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Created November 20, 2021 12:45
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FSA based lexer for Vox
import std.stdio;
import std.format;
// First attribute goes into IN_TOKEN table
enum State : ubyte {
// intermediate states
@(1) i_invalid,
@(1) i_id1, // _a-zA-Z
@(1) i_id2, // _a-zA-Z0-9
@(1) i_dig1_0, // 0
@(1) i_dig2, // 1-9_
@(1) i_dig2_b, // bB
@(1) i_dig2_x, // xX
@(1) i_dig3_bin, // _
@(1) i_dig4_bin, // 01_
@(1) i_dig3_hex, // _
@(1) i_dig4_hex, // 0-9A-Fa-f_
@(1) i_and, // &
@(1) i_and2, // &&
@(1) i_and_eq, // &=
@(1) i_at, // @
@(1) i_backslash, // \
@(1) i_colon, // :
@(1) i_comma, // ,
@(1) i_dot, // .
@(1) i_dot2, // ..
@(1) i_dot3, // ...
@(1) i_eq, // =
@(1) i_eq2, // ==
@(1) i_more, // >
@(1) i_more_eq, // >=
@(1) i_more2, // >>
@(1) i_more2_eq, // >>=
@(1) i_more3, // >>>
@(1) i_more3_eq, // >>>=
@(1) i_less, // <
@(1) i_less_eq, // <=
@(1) i_less2, // <<
@(1) i_less2_eq, // <<=
@(1) i_minus, // -
@(1) i_minus_eq, // -=
@(1) i_minus2, // --
@(1) i_not, // !
@(1) i_not_eq, // !=
@(1) i_or, // |
@(1) i_or_eq, // |=
@(1) i_or2, // ||
@(1) i_percent, // %
@(1) i_percent_eq, // %=
@(1) i_plus, // +
@(1) i_plus_eq, // +=
@(1) i_plus2, // ++
@(1) i_question, // ?
@(1) i_semicolon, // ;
@(1) i_slash, // /
@(1) i_slash2, // //
@(1) i_comment, // //\n or /**/
@(1) i_slash_star, // /*
@(1) i_slash_star2,// /*.*
@(1) i_slash_eq, // /=
@(1) i_star, // *
@(1) i_star_eq, // *=
@(1) i_tilde, // ~
@(1) i_tilde_eq, // ~=
@(1) i_xor, // ^
@(1) i_xor_eq, // ^=
@(1) i_quote2, // "
@(1) i_quote2_esc, // \
@(1) i_lit_string, // "
@(1) i_lparen, // (
@(1) i_rparen, // )
@(1) i_lbracket, // [
@(1) i_rbracket, // ]
@(1) i_lcurly, // {
@(1) i_rcurly, // }
@(0) i_start, // starting state
// final states
@(0) invalid,
@(0) id,
@(0) and, // &
@(0) and2, // &&
@(0) and_eq, // &=
@(0) at, // @
@(0) backslash, // \
@(0) colon, // :
@(0) comma, // ,
@(0) dot, // .
@(0) dot2, // ..
@(0) dot3, // ...
@(0) eq, // =
@(0) eq2, // ==
@(0) more, // >
@(0) more_eq, // >=
@(0) more2, // >>
@(0) more2_eq, // >>=
@(0) more3, // >>>
@(0) more3_eq, // >>>=
@(0) less, // <
@(0) less_eq, // <=
@(0) less2, // <<
@(0) less2_eq, // <<=
@(0) minus, // -
@(0) minus_eq, // -=
@(0) minus2, // --
@(0) not, // !
@(0) not_eq, // !=
@(0) or, // |
@(0) or_eq, // |=
@(0) or2, // ||
@(0) percent, // %
@(0) percent_eq, // %=
@(0) plus, // +
@(0) plus_eq, // +=
@(0) plus2, // ++
@(0) question, // ?
