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Last active September 20, 2023 03:39
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Customizable Segment Tree Template in an STD-similar way

Muaath's Segment Tree Template

This is a customizable segment tree class that supports lazy propagation, in an STD-similar way.

Version: 2.2

Last commit: Fix styling

What's new?

  • Fixing the lazy update
  • Optimizations for lazy update
  • Adding overloads that doesn't need range
  • Adding time in tests


#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Put the segment tree templete code here..
using namespace alg;

segment_tree<int, merge_min> st;

// Solution for RMQ problem
int main() {
    int n, q;
    cin >> n;
    for (int i = 0; i < n; cin >> st.values[i++]);;
    cin >> q;
    while (q--) {
        int l, r;
        cin >> l >> r;
        l--, r--; // Zero based
        cout << st.get(l, r) << '\n';


  • Adding compare function for binary_search
  • Optimizing the update_util & get_util, by making it iterative instead of recursive.



alg::segment_tree<Type, MergeFunc, UpdateType, LazyUpdate, ExpandLazy> NAME;

  • Type: For example (int, long long)
  • MergeFunc: A function that should merge two types (there is predefined ones like merge_sum, merge_max)
  • UpdateType: The type that stores the update for a segement (could be int, or a custom struct that you define)
  • LazyUpdate: Update a value of a segment depending on an UpdateType. in the form of Type LazyUpdate(Type x, UpdateType upd)
  • ExpandLazy: Getting the UpdateType from a big segment into smaller segment. in the form of UpdateType ExpandLazy(UpdateType cur, UpdateType prev)


  • int size(): Returns size of the array values
  • void resize(int sz): Resize the array values
  • void clear(): Clear the segment tree, lazy, and values
  • void set_out(Type out): The default value that shouldn't affect the merge function (for example: INT_MIN in case of finding the maximum)
  • void set_out_update(UpdType out): The value that shouldn't be applied when lazy update runs (The value of lazy[node] if there is no update should be applied on node)
  • int binary_search(int k): Returns index of first element which has get() >= k
  • Type get(range q): Returns the merge function of the range. O(log2(size()))
  • void build(): Builds the segment tree. O(size())
  • void update(int idx, Type value): Updates a value in the array & segment tree. O(log2(size()))
  • void lazy_update(range q, UpdType value): Updates a range. O(log2(size()))


maxST = 2e5+1 Edit this constant to edit the size of the tree


  • The ranges must be zero based
  • Use the namespace alg
  • Use set_out and set_out_update before resize
  • Don't forget to use build
  • Edit maxST if you will use a segment tree with a bigger size
  • You can use range structure


