AT;
enum isStringType = is(ArrayElementType!T == CT);
} else {
enum isStringType = false;
private enum isSomeStringType(T) = isStringType!(T, char) || isStringType!(T, wchar) || isStringType!(T, dchar);
template isGoodType(T) {
import std.traits;
static if (isNumeric!T ||
isBoolean!T ||
isSomeChar!T ||
enum isGoodType = true;
} else {
enum isGoodType = false;
template isGoodTypeOrCell(T) {
static if (is(T == Cell)) {
enum isGoodTypeOrCell = true;
} else {
enum isGoodTypeOrCell = isGoodType!T;
Cell from(T) (T val) {
import std.traits;
static if (isNumeric!T || isSomeChar!T) {
return new CellNum(cast(typeof(CellNum.n))val);
} else static if (isBoolean!T) {
return (val ? Cell.ctrue : Cell.cfalse);
} else static if (isStringType!(T, char)) {
return new CellStr(val);
} else static if (isStringType!(T, wchar) || isStringType!(T, dchar)) {
import std.conv : to;
return new CellStr(to!string(val));
} else {
static assert(0, "can't convert type "~T.stringof~" to cell");
T to(T) (in Cell cell) {
import std.traits;
if (cell is null) return to!T(Cell.cnil);
static if (isNumeric!T || isSomeChar!T) {
if (auto c = cast(const CellNum)cell) {
return cast(T)c.n;
} else {
throw new MilfException("can't convert cell to number");
} else static if (isBoolean!T) {
return cell.isTrue;
} else static if (isSomeStringType!T) {
import std.conv : to;
string str = cell.toNakedString;
//if (auto c = cast(const CellStr)cell) str = c.s; else str = cell.toString;
static if (isStringType!(T, char)) return str;
else static if (isStringType!(T, wchar)) return to!wstring(str);
else return to!dstring(str);
} else {
static assert(0, "can't convert type "~T.stringof~" to cell");
inout(Cell) Car (inout Cell cell) {
if (cell is null) {
return cast(typeof(return))Cell.cnil;
} else if (auto c = cast(CellCons)cell) {
return cast(typeof(return))(c.mCar !is null ? c.mCar : Cell.cnil);
} else {
return cast(typeof(return))Cell.cnil;
inout(Cell) Cdr (inout Cell cell) {
if (cell is null) {
return cast(typeof(return))Cell.cnil;
} else if (auto c = cast(CellCons)cell) {
return cast(typeof(return))(c.mCdr !is null ? c.mCdr : Cell.cnil);
} else {
return cast(typeof(return))Cell.cnil;
private template isGoodCxROps(string s) {
static if (s.length > 0) {
static if (s[0] == 'a' || s[0] == 'd') {
enum isGoodCxROps = isGoodCxROps!(s[1..$]);
} else {
enum isGoodCxROps = false;
} else {
enum isGoodCxROps = true;
inout(Cell) opDispatch(string name) (inout Cell cell)
if (name.length > 2 && name[0] == 'c' && name[$-1] == 'r' && isGoodCxROps!(name[1..$-1]))
static string buildOps (string ops) {
string s = `return `;
foreach (char ch; ops) s ~= `Cell.C`~ch~`r(`;
s ~= `cell`;
foreach (_; ops) s ~= `)`;
s ~= `;`;
return s;
//enum op = buildOps(name[1..$-1]); pragma(msg, op);
enum usize BadList = usize.max;
usize listLength (in Cell cell) {
if (cell.isNil) return 0; // nil is always a good list
if (auto hare = cast(CellCons)cell) { // it's ok to remove 'const' here
auto tortoise = hare;
bool tortStep = false;
usize count = 0;
while (!hare.isNil) {
++count; // one more cell
if (hare.cdr.isNil) break; // end of list
hare = cast(CellCons)hare.cdr;
if (hare is null) return BadList; // this must be a cons
if (hare is tortoise) return BadList; //throw new MilfException("endless list", null/*hare*/);
if (tortStep) tortoise = cast(CellCons)tortoise.cdr;
tortStep = !tortStep;
return count;
return BadList;
//FIXME: this hack sux if we have `to` overloads in other modules!
