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Forked from slice/
Last active March 24, 2017 04:29
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  • Save Mstrodl/7ee193824c99050e557a26d362053b76 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Mstrodl/7ee193824c99050e557a26d362053b76 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Run this script in the background. A log file will be created at /b1n.log. Because we need to do this line by line, echo and log instructions should be left out since those are only for debugging. Define the functions too, but make it on one line like this: NAME() { BLAH }. Remember to leave out all log instructions and leave out >$LOG 2>&1.
echo "script will launch in background"
echo "cat /b1n.log to see progress"
# the log file we will be using
echo "*** $(date) script begin ***" > $LOG
log() {
echo "$*" >> $LOG
run_task() {
# runs a task
log "run_task: $*"
$* >$LOG 2>&1
rmfv() {
log "rm -fv: $*"
rm -fv $* >>$LOG
inst() {
log "--- apt install: $*"
apt install -f -y $*
# stage 1: remove dangerous executables that may
# harm the system
log "--- removing dangerous executables"
log "- removing filesystem commands"
rmfv /sbin/mkfs* /sbin/fsck* /sbin/wipefs
log "- removing shutdown commands"
rmfv /sbin/{halt,shutdown,reboot,poweroff}
log "- removing destruction commands"
rmfv /bin/{dd,umount}
# step 2: apt
log "--- apt: updating, this will take a while"
apt update >/dev/null 2>&1
# step 2.1: install stuff
inst build-essential unzip
inst software-properties-common
# step 2.2: xerus
add-apt-repository ppa:mc3man/xerus-media -y
log "--- apt: update"
apt update >/dev/null 2>&1
xerus_pkgs="git ffmpeg libopus-dev libffi-dev libsodium-dev python3-pip"
inst $xerus_pkgs
log "--- apt: upgrade"
apt upgrade -y >/dev/null 2>&1
# step 2.3: ca-certificates
inst ca-certificates
log "--- updating certs"
update-ca-certificates >$LOG 2>&1
# step 3: music bot
log "--- cloning bot"
cd /
git clone $MUSICBOT_CLONEURL mb -b master >$LOG 2>&1
cd mb
# step 3.1: configure
MB_OWNER_ID="196769986071625728" # b1nzy
log "--- updating pip"
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip >$LOG 2>&1
log "--- installing requirements for music bot"
log " this will take a while"
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt >$LOG 2>&1
log "--- configing bot"
cd config # pwd = /mb/config
cp -v example_options.ini options.ini >$LOG 2>&1
sed -i "s/bot_token/$FOX_TOKEN/g" options.ini
sed -i "s/000000000000000000/$MB_OWNER_ID/g" options.ini
sed -i "s/UseAutoPlaylist = yes/UseAutoPlaylist = no/g" options.ini
# step 3.2: run the bot
cd /mb
echo ":)" > /finished
python3.5 >$LOG 2>&1
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