@(0) semicolon, // ;
@(0) slash, // /
@(0) slash_eq, // /=
@(0) star, // *
@(0) star_eq, // *=
@(0) tilde, // ~
@(0) tilde_eq, // ~=
@(0) xor, // ^
@(0) xor_eq, // ^=
@(0) lparen, // (
@(0) rparen, // )
@(0) lbracket, // [
@(0) rbracket, // ]
@(0) lcurly, // {
@(0) rcurly, // }
@(0) lit_int_dec, // 0|[1-9][0-9_]*
@(0) lit_int_hex, // ("0b"|"0B")[01_]+
@(0) lit_int_bin, // ("0x"|"0X")[0-9A-Fa-f_]+
@(1) lit_string, // ""
@(0) comment, // // /*
@(0) inval_comment,// /* EOI
@(1) eoi,
immutable IN_TOKEN = (){
ubyte[State.max+1] res;
foreach (i, m; __traits(allMembers, State)) {
res[i] = __traits(getAttributes, __traits(getMember, State, m))[0];
return res;
// Groups chars, so that state transition table is smaller
enum CharClass : ubyte {
space, // ' '\t
underscore, // _
letter, // a-zA-Z
letter_b, // bB
letter_x, // xX
letter_hex, // acdefACDEF
zero, // 0
one, // 1
digit, // 2-9
cr, // \r
lf, // \n
eoi, // \3
lparen, // (
rparen, // )
lbracket, // [
rbracket, // ]
lcurly, // {
rcurly, // }
and, // &
eq, // =
at, // @
backslash, // \
colon, // :
comma, // ,
dot, // .
more, // >
less, // <
minus, // -
not, // !
dollar, // $
hash, // #
or, // |
percent, // %
plus, // +
question, // ?
semicolon, // ;
slash, // /
star, // *
tilde, // ~
xor, // ^
quote, // '
quote2, // "
immutable CHAR_TO_CLASS = (){
CharClass[256] table;
table[' '] =;
table['\t'] =;
table['_'] = CharClass.underscore;
table['a'..'z'+1] = CharClass.letter;
table['A'..'Z'+1] = CharClass.letter;
table['a'..'f'+1] = CharClass.letter_hex;
table['A'..'F'+1] = CharClass.letter_hex;
table['b'] = CharClass.letter_b;
table['B'] = CharClass.letter_b;
table['x'] = CharClass.letter_x;
table['X'] = CharClass.letter_x;
table['0'] =;
table['1'] =;
table['2'..'9'+1] = CharClass.digit;
table['\r'] =;
table['\n'] = CharClass.lf;
table['\3'] = CharClass.eoi;
table['('] = CharClass.lparen;
table[')'] = CharClass.rparen;
table['['] = CharClass.lbracket;
table[']'] = CharClass.rbracket;
table['{'] = CharClass.lcurly;
table['}'] = CharClass.rcurly;
table['&'] = CharClass.and;
table['='] = CharClass.eq;
table['@'] =;
table['\\'] = CharClass.backslash;
table[':'] = CharClass.colon;
table[','] = CharClass.comma;
table['.'] =;
table['>'] = CharClass.more;
table['<'] = CharClass.less;
table['-'] = CharClass.minus;
table['!'] = CharClass.not;
table['$'] = CharClass.dollar;
table['#'] = CharClass.hash;
table['|'] = CharClass.or;
table['%'] = CharClass.percent;
table['+'] =;
table['?'] = CharClass.question;
table[';'] = CharClass.semicolon;
table['/'] = CharClass.slash;
table['*'] =;
table['~'] = CharClass.tilde;
table['^'] = CharClass.xor;
table['\''] = CharClass.quote;
table['"'] = CharClass.quote2;
return table;
pragma(msg, typeof(NEXT_STATE));
immutable NEXT_STATE = (){
State[CharClass.max+1][State.i_start+1] table;
void all(State from, State to) {
table[from][] = to;
void only(State from, CharClass[] ch_classes, State to) {
foreach(CharClass ch_class; ch_classes)
table[from][ch_class] = to;
all(State.i_start, State.i_invalid);
all(State.i_invalid, State.invalid);
only(State.i_start, [CharClass.eoi], State.eoi);
only(State.i_start, [CharClass.underscore, CharClass.letter, CharClass.letter_b, CharClass.letter_x, CharClass.letter_hex], State.i_id1);
only(State.i_id1, [CharClass.underscore, CharClass.letter, CharClass.letter_b, CharClass.letter_x, CharClass.letter_hex,,, CharClass.digit], State.i_id2);
only(State.i_id2, [CharClass.underscore, CharClass.letter, CharClass.letter_b, CharClass.letter_x, CharClass.letter_hex,,, CharClass.digit], State.i_id2);