T to(T, S) (S value) {
static if (is(T : Cell)) {
return Cell.from!S(value);
} else static if (is(S : Cell)) {
} else {
import std.conv : to;
return to!T(value);
unittest {
import std.stdio;
auto c = to!Cell(42.0);
writefln("%s: %s", typeof(c).stringof, c.toString);
auto n = to!int(c);
writefln("%s: %s", typeof(n).stringof, n);
class CellCons : Cell {
Cell mCar, mCdr;
this (Cell acar, Cell acdr, in Loc aloc=Loc.init) {
mCar = (acar !is null ? acar : cnil);
mCdr = (acdr !is null ? acdr : cnil);
this (Cell acar, Cell acdr) {
this(acar, acdr, (acar !is null ? acar.loc : Loc.init));
final string doToString(string func) () const {
import std.array : appender;
auto res = appender!string;
auto hare = cast(CellCons)this; // it's ok to remove 'const' here
auto tortoise = hare;
bool tortStep = false;
while (!hare.isNil) {
if (hare.cdr.isNil) break;
if (auto d = cast(CellCons)hare.cdr) {
res.put(" ");
hare = d;
if (hare is tortoise) { res.put("..."); break; }
if (tortStep) tortoise = cast(CellCons)tortoise.cdr;
tortStep = !tortStep;
} else {
res.put(" . ");
override string toString () const { return doToString!"toString"(); }
override string toNakedString () const { return doToString!"toNakedString"(); }
class CellNum : Cell {
double n;
this (double v=0.0, in Loc aloc=Loc.init) { super(aloc); n = v; }
override string toString () const { import std.conv : to; return to!string(n); }
class CellStr : Cell {
alias s = name;
this (string v=null, in Loc aloc=Loc.init) { super(aloc); s = v; }
override string toString () const {
import std.array : appender;
import std.format : formatElement, FormatSpec;
auto res = appender!string();
FormatSpec!char fspc; // defaults to 's'
formatElement(res, name, fspc);
override string toNakedString () const { return name; }
class CellSym : Cell {
this (string n, in Loc aloc=Loc.init) { super(n, aloc); }
// lambda function
class CellLambda : Cell {
CellCons arguments, funBody;
usize argCount;
bool isMacro;
this (Cell aargs, Cell abody, bool aismacro=false, in Loc aloc=Loc.init) {
arguments = (aargs !is null ? cast(CellCons)aargs : null);
funBody = (abody !is null ? cast(CellCons)abody : null);
isMacro = aismacro;
argCount = Cell.listLength(arguments);
if (argCount == Cell.BadList) throw new MilfException("bad function argument list");
override Cell execute (Milf eng, CellCons args) {
auto acount = Cell.listLength(args);
if (acount == Cell.BadList) throw new MilfException("bad function argument list", args);
if (acount < argCount) throw new MilfException("out of arguments", args);
if (acount > argCount) throw new MilfException("too many arguments", args);
if (!isMacro) args = eng.evalArgs(args);
eng.pushFrame(arguments, args);
scope(exit) eng.popFrame();
try {
return eng.evalProg(funBody);
} catch (MilfReturnException re) {
return re.cell;
override string toString() const { return "(lambda "~.toString(arguments)~" "~.toString(funBody)~")"; }
// base for all primitives
class CellPrimitive : Cell {
bool isMacro;
this (bool aIsMacro) { isMacro = aIsMacro; super((isMacro ? "#primacro" : "#primitive")); }
// "basic" primitive
class CellPrimBasic : CellPrimitive {
// args is guaranteed to be either `null` or valid list
alias Func = Cell function (Milf eng, CellCons args);
Func fn;
this (bool aIsMacro, Func afn) { super(aIsMacro); fn = afn; }
override Cell execute (Milf eng, CellCons args) {
if (!isMacro) args = eng.evalArgs(args);
return (fn !is null ? fn(eng, args) : cnil);
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
class Milf {
import std.typecons : Flag, Yes, No;
Cell[string] globals; // symbol values
Cell[string][] frames;
this () { registerBuiltins(); }
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
static void getArgs (string name, Cell[] its, Cell args, usize min=usize.max) {
if (min == usize.max) min = its.length;
usize pos = 0;
Cell list = args;
while (pos < its.length) {
if (list.isNil) break;
if (auto cons = cast(CellCons)list) {
if (!cons.cdr.isNil && cast(CellCons)cons.cdr is null) throw new MilfException("invalid arglist for '"~name~"'", args);
its[pos++] =;
list = cons.cdr;
