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Last active October 24, 2018 20:21
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import os
from openpyxl import load_workbook
import datetime
from operator import itemgetter
from collections import Counter
from collections import OrderedDict
file_name = 'Sheet1.xlsx'
wb = load_workbook(file_name)
max_row = 367
ws =
property_names = []
tags = []
sheets = []
col_list = ['B', 'A', 'E']
# Captures all cells in a range, creating and returning a sheet
def cell_range(start, end):
sheet = []
for cell_row in ws.iter_rows(min_row=start, max_col=12, max_row=end):
for data in cell_row:
return sheet
# Captures all cell values in range
def cell_range_values(start, end):
sheet = []
for cell_row in ws.iter_rows(min_row=start, max_col=12, max_row=end):
for data in cell_row:
return sheet
def cell_range_paster(start, end, list):
for cell_row in ws.iter_rows(min_row=start, max_col=13, max_row=end):
for idx, cell in enumerate(cell_row):
cell.value = list[idx].value
# Creates a list of cell values from a cell range
def cell_copier(cell_range):
copied_cells = []
for row in cell_range:
for cell in row:
return copied_cells
# Deletes a range of cells
def cell_delete(cell_range):
for row in cell_range:
for cell in row:
cell.value = None
# Pastes the values from a list into a range of cells
def cell_paster(cell_list, cell_range):
counter = 0
for row in cell_range:
for cell in row:
cell.value = cell_list[counter]
counter += 1
# copies cell values from on Range, deletes the cells in that range, then pastes the values in the given range
def cell_copy_paste(copy_range, paste_range):
counter = 0
cell_list = cell_copier(copy_range)
for row in paste_range:
for cell in row:
cell.value = cell_list[counter]
counter += 1
# Get well names, correct them, and add them to list, get product row tags
# Check Well Names Carefully
for cell in ws['B']:
if type(cell.value) is str:
# Get all cell values between property tags
# Captures all cell values between property tags
for idx, cell in enumerate(tags):
r = cell.row
mr = (tags[idx + 1].row - 1)
sheets.append(cell_range(r, mr))
except IndexError:
r = cell.row
mr = ws.max_row
sheets.append(cell_range(r, mr))
# Create one new sheet per Property and fill in the values
for idx, sheet in enumerate(property_names):
active_ws = wb[property_names[idx]]
row_count = sheets[idx][-1].row - sheets[idx][0].row + 1
ws['M' + str(sheets[idx][-1].row)] = "=sum(L" + str(sheets[idx][0].row + 1) + ":L" + str(
sheets[idx][-1].row) + ")"
i = 0
for x in range(2, row_count + 2):
for y in range(1, 13):
active_ws.cell(row=x, column=y, value=sheets[idx][i].value)
i += 1
# create column headings for each sheet
for l, title in enumerate(headings):
active_ws.cell(row=1, column=l + 1, value=title)
sheet_total_index = []
# get totals for each sheet
for idx, name in enumerate(property_names):
active_ws = wb[property_names[idx]]
active_ws['M' + str(active_ws.max_row)] = '=sum(L1:' + 'L' + str(active_ws.max_row + 2) + ')'
sheet_total_index.append(active_ws['M' + str(active_ws.max_row)].coordinate)
wb.create_sheet('Totals', 0)
active_ws = wb['Totals']
grand_total = 117604.51
# grab total values from sheets
for idx, name in enumerate(property_names):
active_ws.cell(row=idx + 1, column=1, value=name)
active_ws.cell(row=idx + 1, column=2, value="='" + property_names[idx] + "'!" + sheet_total_index[idx])
# checks total values
active_ws.cell(row=active_ws.max_row + 1, column=2, value="=sum(B1:B" + str(active_ws.max_row) + ")")
active_ws.cell(row=active_ws.max_row, column=3, value=grand_total)
active_ws.cell(row=active_ws.max_row, column=4, value="=IF(C" + str(active_ws.max_row) + "=B" + str(
active_ws.max_row) + ", \"True\", \"False\")")
active_ws['E' + str(active_ws.max_row)] = "=C" + str(active_ws.max_row) + "-" + "B" + str(active_ws.max_row)
# checks translated sheet totals against original sheet
for idx, sheet in enumerate(sheets):
active_ws['C' + str(idx + 1)] = "=sheet1!M" + str(sheets[idx][-1].row)
active_ws['E' + str(idx + 1)] = "=C" + str(idx + 1) + "-" + "B" + str(idx + 1)
final_sort = []
for name in property_names:
product_row_tags = []
product_rows = []
active_ws = wb[name]
# Grab all row locations for rows with products in them
for cell in active_ws['B']:
if type(cell.value) is datetime.datetime:
# Get all necessary values from row
for idx, cell in enumerate(product_row_tags):
holder_list = []
for col in col_list:
holder_list.append(active_ws[col + str(cell.row)].value)
