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Created May 6, 2011 07:44
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//Build and load the design into an object
echo "Building staging design...";
$ddocstr = shell_exec('couchapp push --export');
$ddoc = json_decode($ddocstr);
$ddoc_staging = clone $ddoc;
$ddoc_staging->_id = "_design/couchapp_staging";
echo "done.\n";
//Create or overwrite the 'couchapp_staging' design doc.
echo "Uploading staging design...";
try { $ddoc_staging->_rev = $cc->getDoc("_design/couchapp_staging")->_rev; } catch (couchNotFoundException $e) {}
$ddoc_staging->_rev = $cc->storeDoc($ddoc_staging)->rev;
echo "done.\n";
//Trigger a rebuild
$t = time();
echo "Rebuilding all views (this may take a long time, you can track progress in the futon status window) ... ";
$cc->getView('couchapp_staging', 'by_type');
echo "done. Elapsed time: ".(time()-$t)." seconds\n";
//Trigger a rebuild of the lucene views, too
echo "Rebuilding lucene views (this may take a long time, too) ... ";
$cc->getView('couchapp_staging', 'by_type');
$cc->getLuceneView('couchapp_staging', 'user', 'mark');
echo "done. Elapsed time: ".(time()-$t)." seconds\n";
//Push the new ddoc over the original 'couchapp' doc.
echo "Uploading production design...";
try { $ddoc->_rev = $cc->getDoc("_design/couchapp")->_rev; } catch (couchNotFoundException $e) {}
$ddoc->_rev = $cc->storeDoc($ddoc)->rev;
echo "done.\n";
//Verify that the production ddoc now follows the staging ddoc
echo "Checking view signatures...";
$info_staging = $cc->getDesignDocInfo('couchapp_staging');
$info = $cc->getDesignDocInfo('couchapp');
if ($info_staging->view_index->signature == $info->view_index->signature) {
echo "done. Both signatures are: ".$info->view_index->signature."\n";
} else {
echo "\nERROR! Staging signature (".$info_staging->view_index->signature.") does not match production signature (".$info->view_index->signature.")\n";
echo "You may need to manually test and fix the production design document.\n"; die;
//Check that the production views build immediately.
$t = time();
echo "Testing a production view (this should be immediate) ...";
$cc->getView('couchapp', 'by_type');
echo "done. Elapsed time: ".(time()-$t)." seconds\n";
$t = time();
echo "Testing a production lucene view (this should be immediate) ...";
$cc->getLuceneView('couchapp', 'user', 'mark');
echo "done. Elapsed time: ".(time()-$t)." seconds\n";
$t = time();
echo "[DEBUGGING] Testing a production lucene view again (this should be immediate) ...";
$cc->getLuceneView('couchapp', 'user', 'mark');
echo "done. Elapsed time: ".(time()-$t)." seconds\n";
echo "Removing staging design...";
echo "done.\n";
echo "Removing unused view output...";
echo "done.\n";
echo "Operation complete:\n";
echo " The db design has been updated to CGM API Version v".$ddoc->cgm_api_version.".\n";
echo " The db design doc rev is ".$ddoc->_rev."\n";
echo "\n";
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