} else {
throw new MilfException("invalid arglist for '"~name~"'", args);
if (!list.isNil) throw new MilfException("arglist too long for '"~name~"'", args);
if (pos < min) throw new MilfException("arglist too short for '"~name~"'", args);
if (pos < its.length) its[pos..$] = null;
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
void pushFrame (CellCons names=null, CellCons values=null) {
auto fidx = frames.length;
frames.length = fidx+1;
while (!names.isNil) {
if (auto csym = cast(CellSym) {
if (!values.isNil) {
frames[fidx][] =;
} else {
frames[fidx][] = Cell.cnil;
} else {
throw new MilfException("invalid name",;
names = cast(CellCons)names.cdr;
values = cast(CellCons)values.cdr;
void popFrame () {
if (frames.length == 0) throw new MilfException("out of frames");
frames.length = frames.length-1;
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
// null: no variable found in any frame
Cell *findVar (string name) nothrow @nogc {
if (name.length == 0) {
return null;
} else {
foreach_reverse (ref frame; frames) if (auto cell = name in frame) return cell;
return (name in globals);
// null: no variable found in any frame
Cell getVar (string name) nothrow {
if (auto var = findVar(name)) {
return *var;
} else {
return null;
// value=null: remove variable from topmost frame
void setVar (string name, Cell value, Flag!"AddMissing" addMissing=No.AddMissing) {
if (name.length == 0) throw new MilfException("variable '' can't be changed");
if (value is null) {
// remove variable
if (frames.length) frames[$-1].remove(name); else globals.remove(name);
if (auto var = findVar(name)) {
*var = value;
} else {
if (addMissing) {
if (frames.length) {
frames[$-1][name] = value;
} else {
globals[name] = value;
} else {
throw new MilfException("variable '"~name~"' not found");
void setTopVar (string name, Cell value) {
if (name.length == 0) throw new MilfException("variable '' can't be changed");
if (value is null) value = Cell.cnil;
if (frames.length) frames[$-1][name] = value; else globals[name] = value;
auto opIndex (string name) {
if (auto var = findVar(name)) {
//import std.traits : isSomeFunction;
struct RetVar {
Milf eng;
Cell var;
@disable this ();
private this (Milf e, Cell c) {
eng = e;
var = c;
Cell opCall(Args...) (Args arguments) {
return eng.exec(var, arguments);
alias var this;
return RetVar(this, *var);
} else {
throw new MilfException("variable '"~name~"' not found");
Cell opIndexAssign (Cell value, string name) {
if (value is null) value = Cell.cnil;
//setVar(name, value, Yes.AddMissing);
setTopVar(name, value);
return value;
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
Cell exec(Args...) (Cell cell, Args arguments) {
// build arglist
CellCons alist = null, cur = null;
foreach (immutable arg; arguments) {
auto c = Cell.from(arg);
if (alist is null) {
alist = cur = new CellCons(c, Cell.cnil);
} else {
cur.mCdr = new CellCons(c, Cell.cnil);
cur = cast(CellCons)cur.mCdr;
return cell.execute(this, alist);
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
Cell eval (Cell cell) {
if (cell.isNil) return Cell.cnil;
if (auto cons = cast(CellCons)cell) {
// this seems to be a list
if (Cell.listLength(cons) == Cell.BadList || cons.mCar is null) throw new MilfException("bad list", cell);
auto head = cons.mCar;
auto tail = cast(CellCons)cons.cdr;
// if head is the list, evaluate it first
if (cast(CellCons)head !is null) head = eval(head);
if (auto sym = cast(CellSym)head) {
// resolve symbol
if (auto var = findVar( {
if (*var is null) throw new MilfException("can't execute '""'", cell);
auto res = (*var).execute(this, tail);
if (res is null) res = Cell.cnil; // fix common error
return res;
} else {
throw new MilfException("unknown variable '""'", cell);
} else if (cast(CellLambda)head !is null || cast(CellPrimitive)head !is null) {
return head.execute(this, cast(CellCons)cons.cdr);
} else {
import std.stdio : writefln; writefln("%s %s", typeof(head).stringof, cell);
throw new MilfException("can't evaluate list", cell);
} else if (auto sym = cast(CellSym)cell) {
// symbol, get it's value
if (auto var = findVar( {