holder_list.append(active_ws['F' + str(cell.row + 1)].value)
# Get distance between product rows
for idx, cell in enumerate(product_row_tags):
distance = (product_row_tags[idx + 1].row - product_row_tags[idx].row)
except IndexError:
distance = active_ws.max_row - product_row_tags[idx].row
# Pick up all expense rows
for idx, lst in enumerate(product_rows):
distance = lst[-1]
if distance == 3:
distance -= 1
for x in range(0, distance, 2):
value_holder = active_ws['H' + str(product_row_tags[idx].row + x)].value
value_label = active_ws['G' + str(product_row_tags[idx].row + x)].value
owner_value = active_ws['H' + str(product_row_tags[idx].row + + x + 1)].value
product_rows[idx].append((value_label, value_holder, "owner " + value_label, owner_value))
# Combine like products
holder = list([product_rows[0]])
hold_counter = 0
for idx in range(1, len(product_rows) + 1):
value_list = product_rows[idx]
except IndexError:
if value_list[0] == holder[hold_counter][0] and value_list[1] == holder[hold_counter][1]:
hold_counter += 1
holder = [value_list]
hold_counter = 0
wb.create_sheet("Drop In", 1)
active_ws = wb['Drop In']
# Create titles on sheet
for idx, title in enumerate(headings):
active_ws.cell(row=1, column=idx + 1, value=title)
row_counter = 2
total = 0
for item in final_sort:
final_gross_vol = 0
final_exp = 0
final_owner_gross = 0
final_owner_deduct = 0
if len(item) == 1:
products = item[0][4]
if products % 2 == 0:
products = int(products / 2)
elif products == 3:
products = 2
if products >= 1:
active_ws.cell(row=row_counter, column=5, value=item[0][1]) # Product Code
active_ws.cell(row=row_counter, column=6, value=item[0][2]) # Gross VOL
active_ws.cell(row=row_counter, column=8, value=item[0][3]) # Owner Value
for x in range(products + 1):
active_ws.cell(row=row_counter + x, column=3, value=item[0][0]) # Date
active_ws.cell(row=row_counter + x, column=4, value=item[0][0]) # Date
active_ws.cell(row=row_counter + x, column=2, value="HALCON: " + item[0][-1]) # Property Name
for y in range(products):
active_ws.cell(row=row_counter + y + 1, column=5, value=item[0][5 + y][0]) # Expense Name
active_ws.cell(row=row_counter + y + 1, column=7, value=item[0][5 + y][1]) # Gross EXP
active_ws.cell(row=row_counter + y + 1, column=8, value=item[0][5 + y][-1]) # Owner Value
row_counter += products + 1
active_ws.cell(row=row_counter, column=5, value=item[0][1]) # Product Code
active_ws.cell(row=row_counter, column=6, value=item[0][2]) # Gross VOL
active_ws.cell(row=row_counter, column=8, value=item[0][3]) # Owner Value
active_ws.cell(row=row_counter, column=4, value=item[0][0]) # Date
active_ws.cell(row=row_counter, column=3, value=item[0][0]) # Date
active_ws.cell(row=row_counter, column=2, value="HALCON: " + item[0][-1]) # Property Name
row_counter += 1
exp_holder = []
for lst in item:
num_products = lst[4]
if num_products % 2 == 0:
num_products = int(num_products / 2)
elif num_products == 3:
num_products = 2
product_name = lst[1]
final_gross_vol += lst[2]
final_owner_gross += lst[3]
if num_products != 0:
for x in range(5, 5 + num_products):
# count all like values together in dict
if type(exp_holder[-1]) is not tuple:
del exp_holder[-1]
exp_counter = Counter()
for exp, val, owner, owner_val in exp_holder:
exp_counter.update(({exp: val, owner: owner_val}))
exp_counter = OrderedDict(sorted(exp_counter.items(), key=lambda t: len(t[0])))
key_list = exp_counter.keys()
if len(key_list) % 2 == 0:
len_lst = int(len(key_list) / 2)
len_lst = int(len(key_list) / 2) + 1
for x in range(len_lst + 1):
active_ws.cell(row=row_counter + x, column=3, value=item[0][0]) # Date
active_ws.cell(row=row_counter + x, column=4, value=item[0][0]) # Date
active_ws.cell(row=row_counter + x, column=2, value="HALCON: " + item[0][-1]) # Property Name
temp_keys = []
for key in key_list:
if "owner" not in key:
x = 1
for key in temp_keys:
active_ws.cell(row=row_counter + x, column=5, value=key) # Expense Name
active_ws.cell(row=row_counter + x, column=7, value=exp_counter[key]) # Gross EXP
active_ws.cell(row=row_counter + x, column=8, value=exp_counter['owner ' + key]) # Owner Value
x += 1
active_ws.cell(row=row_counter, column=5, value=product_name) # Product Name
active_ws.cell(row=row_counter, column=6, value=final_gross_vol) # Gross VOL
active_ws.cell(row=row_counter, column=8, value=final_owner_gross) # Owner Value
row_counter += (len_lst + 1)'halcon.xlsx')
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