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Created December 22, 2021 14:45
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Simple glob wrapper for terser, to minify every file in folder, works on windows
* minify all files matched by given glob pattern through terser. Requires `glob` to be installed:
* npm i glob --save-dev
* Place the scripts in your projects scripts folder, then add it to your package.json's scripts like this
* "mterser": "node scripts/mterser.js --glob dist/umd/*.js --compress --mangle --comments false",
* and run it by calling `npm run mterser`. A `terser` npm script should also be available, see `--terser-cmd` below.
* Options
* --glob required glob pattern to match source files
* --terser-cmd optional defaults to `npm run terser`. The npm script should exist and simple call "terser".
* --dryrun optional Will only display the terser commands that are generated
* --outdir optional When given, this is the folder that the generated files are placed in
* By default the minified filenames have `.min` inserted before the final `.js` extension. To change that behaviour,
* modify the minifiedFilename and isFileMinified functions below.
let terserOptions = [],
outDir = null,
dryRun = false,
terserCommand = 'npm run terser';
const glob = require('glob'),
{exec} = require('child_process'),
terserOptionShortCuts = {
"-V": "--version",
"-p": "--parse",
"-c": "--compress",
"-m": "--mangle",
"-f": "--format",
"-o": "--output",
"-d": "--define",
"-e": "--enclose"
expandOptionName = option => option in terserOptionShortCuts ? terserOptionShortCuts[option] : option,
isOption = string => string.slice(0, 2) === '--',
type = string => /^true|false$/.test(string) ? string === 'true' : /^\d+$/.test(string) ? parseInt(string, 10) : string,
minifiedFilename = filename => filename.replace(/\.js$/, '.min.js'),
isFileMinified = filename => /\.min\.js$/.test(filename),
args = process.argv.slice(2),
terminator = '_____END_____';
args.reduce((previous, current) => {
if (previous && isOption(expandOptionName(previous))) {
const option = expandOptionName(previous);
if (option === '--glob') {
globPattern = current;
} else if (option === '--outdir') {
outDir = current;
} else if (option === '--terser-cmd') {
terserCommand = current;
} else if (option === '--dryrun') {
dryRun = true;
} else {
if (!isOption(expandOptionName(current)) && current !== terminator) {
return current;
}, null);
if (dryRun) {
console.log('DRY RUN:');
glob(globPattern, {}, (error, files) => {
if (error) {
return console.log(`glob error : ${error}`);
files.forEach(file => {
let input = file,
output = minifiedFilename(file),
options = [...terserOptions];
if (outDir) {
output = (outDir + '/' + output.split('/').pop()).replace(/\/{2,}/g, '/');
if (isFileMinified(file)) {
return console.log(`skipping: ${file}`);
if (dryRun) {
return console.log(options.join(' '));
exec(options.join(' '));
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