return (*var !is null ? *var : Cell.cnil);
} else {
throw new MilfException("unknown variable '""'", cell);
} else {
// other cell types evaluates to themselves
return cell;
CellCons evalArgs (CellCons args) {
if (!args.isNil) {
return new CellCons(eval(, evalArgs(cast(CellCons)args.cdr));
} else {
return null; // can't return CellCons here
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
import std.range : isInputRange;
// returns `null` on eof
Cell parseOne(R) (auto ref R ir, ref Cell.Loc loc) if (isInputRange!R) {
Cell.Loc stloc;
import std.array : appender;
auto ap = appender!string;
bool eof () { return ir.empty; }
char curChar () { return (!ir.empty ? ir.front : 0); }
void skipChar () {
if (!ir.empty) {
if (ir.front == '\n') {
loc.col = 1;
static bool isSpecial (char ch) {
(ch == '(' || ch == ')' ||
ch == '[' || ch == ']' ||
ch == '{' || ch == '}' ||
ch == ';');
void skipSpaces () {
while (!eof) {
char ch = curChar();
if (ch == ';') {
while (!eof && curChar() != '\n') skipChar();
} else {
if (ch > ' ') break;
string collectId () {
while (!eof) {
char ch = curChar();
if (ch <= ' ' || isSpecial(ch)) break;
Cell parseId () {
return new CellSym(collectId(), stloc);
Cell parseNum () {
bool wasDot = false;
while (!eof) {
char ch = curChar();
if (ch == '.') {
if (wasDot) return parseId();
wasDot = true;
ch = curChar();
if (ch < '0' || ch > '9') return parseId();
} else if (ch < '0' || ch > '9') {
} else {
if (!eof && !isSpecial(curChar()) && curChar() > ' ') {
// not a number
return parseId();
} else {
// number
import std.conv : to;
return new CellNum(to!double(, stloc);
// open quote eaten
Cell parseString (Flag!"ParseEscapes" doEscapes) {
for (;;) {
if (eof) throw new MilfParseException(stloc, "unterminated string");
char ch = curChar();
if (ch == '"') {
if (doEscapes || curChar() != '"') break;
} else if (doEscapes && ch == '\\') {
if (eof) throw new MilfParseException(stloc, "unterminated string");
ch = curChar();
switch (ch) {
case '\\': case '"': case '\'': case '`': ap.put(ch); break;
case 't': ap.put("\t"); break;
case 'n': ap.put("\n"); break;
case 'r': ap.put("\r"); break;
case 'x': case 'X': throw new MilfParseException(loc, "hex string escapes are not here yet");
case 'u': case 'U': throw new MilfParseException(loc, "unicode hex string escapes are not here yet");
default: throw new MilfParseException(loc, "invalid string escape");
} else {
if (!eof && !isSpecial(curChar()) && curChar > ' ') throw new MilfParseException(stloc, "invalid string");
return new CellStr(, stloc);
Cell parseQuote () {
auto qc = new CellSym("quote", stloc);
auto res = parseOne(ir, loc);
if (res is null) throw new MilfParseException(stloc, "invalid quoting");
res = new CellCons(res, Cell.cnil);
return new CellCons(qc, res);
Cell parseList (char ch) {
ch = (ch == '(' ? ')' : ']');
CellCons res = null, cur = null;
for (;;) {
if (eof) throw new MilfParseException(stloc, "unfinished list");
//{ import iv.writer; writeln(ir.front); }
if (curChar() == ch) break;
if (curChar() == '.') {
// last item is dotted pair
if (cur is null) throw new MilfParseException(loc, "invalid cons");
auto cell = parseOne(ir, loc);
if (cell is null) throw new MilfParseException(stloc, "unfinished list");
if (curChar() != ch) throw new MilfParseException(stloc, "unfinished list");
cur.mCdr = cell;
} else {
auto cell = parseOne(ir, loc);
if (cell is null) throw new MilfParseException(stloc, "unfinished list");
auto cons = new CellCons(cell, Cell.cnil);
if (cur is null) {
res = cur = cons;
res.loc = stloc;
} else {
cur.mCdr = cons;
cur = cons;
skipChar(); // skip closing bracket
return (res !is null ? res : Cell.cnil);
Cell parseSpecial () {
if (eof) throw new MilfParseException(stloc, "invalid special");
auto s = collectId();
switch (s) {
case "t": return Cell.ctrue;
case "f": return Cell.cfalse;
case "nil": return Cell.cnil;
case "eof": return Cell.ceof;
default: throw new MilfParseException(stloc, "invalid special '#"~s~"'");
Cell parseHereDoc () {
char[4] cc;
while (!eof && curChar() != '\n') skipChar();
cc[0] = curChar();
cc[1] = curChar();
cc[2] = curChar();
