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Created May 1, 2024 13:43
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from openpyxl import load_workbook
# Load the workbook
workbook = load_workbook('areport.xlsx')
except FileNotFoundError as e:
print(f"Error: The workbook '{e.filename}' was not found. Ensure it's the same directory as this script")
exit(1) # Exit the script
# Select the worksheet by its name
worksheet =
header_row = ["User Name (Original Name)", "Email", "Job Title", "Select team", "Country/Region Name"]
# Delete rows 5-17
for i in range(17, 4, -1):
# Delete all columns except B, E, F, M, N
for i in reversed(range(1, worksheet.max_column + 1)):
if i not in [2, 5, 6, 13, 14]: # Columns B, E, F, M, N
# Iterate over the rows in reverse order
for i in range(worksheet.max_row, 0, -1):
# Check if the cells in columns C and D are empty
if not worksheet.cell(row=i, column=3).value and not worksheet.cell(row=i, column=4).value:
# Delete the row
# Find the row that contains the header
for i, row in enumerate(worksheet.iter_rows(values_only=True), start=1):
if list(row) == header_row:
start_row = i + 1
teams = set()
for row in worksheet.iter_rows(min_row=start_row, min_col=4, max_col=4):
# Assuming team names are in column D and data starts from row 2
if row[0].value: # If cell is not empty
# Split the cell's value at commas
team_names = row[0].value.split(',')
# Add each team name to the set
for team_name in team_names:
teams.add(team_name.strip()) # strip() is used to remove leading and trailing whitespace
# For each unique team name, create a new worksheet and add a header row
for team in teams:
team_sheet = workbook.create_sheet(title=team)
team_sheet.append(["Name", "Title", "Region", "Manager"])
# Iterate over the rows again, and for each row, create a list and append it to the worksheet of its team
for row in worksheet.iter_rows(min_row=start_row, max_row=worksheet.max_row):
if not any(cell.value for cell in row):
# Check if the cell's value is not None or empty before trying to split it
if row[3].value and row[3].value.strip():
team_names = row[3].value.split(',') # Assuming team names are in column D
for team_name in team_names:
team_name = team_name.strip() # Remove leading and trailing whitespace
if team_name in teams: # If the team name is in the set of team names
# Create a list with the person's name, their title, and their region
person_info = [row[0].value, row[2].value, row[4].value] # Assuming person's name is in column A, title in column C, and region in column E
# Append the list to the corresponding team's worksheet
team_sheet = workbook[team_name]
# After adding all team members, add a row with "Total" and the count of team members
for team in teams:
team_sheet = workbook[team]
team_count = len(team_sheet['A']) - 1 # Subtract 1 for the header row
team_sheet.append(["Total", team_count])
# Save the workbook'output.xlsx')
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