only(State.i_start, [CharClass.lparen], State.i_lparen);
all(State.i_lparen, State.lparen);
only(State.i_start, [CharClass.rparen], State.i_rparen);
all(State.i_rparen, State.rparen);
only(State.i_start, [CharClass.lbracket], State.i_lbracket);
all(State.i_lbracket, State.lbracket);
only(State.i_start, [CharClass.rbracket], State.i_rbracket);
all(State.i_rbracket, State.rbracket);
only(State.i_start, [CharClass.lcurly], State.i_lcurly);
all(State.i_lcurly, State.lcurly);
only(State.i_start, [CharClass.rcurly], State.i_rcurly);
all(State.i_rcurly, State.rcurly);
only(State.i_start, [CharClass.and], State.i_and);
all(State.i_and, State.and);
only(State.i_and, [CharClass.eq], State.i_and_eq);
all(State.i_and_eq, State.and_eq);
only(State.i_and, [CharClass.and], State.i_and2);
all(State.i_and2, State.and2);
only(State.i_start, [], State.i_at);
only(State.i_start, [CharClass.backslash], State.i_backslash);
all(State.i_backslash, State.backslash);
only(State.i_start, [CharClass.colon], State.i_colon);
all(State.i_colon, State.colon);
only(State.i_start, [CharClass.comma], State.i_comma);
all(State.i_comma, State.comma);
only(State.i_start, [], State.i_dot);
only(State.i_dot, [], State.i_dot2);
all(State.i_dot2, State.dot2);
only(State.i_dot2, [], State.i_dot3);
all(State.i_dot3, State.dot3);
only(State.i_start, [CharClass.eq], State.i_eq);
all(State.i_eq, State.eq);
only(State.i_eq, [CharClass.eq], State.i_eq2);
all(State.i_eq2, State.eq2);
only(State.i_start, [CharClass.more], State.i_more);
all(State.i_more, State.more);
only(State.i_more, [CharClass.more], State.i_more2);
all(State.i_more2, State.more2);
only(State.i_more, [CharClass.eq], State.i_more_eq);
all(State.i_more_eq, State.more_eq);
only(State.i_more2, [CharClass.more], State.i_more3);
all(State.i_more3, State.more3);
only(State.i_more2, [CharClass.eq], State.i_more2_eq);
all(State.i_more2_eq, State.more2_eq);
only(State.i_more3, [CharClass.eq], State.i_more3_eq);
all(State.i_more3_eq, State.more3_eq);
only(State.i_start, [CharClass.less], State.i_less);
all(State.i_less, State.less);
only(State.i_less, [CharClass.less], State.i_less2);
all(State.i_less2, State.less2);
only(State.i_less, [CharClass.eq], State.i_less_eq);
all(State.i_less_eq, State.less_eq);
only(State.i_less2, [CharClass.eq], State.i_less2_eq);
all(State.i_less2_eq, State.less2_eq);
only(State.i_start, [CharClass.minus], State.i_minus);
all(State.i_minus, State.minus);
only(State.i_minus, [CharClass.minus], State.i_minus2);
all(State.i_minus2, State.minus2);
only(State.i_minus, [CharClass.eq], State.i_minus_eq);
all(State.i_minus_eq, State.minus_eq);
only(State.i_start, [], State.i_plus);
only(State.i_plus, [], State.i_plus2);
all(State.i_plus2, State.plus2);
only(State.i_plus, [CharClass.eq], State.i_plus_eq);
all(State.i_plus_eq, State.plus_eq);
only(State.i_start, [CharClass.or], State.i_or);
all(State.i_or, State.or);
only(State.i_or, [CharClass.or], State.i_or2);
all(State.i_or2, State.or2);
only(State.i_or, [CharClass.eq], State.i_or_eq);
all(State.i_or_eq, State.or_eq);
only(State.i_start, [CharClass.not], State.i_not);
all(State.i_not, State.not);
only(State.i_not, [CharClass.eq], State.i_not_eq);
all(State.i_not_eq, State.not_eq);
only(State.i_start, [CharClass.percent], State.i_percent);
all(State.i_percent, State.percent);
only(State.i_percent, [CharClass.eq], State.i_percent_eq);
all(State.i_percent_eq, State.percent_eq);
only(State.i_start, [CharClass.question], State.i_question);
all(State.i_question, State.question);
only(State.i_start, [CharClass.slash], State.i_slash);
all(State.i_slash, State.slash);