for (;;) {
cc[3] = curChar();
if ((cc[3] == '\n' || cc[3] == '\r') && cc[0..3] == ">>>") {
return new CellStr(, stloc);
if (eof) throw new MilfParseException(stloc, "unfinished heredoc");
cc[0] = cc[1];
cc[1] = cc[2];
cc[2] = cc[3];
// fix initial position
if (loc.row == 0) loc.row = 1;
if (loc.col == 0) loc.col = 1;
// endless cycle to avoid recursion on comments
// all non-comment parsers does `return`
for (;;) {
if (eof) return null;
stloc = loc;
char ch = curChar();
switch (ch) {
case '\'': // quote
return parseQuote();
case '(': case '[':
return parseList(ch);
case '<': // heredoc?
if (curChar() == '<') {
skipChar(); // skip second
if (curChar() == '<') {
// almost real heredoc
skipChar(); // skip third
if (curChar() == '\n' || curChar() == '\r') {
return parseHereDoc();
return parseId();
case '#': // special
return parseSpecial();
case '+': case '-':
if (curChar() < '0' || curChar > '9') return parseId();
return parseNum();
case '0': .. case '9':
return parseNum();
case '"':
return parseString(Yes.ParseEscapes);
case 'r':
// id or r"..."
if (curChar() == '"') {
return parseString(No.ParseEscapes);
return parseId();
if (!isSpecial(ch)) {
// identifier
return parseId();
throw new MilfParseException(stloc, "unexpected char");
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
Cell evaluate(R) (auto ref R ir) if (isInputRange!R) {
Cell res = Cell.cnil;
Cell.Loc loc;
for (;;) {
auto cell = parseOne(ir, loc);
if (cell is null) break;
res = eval(cell);
return res;
Cell evaluate (string s) {
import std.utf : byChar;
return evaluate(s.byChar);
Cell evalProg (Cell lst) {
auto res = Cell.cnil;
if (auto cur = cast(CellCons)lst) {
while (!cur.isNil) {
res = eval(;
cur = cast(CellCons)cur.cdr;
return res;
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
import std.traits : isSomeFunction;
Cell opIndexAssign(T) (T dg, string name) if (isSomeFunction!T) {
template isCellArgs(TT...) {
static if (TT.length == 0) enum isCellArgs = true;
else static if (is(TT[0] == Cell)) enum isCellArgs = isCellArgs!(TT[1..$]);
else enum isCellArgs = false;
template isAutoparsePrimitive(TT...) {
static if (TT.length < 1) enum isAutoparsePrimitive = false;
else static if (!is(TT[0] : Milf)) enum isAutoparsePrimitive = false;
else enum isAutoparsePrimitive = isCellArgs!(TT[1..$]);
import std.traits : ParameterTypeTuple, ParameterDefaultValueTuple, ReturnType;
bool asMacro = (name.length > 0 && name[0] == ' ');
if (asMacro) name = name[1..$];
//ParameterTypeTuple!T arguments;
alias args = ParameterTypeTuple!T;
alias retType = ReturnType!T;
Cell cfn;
static if (is(retType : Cell) && args.length == 2 && is(args[0] : Milf) && is(args[1] : CellCons)) {
// "basic" primitive
cfn = new CellPrimBasic(asMacro, dg);
} else {
// check for `Cell (Milf, Cell...)` function -- autoparsing arglist
static if (is(retType : Cell) && isAutoparsePrimitive!args) {
// default args can be taken only from delegate itself, not from the type, hence this hack
alias defaultArguments = ParameterDefaultValueTuple!dg;
cfn = new CellPrimParsedX!(T, defaultArguments)(asMacro, dg);
} else {
// need to do (un)boxing
static assert(is(retType == void) || Cell.isGoodTypeOrCell!retType, "invalid function return type "~retType.stringof);
// have to do it here, as default argument values is not a part of the type
foreach (immutable idx, immutable argType; args) {
static if (idx == 0 && is(argType : Milf)) {
// first arg can me Milf
} else {
static assert(Cell.isGoodTypeOrCell!argType, "invalid function argument #"~to!string(idx)~" type");
// default args can be taken only from delegate itself, not from the type, hence this hack
alias defaultArguments = ParameterDefaultValueTuple!dg;
cfn = new CellPrimBoxedX!(T, defaultArguments)(asMacro, dg);
if (name.length) this[name] = cfn;
return cfn;
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
private static Cell doMath(string op) (CellCons args) {
if (args.cdr.isNil) throw new MilfException("invalid math call", args);
auto res =!double(;
for (Cell c = args.cdr; !c.isNil; c = c.cdr) {
auto o =!double(;
// division by zero?
