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Last active March 3, 2024 21:48
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git-reset: The different ways to use git-reset

git-reset: The different ways to use git-reset

### reset HEAD to a specified submit, and DISCARD the changes of the submit
# [ ✅ reset HEAD, ❌ stage changes(git add), ❌ keep workspace changes ]
git reset --hard <SUBMIT_CODE>

### reset HEAD to a specified submit, and KEEP the changes of the submit being staged(git add)
# [ ✅ reset HEAD, ✅ stage changes(git add), ❌ keep workspace changes ]
git reset --soft <SUBMIT_CODE>

### reset changes to be unstaged(NOT git add)
# [ ❌ reset HEAD, ❌ stage changes(git add), ✅ keep workspace changes ]
git reset <FILE_PATH>
# unstage all
git reset

### force push local change to remote
git push -f
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