only(State.i_slash, [CharClass.eq], State.i_slash_eq);
all(State.i_slash_eq, State.slash_eq);
only(State.i_slash, [CharClass.slash], State.i_slash2);
all(State.i_slash2, State.i_slash2);
only(State.i_slash2, [CharClass.lf], State.i_comment);
all(State.i_comment, State.comment);
only(State.i_slash, [], State.i_slash_star);
all(State.i_slash_star, State.i_slash_star);
only(State.i_slash_star, [], State.i_slash_star2);
only(State.i_slash_star, [CharClass.eoi], State.inval_comment);
all(State.i_slash_star2, State.i_slash_star);
only(State.i_slash_star2, [], State.i_slash_star2);
only(State.i_slash_star2, [CharClass.slash], State.i_comment);
only(State.i_slash_star2, [CharClass.eoi], State.inval_comment);
only(State.i_start, [CharClass.semicolon], State.i_semicolon);
all(State.i_semicolon, State.semicolon);
only(State.i_start, [], State.i_star);
only(State.i_star, [CharClass.eq], State.i_star_eq);
all(State.i_star_eq, State.star_eq);
only(State.i_start, [CharClass.tilde], State.i_tilde);
all(State.i_tilde, State.tilde);
only(State.i_tilde, [CharClass.eq], State.i_tilde_eq);
all(State.i_tilde_eq, State.tilde_eq);
only(State.i_start, [CharClass.xor], State.i_xor);
all(State.i_xor, State.xor);
only(State.i_xor, [CharClass.eq], State.i_xor_eq);
all(State.i_xor_eq, State.xor_eq);
only(State.i_start, [], State.i_dig1_0);
all(State.i_dig1_0, State.lit_int_dec);
only(State.i_dig1_0, [CharClass.letter_b], State.i_dig2_b);
all(State.i_dig2_b, State.invalid);
only(State.i_dig2_b, [,], State.i_dig4_bin);
all(State.i_dig4_bin, State.lit_int_bin);
only(State.i_dig4_bin, [,, CharClass.underscore], State.i_dig4_bin);
only(State.i_dig2_b, [CharClass.underscore], State.i_dig3_bin);
all(State.i_dig3_bin, State.invalid);
only(State.i_dig3_bin, [CharClass.underscore], State.i_dig3_bin);
only(State.i_dig3_bin, [,], State.i_dig4_bin);
only(State.i_dig1_0, [CharClass.letter_x], State.i_dig2_x);
all(State.i_dig2_x, State.invalid);
only(State.i_dig2_x, [,, CharClass.digit, CharClass.letter_b, CharClass.letter_hex], State.i_dig4_hex);
all(State.i_dig4_hex, State.lit_int_hex);
only(State.i_dig4_hex, [,, CharClass.digit, CharClass.letter_b, CharClass.letter_hex, CharClass.underscore], State.i_dig4_hex);
only(State.i_dig2_x, [CharClass.underscore], State.i_dig3_hex);
all(State.i_dig3_hex, State.invalid);
only(State.i_dig3_hex, [CharClass.underscore], State.i_dig3_hex);
only(State.i_dig3_hex, [,, CharClass.digit, CharClass.letter_b, CharClass.letter_hex], State.i_dig4_hex);
only(State.i_start, [, CharClass.digit], State.i_dig2);
all(State.i_dig2, State.lit_int_dec);
only(State.i_dig2, [,, CharClass.digit, CharClass.underscore], State.i_dig2);
only(State.i_start, [,, CharClass.lf], State.i_start);
only(State.i_start, [CharClass.quote2], State.i_quote2);
all(State.i_quote2, State.i_quote2);
only(State.i_quote2, [CharClass.backslash], State.i_quote2_esc);
all(State.i_quote2_esc, State.i_quote2);
only(State.i_quote2, [CharClass.quote2], State.i_lit_string);
all(State.i_lit_string, State.lit_string);
only(State.i_quote2, [CharClass.eoi], State.invalid);
only(State.i_quote2_esc, [CharClass.eoi], State.invalid);
State[256][State.i_start+1] table2;
foreach(stateIndex, ref row; table) {
foreach(classIndex, State state; row) {
foreach(charIndex, CharClass cl; CHAR_TO_CLASS) {
if (cl == classIndex) {
table2[stateIndex][charIndex] = state;
State[128][256] table3;
foreach(i, ref row; table2) {
foreach(j, cell; row) {
table3[j][i] = cell;
return table3;
struct Token {
uint start;
uint end;
uint line;
uint col;
State tok;