static if (op == "/") {
if (o == 0.0) throw new MilfException("division by zero", args);
mixin(`res `~op~`= o;`);
return Cell.from(res);
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
private static Cell doOrAnd(bool doOr) (Milf eng, CellCons args) {
auto res = Cell.cfalse;
while (!args.isNil) {
res = eng.eval(;
static if (doOr) {
if (res.isTrue) return res;
} else {
if (res.isFalse) return Cell.cfalse;
args = cast(CellCons)args.cdr;
static if (doOr) {
return Cell.cfalse; // just in case `res` is #nil
} else {
return res;
private static Cell doSet(bool setq) (Milf eng, CellCons args) {
auto res = Cell.cnil;
auto len = Cell.listLength(args);
if (len == Cell.BadList || len%2) throw new MilfException("invalid 'set' args", args);
while (!args.isNil) {
auto var =;
res =;
static if (setq) res = eng.eval(res);
if (auto sym = cast(CellSym)var) {
eng.setVar(, res, Yes.AddMissing);
} else {
throw new MilfException("invalid 'set' name", var);
args = cast(CellCons)args.cdr.cdr;
return res;
void registerBuiltins () {
this[" quote"] = (Milf eng, Cell q) => q;
this[" if"] = (Milf eng, Cell cond, Cell iftrue, Cell iffalse=null) => eng.eval(isTrue(eng.eval(cond)) ? iftrue : iffalse);
this[" cond"] = (Milf eng, CellCons args) {
while (!args.isNil) {
auto cond = eng.eval(;
if (cond.isTrue) {
return eng.eval(;
} else {
args = cast(CellCons)args.cdr.cdr;
return Cell.cfalse;
// logic
this["not"] = (Milf eng, Cell arg) => Cell.from(arg.isFalse);
this[" or"] = &doOrAnd!true;
this[" and"] = &doOrAnd!false;
// vars
this["set"] = &doSet!false;
this[" set!"] = &doSet!true;
// definitions
this[" define"] = (Milf eng, CellCons args) {
//TODO: rewrite this shit!
auto a0 =;
if (a0.isNil) throw new MilfException("invalid name for 'define'");
if (Cell.cdr(args).isNil) throw new MilfException("invalid body for 'define'");
if (auto hdr = cast(CellCons)a0) {
// (define (name args) body)
if (Cell.listLength(hdr) == Cell.BadList) throw new MilfException("invalid header for 'define'");
for (Cell c = hdr; !c.isNil; c = Cell.cdr(c)) {
if (cast(CellSym) is null) throw new MilfException("invalid header for 'define'");
auto name = cast(CellSym);
if ( == 0) throw new MilfException("invalid variable name for 'define'");
auto lmb = new CellLambda(Cell.cdr(hdr), Cell.cdr(args));
eng.setTopVar(, lmb);
return a0;
} else if (auto name = cast(CellSym)a0) {
// (define name value)
if ( == 0) throw new MilfException("invalid variable name for 'define'");
if (!Cell.cddr(args).isNil) throw new MilfException("too big body for 'define'");
auto v = eng.eval(Cell.cadr(args));
eng.setTopVar(, v);
return a0;
} else {
throw new MilfException("invalid 'define'");
// (lambda (args) body) --> CellLambda
this[" lambda"] = (Milf eng, CellCons args) {
//TODO: rewrite this shit!
