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Last active May 31, 2023 04:42
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Airbyte Connection

This doc is a guide for launching a virtual machine (VM) and setting up Airbyte, a data integration platform.


Before getting started, ensure that you have the following:


Follow these steps to install Airbyte:

  1. Launch your VM instance.
  2. Install Docker on your VM by following the instructions provided [here](
  3. Clone the Airbyte repository by running the following command: [git clone](git clone
  4. Navigate to the cloned Airbyte directory:
  5. Follow the installation instructions provided in the Airbyte Quick Start guide.

Connecting Airbyte

To connect Airbyte with your browser, use the following command:

gcloud compute ssh --project "project_name" --zone "us-central1-a" <vm_name> -- -N -L 8000:localhost:8000

Replace "project_name" with your actual project name and <vm_name> with the name of your VM instance.


After completing the installation and connecting Airbyte, you can access Airbyte in your browser by visiting http://localhost:8000.

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