const(char)[] getTokenString(const(char)[] input) pure const {
return input[start..end];
void toString(scope void delegate(const(char)[]) sink) const {
sink.formattedWrite("line %s col %s start %s end %s len %s %s", line+1, col+1, start, end, end-start, tok);
struct Lexer
const(char)[] input;
uint position;
uint line;
uint column;
Token nextToken() {
uint curPosition = position;
uint curLine = line;
uint curColumn = column;
// skip whitespace
char ch = input[curPosition];
if (ch == ' ' || ch == '\t' || ch == '\r') {
} else if (ch == '\n') {
curColumn = 0;
} else {
// store token position
uint startPos = curPosition;
uint startLine = curLine;
uint startCol = curColumn;
State state = State.i_start;
char ch = input[curPosition];
state = NEXT_STATE[ch][state];
if (state > State.i_start) break;
if (ch == '\n') {
curColumn = 0;
} else {
position = curPosition;
line = curLine;
column = curColumn;
return Token(startPos, curPosition, startLine, startCol, state);
void test() {
string source1 = "[](){}aaa _ a A _0 a0 A0 _1 a1 A1 _a aa Aa _A aA AA && & &= @ \\ : , . .. ... = == > >= >> >>= >>> >>>= < <= << <<= - -= -- ! != | |= || % %= + += ++ ? ; / /= // comment \r\n /**/ /***/ * *= ~ ~= ^ ^= \r\n \3";
string source2 = "/**\3";
string source3 = "/*\3";
string source4 = "0 1 1_ 0x 0x_ 0x0 0x_0 0x0_ 0b 0b_ 0b0 0b_0 0b0_ 0xfff 0x_fff \3";
string source5 = "\n//\r\na\3";
string source6 = "/*\n*/\3";
string source7 = "\"\" \"\\\"\" \"\n\"" ~ "\3";
string source8 = "\"\3";
string source9 = "\"\\\3";
string source10 = "0x_fff\3";
auto sources = [source1, source2, source3, source4, source5, source6, source7, source8, source9, source10];
//auto sources = [source10];
foreach(source; sources) {
auto lexer = Lexer(source);
while (true) {
auto tok = lexer.nextToken;
writefln("%s %s", tok, tok.getTokenString(source));
if (tok.tok == State.eoi) break;
size_t total_bytes;
size_t sm;
string source_code;
void test_bench() {
total_bytes += source_code.length;
auto lexer = Lexer(source_code);
auto tok = lexer.nextToken;
while (tok.tok != State.eoi) {
//if (tok.tok == State.invalid) {
// writefln("%s %s", tok, tok.getTokenString(source_code));
sm += tok.tok;
//writefln("%s %s", tok, source_code[tok.from..tok.from+tok.length]);
//writefln("%s", total_bytes);
tok = lexer.nextToken;
void bench() {
import std.datetime.stopwatch;
import std.file : readText;
//source_code = readText!(string)("types.vx") ~ '\3';
//source_code = readText!(string)("fannkuch100000.vx") ~ '\3';
source_code = readText!(string)("fib1000000.vx") ~ '\3';
writefln("%s", source_code.length);
total_bytes = 0;
auto r = benchmark!(test_bench)(100);
double seconds = r[0].total!"nsecs" / 1_000_000_000.0;
auto bps = total_bytes / seconds;
writefln("lexed = %sB in %ss (%sB/s) - %s", scaledNumberFmt(total_bytes), scaledNumberFmt(seconds), scaledNumberFmt(bps), sm);
void main() {
import core.time : Duration;
/// Use 'i' format char to get binary prefixes (like Ki, instead of K), only for integers
/// Use '#' flag to get greek letter in the output (not compatible with 'i')
struct ScaledNumberFmt(T) {
import std.algorithm : min, max;
import std.format : formattedWrite, FormatSpec;
T value;
void toString(scope void delegate(const(char)[]) sink, const ref FormatSpec!char fmt) const {
if (fmt.spec == 'i') {
// Use binary prefixes instead of decimal prefixes
long intVal = cast(long)value;
int scale = calcScale2(intVal);
double scaledValue = scaled2(value, scale);
int digits = numDigitsInNumber10(scaledValue);
string prefix = scalePrefixesAscii[scaleToScaleIndex2(scale)]; // length is 1 or 0