auto a0 =;
//if (a0.isNil) throw new MilfException("invalid args for 'lambda'");
auto a1 = args.cdr;
if (a1.isNil) throw new MilfException("invalid body for 'lambda'");
if (!a0.isNil) {
// has args
if (auto hdr = cast(CellCons)a0) {
if (Cell.listLength(hdr) == Cell.BadList) throw new MilfException("invalid header for 'lambda'");
for (Cell c = hdr; !c.isNil; c = Cell.cdr(c)) {
if (cast(CellSym) is null) throw new MilfException("invalid header for 'lambda'");
auto lmb = new CellLambda(hdr, a1);
return cast(Cell)lmb;
} else {
throw new MilfException("invalid header for 'lambda'");
} else {
// no args
auto lmb = new CellLambda(null, a1);
return cast(Cell)lmb;
this["car"] = (Milf eng, Cell arg) =>;
this["cdr"] = (Milf eng, Cell arg) => Cell.cdr(arg);
this["list"] = (Milf eng, CellCons args) => cast(Cell)args;
this["length"] = (Milf eng, Cell arg) {
auto len = Cell.listLength(arg);
return (len != Cell.BadList ? cast(Cell)(new CellNum(len)) : Cell.cfalse);
// math
this["+"] = (Milf eng, CellCons args) => eng.doMath!"+"(args);
this["-"] = (Milf eng, CellCons args) => eng.doMath!"-"(args);
this["*"] = (Milf eng, CellCons args) => eng.doMath!"*"(args);
this["/"] = (Milf eng, CellCons args) => eng.doMath!"/"(args);
this["%"] = (Milf eng, CellCons args) => eng.doMath!"%"(args);
// comparisons
this["<"] = (double a, double b) => a < b;
this[">"] = (double a, double b) => a > b;
this["<="] = (double a, double b) => a <= b;
this[">="] = (double a, double b) => a >= b;
this["="] = (double a, double b) => a == b;
this["<>"] = (double a, double b) => a != b;
// string comparison
this["$<"] = (string a, string b) => a < b;
this["$>"] = (string a, string b) => a > b;
this["$<="] = (string a, string b) => a <= b;
this["$>="] = (string a, string b) => a >= b;
this["$="] = (string a, string b) => a == b;
this["$<>"] = (string a, string b) => a != b;
// strings
this["$+"] = (Milf eng, CellCons args) {
import std.array : appender;
if (args is null) return cast(Cell)(new CellStr(""));
auto ap = appender!string;
while (!args.isNil) {
args = cast(CellCons)args.cdr;
return new CellStr(;
this["$->sym"] = (Milf eng, CellCons args) {
if (args.isNil) throw new MilfException("out of args for '$->sym'", args);
string str;
if (args.cdr.isNil) {
// one arg
str =!string(;
} else {
// many args
import std.array : appender;
if (args is null) return cast(Cell)(new CellStr(""));
auto ap = appender!string;
while (!args.isNil) {
args = cast(CellCons)args.cdr;
str =;
switch (str) {
case "#nil": return Cell.cnil;
case "#t": return Cell.ctrue;
case "#f": return Cell.cfalse;
case "#eof": return Cell.ceof;
default: return cast(Cell)(new CellSym(str));
this["$length"] = (string s) => s.length;
// predicates
this["nil?"] = (Milf eng, Cell arg) => Cell.from!bool(arg.isNil);
this["number?"] = (Milf eng, Cell arg) => Cell.from!bool(cast(CellNum)arg !is null);
this["string?"] = (Milf eng, Cell arg) => Cell.from!bool(cast(CellStr)arg !is null);
this["symbol?"] = (Milf eng, Cell arg) => Cell.from!bool(cast(CellSym)arg !is null);
this["primitive?"] = (Milf eng, Cell arg) => Cell.from!bool(cast(CellPrimitive)arg !is null);
this["lambda?"] = (Milf eng, Cell arg) => Cell.from!bool(cast(CellLambda)arg !is null);
this["cons?"] = (Milf eng, Cell arg) => Cell.from!bool(cast(CellCons)arg !is null);
// misc
this["begin"] = (Milf eng, CellCons args) => eng.evalProg(args);
// exceptions (alike)
this["finally"] = (Milf eng, Cell fin, Cell action) {
scope(exit) eng.eval(fin);
return eng.eval(action);
this["throw"] = (Milf eng, Cell msg, Cell cell=null) {
if (false) return Cell.cnil; // set return type
throw new MilfException(msg.toNakedString, cell);
// flow control
this["return"] = (Milf eng, Cell res=null) {
