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Created June 30, 2018 21:08
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MaterializeCSS Tooltip - Color Option
(function ($) {
$.fn.tooltip = function (options) {
var timeout = null,
margin = 5;
// Defaults
var defaults = {
delay: 350,
tooltip: '',
position: 'bottom',
html: false,
colorclass: '',
// Remove tooltip from the activator
if (options === "remove") {
this.each(function () {
$('#' + $(this).attr('data-tooltip-id')).remove();
$(this).off('mouseenter.tooltip mouseleave.tooltip');
return false;
options = $.extend(defaults, options);
return this.each(function () {
var tooltipId = Materialize.guid();
var origin = $(this);
// Destroy old tooltip
if (origin.attr('data-tooltip-id')) {
$('#' + origin.attr('data-tooltip-id')).remove();
origin.attr('data-tooltip-id', tooltipId);
// Get attributes.
var allowHtml, tooltipDelay, tooltipPosition, tooltipText, tooltipEl, backdrop, tooltipColorclass;
var setAttributes = function () {
allowHtml = origin.attr('data-html') ? origin.attr('data-html') === 'true' : options.html;
tooltipDelay = origin.attr('data-delay');
tooltipDelay = tooltipDelay === undefined || tooltipDelay === '' ? options.delay : tooltipDelay;
tooltipPosition = origin.attr('data-position');
tooltipPosition = tooltipPosition === undefined || tooltipPosition === '' ? options.position : tooltipPosition;
tooltipText = origin.attr('data-tooltip');
tooltipText = tooltipText === undefined || tooltipText === '' ? options.tooltip : tooltipText;
tooltipColorclass = origin.attr('data-colorclass');
tooltipColorclass = tooltipColorclass === undefined || tooltipColorclass === '' ? options.colorclass : tooltipColorclass;
var renderTooltipEl = function () {
var tooltip = $('<div class="material-tooltip"></div>');
// Create Text span
if (allowHtml) {
tooltipText = $('<span></span>').html(tooltipText);
} else {
tooltipText = $('<span></span>').text(tooltipText);
// Create tooltip
tooltip.append(tooltipText).appendTo($('body')).attr('id', tooltipId);
// Create backdrop
backdrop = $('<div class="backdrop '+tooltipColorclass+'"></div>');
return tooltip;
tooltipEl = renderTooltipEl();
// Destroy previously binded events'mouseenter.tooltip mouseleave.tooltip');
// Mouse In
var started = false,
origin.on({ 'mouseenter.tooltip': function (e) {
var showTooltip = function () {
started = true;
tooltipEl.css({ visibility: 'visible', left: '0px', top: '0px' });
// Tooltip positioning
var originWidth = origin.outerWidth();
var originHeight = origin.outerHeight();
var tooltipHeight = tooltipEl.outerHeight();
var tooltipWidth = tooltipEl.outerWidth();
var tooltipVerticalMovement = '0px';
var tooltipHorizontalMovement = '0px';
var backdropOffsetWidth = backdrop[0].offsetWidth;
var backdropOffsetHeight = backdrop[0].offsetHeight;
var scaleXFactor = 8;
var scaleYFactor = 8;
var scaleFactor = 0;
var targetTop, targetLeft, newCoordinates;
if (tooltipPosition === "top") {
// Top Position
targetTop = origin.offset().top - tooltipHeight - margin;
targetLeft = origin.offset().left + originWidth / 2 - tooltipWidth / 2;
newCoordinates = repositionWithinScreen(targetLeft, targetTop, tooltipWidth, tooltipHeight);
tooltipVerticalMovement = '-10px';
bottom: 0,
left: 0,
borderRadius: '14px 14px 0 0',
transformOrigin: '50% 100%',
marginTop: tooltipHeight,
marginLeft: tooltipWidth / 2 - backdropOffsetWidth / 2
// Left Position
else if (tooltipPosition === "left") {
targetTop = origin.offset().top + originHeight / 2 - tooltipHeight / 2;
targetLeft = origin.offset().left - tooltipWidth - margin;
newCoordinates = repositionWithinScreen(targetLeft, targetTop, tooltipWidth, tooltipHeight);
tooltipHorizontalMovement = '-10px';
top: '-7px',
right: 0,
width: '14px',
height: '14px',
borderRadius: '14px 0 0 14px',
transformOrigin: '95% 50%',
marginTop: tooltipHeight / 2,
marginLeft: tooltipWidth
// Right Position
else if (tooltipPosition === "right") {
targetTop = origin.offset().top + originHeight / 2 - tooltipHeight / 2;
targetLeft = origin.offset().left + originWidth + margin;
newCoordinates = repositionWithinScreen(targetLeft, targetTop, tooltipWidth, tooltipHeight);
tooltipHorizontalMovement = '+10px';
top: '-7px',
left: 0,
width: '14px',
height: '14px',
borderRadius: '0 14px 14px 0',
transformOrigin: '5% 50%',
marginTop: tooltipHeight / 2,
marginLeft: '0px'
} else {
// Bottom Position
targetTop = origin.offset().top + origin.outerHeight() + margin;
targetLeft = origin.offset().left + originWidth / 2 - tooltipWidth / 2;
newCoordinates = repositionWithinScreen(targetLeft, targetTop, tooltipWidth, tooltipHeight);
tooltipVerticalMovement = '+10px';
top: 0,
left: 0,
marginLeft: tooltipWidth / 2 - backdropOffsetWidth / 2
// Set tooptip css placement
top: newCoordinates.y,
left: newCoordinates.x
// Calculate Scale to fill
scaleXFactor = Math.SQRT2 * tooltipWidth / parseInt(backdropOffsetWidth);
scaleYFactor = Math.SQRT2 * tooltipHeight / parseInt(backdropOffsetHeight);
scaleFactor = Math.max(scaleXFactor, scaleYFactor);
tooltipEl.velocity({ translateY: tooltipVerticalMovement, translateX: tooltipHorizontalMovement }, { duration: 350, queue: false }).velocity({ opacity: 1 }, { duration: 300, delay: 50, queue: false });
backdrop.css({ visibility: 'visible' }).velocity({ opacity: 1 }, { duration: 55, delay: 0, queue: false }).velocity({ scaleX: scaleFactor, scaleY: scaleFactor }, { duration: 300, delay: 0, queue: false, easing: 'easeInOutQuad' });
timeoutRef = setTimeout(showTooltip, tooltipDelay); // End Interval
// Mouse Out
'mouseleave.tooltip': function () {
// Reset State
started = false;
// Animate back
setTimeout(function () {
if (started !== true) {
opacity: 0, translateY: 0, translateX: 0 }, { duration: 225, queue: false });
backdrop.velocity({ opacity: 0, scaleX: 1, scaleY: 1 }, {
duration: 225,
queue: false,
complete: function () {
backdrop.css({ visibility: 'hidden' });
tooltipEl.css({ visibility: 'hidden' });
started = false;
}, 225);
var repositionWithinScreen = function (x, y, width, height) {
var newX = x;
var newY = y;
if (newX < 0) {
newX = 4;
} else if (newX + width > window.innerWidth) {
newX -= newX + width - window.innerWidth;
if (newY < 0) {
newY = 4;
} else if (newY + height > window.innerHeight + $(window).scrollTop) {
newY -= newY + height - window.innerHeight;
return { x: newX, y: newY };
$(document).ready(function () {
Example of use:
<a class="btn" tooltipped="true" data-position="bottom" data-delay="50" data-tooltip="hiddenMessage" data-colorclass="red">ClickMe!</a>
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