int width = max(fmt.width - (cast(int)prefix.length * 2), 0); // account for 'i' prefix
int precision = max(min(3-digits, fmt.precision), 0); // gives 0 or 1
string fmtString = (scale == 0) ? "%*.*f%s" : "%*.*f%si";
sink.formattedWrite(fmtString, width, precision, scaledValue, prefix);
} else {
int scale = calcScale10(value);
auto scaledValue = scaled10(value, -scale);
int digits = numDigitsInNumber10(scaledValue);
immutable string[] prefixes = (fmt.flHash) ? scalePrefixesGreek : scalePrefixesAscii;
string prefix = prefixes[scaleToScaleIndex10(scale)]; // length is 1 or 0
int width = max(fmt.width - cast(int)prefix.length, 0);
int precision = max(min(3-digits, fmt.precision), 0); // gives 0 or 1
sink.formattedWrite("%*.*f%s", width, precision, scaledValue, prefix);
auto scaledNumberFmt(T)(T value) {
return ScaledNumberFmt!T(value);
auto scaledNumberFmt(Duration value, double scale = 1) {
double seconds =!"nsecs" / 1_000_000_000.0;
return ScaledNumberFmt!double(seconds * scale);
// -30 .. 30, with step of 3. Or -10 to 10 with step of 1
immutable string[] scalePrefixesAscii = ["q","r","y","z","a","f","p","n","u","m","","K","M","G","T","P","E","Z","Y","R","Q"];
immutable string[] scalePrefixesGreek = ["q","r","y","z","a","f","p","n","µ","m","","K","M","G","T","P","E","Z","Y","R","Q"];
enum MIN_SCALE_PREFIX = -30;
int numDigitsInNumber10(Num)(const Num val) {
import std.math: abs, round;
ulong absVal = cast(ulong)val.abs.round;
int numDigits = 1;
while (absVal >= 10) {
absVal /= 10;
return numDigits;
private int signum(T)(const T x) pure nothrow {
return (x > 0) - (x < 0);
/// Returns number in range of [-30; 30]
int calcScale10(Num)(Num val) {
import std.algorithm: clamp;
import std.math: abs, round, log10;
// cast to double is necessary in case of long.min, which overflows integral abs
auto lg = log10(abs(cast(double)val));
// handle very small values and zero
if (lg == -double.infinity) return 0;
double absLog = abs(lg);
int scale = cast(int)(round(absLog/3.0))*3;
int logSign = signum(lg);
int clampedScale = scale * logSign;
// we want
// 0.9994 to be formatted as 999m
// 0.9995 to be formatted as 1.0
// 0.9996 to be formatted as 1.0
if (abs(scaled10(val, -clampedScale)) < 0.9995) clampedScale -= 3;
if (clampedScale < MIN_SCALE_PREFIX)
clampedScale = 0; // prevent zero, or values smaller that min scale to display with min scale
else if (clampedScale > MAX_SCALE_PREFIX)
clampedScale = MAX_SCALE_PREFIX;
return clampedScale;
/// Returns number in range of [0; 100]
int calcScale2(Num)(Num val) {
import std.algorithm: clamp;
import std.math: abs, round, log2;
auto lg = log2(abs(val));
double absLog = abs(lg);
int scale = cast(int)(round(absLog/10.0))*10;
int logSign = signum(lg);
int clampedScale = scale * logSign;
// we want
// 0.9994 to be formatted as 999m
// 0.9995 to be formatted as 1.0
// 0.9996 to be formatted as 1.0
if (abs(scaled2(val, clampedScale)) < 0.9995) clampedScale -= 10;
if (clampedScale < 0)
clampedScale = 0; // negative scale should not happen for binary numbers
else if (clampedScale > MAX_SCALE_PREFIX)
clampedScale = MAX_SCALE_PREFIX;
return clampedScale;
int scaleToScaleIndex10(int scale) {
return scale / 3 + NUM_SCALE_PREFIXES; // -30...30 -> -10...10 -> 0...20
int scaleToScaleIndex2(int scale) {
return scale / 10 + NUM_SCALE_PREFIXES; // -100...100 -> -10...10 -> 0...20
double scaled10(Num)(Num num, int scale) {
import std.math: pow;
return num * pow(10.0, scale);
double scaled2(Num)(Num num, int scale) {
double divisor = 1 << scale;
return num / divisor;
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