if (false) return Cell.cnil; // set return type
throw new MilfReturnException(res);
this["break"] = (Milf eng, Cell res=null) {
if (false) return Cell.cnil; // set return type
throw new MilfBreakContException(true, res);
this["continue"] = (Milf eng, Cell res=null) {
if (false) return Cell.cnil; // set return type
throw new MilfBreakContException(false, res);
// loops
this[" while"] = (Milf eng, CellCons args) {
auto len = Cell.listLength(args);
if (len == Cell.BadList || len < 2) throw new MilfException("invalid arglist for 'while'");
auto cond =;
auto funBody = args.cdr;
auto res = Cell.cnil;
bool done = false;
while (!done) {
if (!eng.eval(cond).isTrue) break;
try {
res = eng.evalProg(args);
} catch (MilfBreakContException e) {
res = e.cell;
done = (e.isBreak);
return res;
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
// parsed
class CellPrimParsed : CellPrimitive {
this (bool aIsMacro) { super(aIsMacro); }
override Cell execute (Milf eng, CellCons args) {
if (!isMacro) args = eng.evalArgs(args);
return Cell.cnil;
// this is "primitive with preparsed arglist"
private class CellPrimParsedX(T, Defs...) : CellPrimParsed {
T dg;
this(T) (bool aismacro, T adg) { super(aismacro); dg = adg; }
override Cell execute (Milf eng, CellCons args) {
if (!isMacro) args = eng.evalArgs(args);
if (dg is null) return Cell.cnil;
import std.traits : ParameterTypeTuple, ReturnType;
// prepare arguments
ParameterTypeTuple!T arguments;
foreach (idx, ref arg; arguments) {
// populate arguments, with user data if available,
// default if not, and throw if no argument provided
alias argType = typeof(arg);
static if (idx == 0) {
// always Milf
arg = eng;
} else {
if (!args.isNil) {
// always cell-like
arg = cast(argType);
if (arg is null) {
import std.conv : to;
throw new MilfException("Required argument #"~to!string(idx)~" is of invalid type.");
args = cast(CellCons)args.cdr;
} else {
// no more args, allow defaults
static if (!is(Defs[idx] == void)) {
arg = Defs[idx];
} else {
import std.conv : to;
throw new MilfException("Required argument #"~to!string(idx)~" is missing.");
if (!args.isNil) throw new MilfException("too many args");
// call function, convert return type
static if (is(ReturnType!T == void)) {
return Cell.cnil;
} else {
return dg(arguments);
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
class CellPrimBoxed : CellPrimitive {
this (bool aIsMacro) { super(aIsMacro); }
override Cell execute (Milf eng, CellCons args) {
if (!isMacro) args = eng.evalArgs(args);
return Cell.cnil;
private class CellPrimBoxedX(T, Defs...) : CellPrimBoxed {
T dg;
this(T) (bool aismacro, T adg) { super(aismacro); dg = adg; }
override Cell execute (Milf eng, CellCons args) {
if (!isMacro) args = eng.evalArgs(args);
if (dg is null) return Cell.cnil;
import std.traits : ParameterTypeTuple, ReturnType;
// prepare arguments
ParameterTypeTuple!T arguments;
foreach (idx, ref arg; arguments) {
// populate arguments, with user data if available,
// default if not, and throw if no argument provided
alias argType = typeof(arg);
static if (idx == 0 && is(argType : Milf)) {
arg = eng;
} else {
if (!args.isNil) {
static if (is(argType == Cell)) {
arg =;
} else {
arg =!argType(;
args = cast(CellCons)args.cdr;
} else {
static if (!is(Defs[idx] == void)) {
arg = Defs[idx];
} else {
import std.conv : to;
throw new MilfException("Required argument #"~to!string(idx)~" is missing.");
if (!args.isNil) throw new MilfException("too many args");
// call function, convert return type
alias retType = ReturnType!T;
static if (is(retType == void)) {
return Cell.cnil;
} else {
auto res = dg(arguments);
static if (is(retType == Cell)) {
return res;
} else {
return Cell.from(res);
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