#include <algorithm>
namespace alg {
using std::max;
using std::min;
//using std::cin;
const int maxST = 2e5 + 1;
struct range {
range(int idx) : left(idx), right(idx) {}
range(int l, int r) : left(l), right(r) {}
int left, right;
int size() { return right - left + 1; }
int mid() { return (left + right) / 2; }
//inline void input() { std::cin >> left >> right; }
bool out(range q) {
return (q.left > right || q.right < left);
bool contains(range q) {
return (left <= q.left && q.right <= right);
range lhalf() { return range(left, mid()); }
range rhalf() { return range(mid() + 1, right); }
template<class Type, class _UpdTy>
Type lazy_increment(Type original, _UpdTy update, range r)
return original + update;
template<class Type, class _UpdTy>
Type lazy_set(Type original, _UpdTy update, range r)
return update;
template<class Type>
Type merge_sum(Type l, Type r)
return l + r;
template<class Type>
Type merge_max(Type l, Type r)
return max(l, r);
template<class Type>
Type merge_min(Type l, Type r)
return min(l, r);
template<class UpdType>
UpdType expand_lazy_inc(UpdType lazy, UpdType upd)
return lazy + upd;
template<class UpdType>
UpdType expand_lazy_set(UpdType lazy, UpdType upd)
return upd;
template <class Type = int,
Type merge(Type l, Type r) = merge_min,
class UpdType = int,
Type lazy_upd(Type original, UpdType update, range r) = lazy_increment,
UpdType expand_lazy(UpdType lazy, UpdType upd) = expand_lazy_inc
class segment_tree // version=2.2
segment_tree() {
use_lazy = false;
segment_tree(int sz) {
use_lazy = false;
Type values[maxST];
inline void clear()
for (int i = 0; i < maxST; i++)
values[i] = OUT;
for (int i = 0; i < 4 * maxST; i++) {
tree[i] = OUT;
lazy[i] = OUTUPD;
n = 0;
inline void resize(int sz)
n = sz;
inline void set_out(Type outside)
OUT = outside;
inline void set_out_update(UpdType outside)
OUTUPD = outside;
inline int size()
return n;
inline range all()
return range(0, n - 1);
inline void build()
inline Type get(range r)
return get_util(r, all());
inline Type get(int l, int r)
return get_util(range(l, r), all());
inline void update(int index, Type value)
update_util(index, value, all());
inline void lazy_update(int l, int r, UpdType value)
use_lazy = true;
lazy_update_util(range(l, r), all(), value);
inline void lazy_update(range r, UpdType value)
use_lazy = true;
lazy_update_util(r, all(), value);
// returns index of first element which has get() >= k, if there is no element it returns n-1
inline int binary_search(int k)
range rng = all();
int node = 1;
while (rng.size() > 1) {
node *= 2;
if (tree[node] >= k) {
rng = rng.lhalf();
else {
rng = rng.rhalf();
return rng.left;
int n;
bool use_lazy;
Type tree[4 * maxST], OUT;
UpdType lazy[4 * maxST], OUTUPD;
inline void expand_lazy_util(int pos, range arr)
if (lazy[pos] != OUTUPD) {
tree[pos] = lazy_upd(tree[pos], lazy[pos], arr);
if (arr.size() == 1) {
values[arr.left] = tree[pos];
else {
lazy[pos * 2] = expand_lazy(lazy[pos], lazy[pos * 2]);
lazy[pos * 2 + 1] = expand_lazy(lazy[pos], lazy[pos * 2 + 1]);
lazy[pos] = OUTUPD;
Type get_util(range q, range arr, int pos = 1)
if (use_lazy)
expand_lazy_util(pos, arr);
if (q.out(arr))
return OUT;
if (q.contains(arr))
return tree[pos];
Type c1 = get_util(q, arr.lhalf(), pos * 2);
Type c2 = get_util(q, arr.rhalf(), pos * 2 + 1);
return merge(c1, c2);
void lazy_update_util(range q, range arr, UpdType upd, int pos = 1)
expand_lazy_util(pos, arr);
if (q.out(arr)) return;
if (q.contains(arr))
lazy[pos] = expand_lazy(lazy[pos], upd);
expand_lazy_util(pos, arr);
lazy_update_util(q, arr.lhalf(), upd, pos * 2);
lazy_update_util(q, arr.rhalf(), upd, pos * 2 + 1);
tree[pos] = merge(tree[pos * 2], tree[pos * 2 + 1]);
void update_util(int idx, Type value, range arr, int pos = 1)
if (arr.left == arr.right)
values[arr.left] = value;
tree[pos] = values[arr.left];
if (idx <= arr.mid())
update_util(idx, value, arr.lhalf(), pos * 2);
update_util(idx, value, arr.rhalf(), pos * 2 + 1);
tree[pos] = merge(tree[pos * 2], tree[pos * 2 + 1]);
void build_util(range arr, int pos = 1)
if (arr.left == arr.right)
tree[pos] = values[arr.left];
build_util(arr.lhalf(), pos * 2);
build_util(arr.rhalf(), pos * 2 + 1);
tree[pos] = merge(tree[pos * 2], tree[pos * 2 + 1]);
} // namespace alg
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