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Created April 8, 2022 17:56
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Finally we have more than 1000 features in all.
Ok lets get a little bit more technical:
Overview of solution
1.remove punctuations
2.using porter stemmer
3.generate unigram bigram phrases of stemed courpus
4.generate distinct unigram bigram phrases of stemed courpus
qian's features
1.count/ratio of words/char of questions
2.count/ratio of common words
3.jaccard/dice distiance
4.count/ratio of digits or punctuations in questions
5.tfidf of raw corupus with nrange=(1,2)
6.tfidf of unigram/bigram
7.tfidf of distinct words' unigram/bigram
8.tfidf of cooccurence of (distinct) words unigram/bigram
9.gensim tfidf similarity
10.similarity of self/pre-trained wored2vec weighted average embedding vectors(idf as weight)
11.similarity of self/pre-trained glove weighted average embedding vectors(idf as weight)
12.tfidf decomposition by NMF,SVD,LDA using sklearn
13.similarity of distinct word pairs in q1 and q2 using self/pre-trained
14.num of nodes belong to cliques
15.sklearn tfidf similarity
16.deepwalk embedding of question as nodes
17.using label to encode cooccurence distinct words and aggregation by mean max min std
19.NER by spacy
20.simhash of unigram/bigram
21.decomposition of adjacency matrix
22.glove weighted average embedding vectors(idf as weight)
23.aggregation of size of cliques of each node
24.average neighbour degree
25.aggregated distinct words by wordnet
26.(distinct words)entropy based question representations
fengari's features
1.decomposition features of ngrams : nmf + svd + lsi +lda
2.decomposition featues of diff ngrams :nmf + svd +lsi + lda
3.similarities and distances of decomposition features above
4.maxclique features of edges
5.maxclique features of nodes
6.bfs (depth =2) cnts of graph
7.duplicated features ( with ranking )
8.number diff feature among question pairs
9.pagerank (directed/undirected)
10.tsne of all leak features
11.doc2vec and doc2vec sim features
hhy's features
1.similarity and distance of pre-trained glove weighted average embedding vectors
2.decomposition features of w2v
3.duplicate feature
4.nlp stats features(contains token log prob,brown cluster,pos tag,dependency,entity,subject,verb,object)using spacy
5.dependency tree feature using stanford nlp utils
6.wordnet similarity feature
7.stop words basic stats feature and char distribution (with tf)
8.word move distance
9.ngram extra features(contains BLEU metric,indicator,pos_link,postion change,and pos tag compare)
10.decomposition features of ngram extra features : nmf + svd
11.neighbor basic feature
12.neighbor semantics similarity
13.neighbor distance compare :long match + edit + jaccard + dice + word move distance
14.neighrbor combined with nlp basic features compare
15.deeplearning model: siamse + siamse_match + bimpm
qian's base model and metafeature
base model type 1: lgb,xgb,et,rf,mlp with basic feature + decomposition features
base model type 2: lr,linear svc with clique weighted basic feature + tfidf features
base model type 3: lstm,attentive lstm siamese
final stacking
We using the same 5 fold stacking
stack level 1 : lgb、xgb、mlp with dense feature、mlp with sparse tfidf weighted feature、et、rf and so on.
stack level 2 : we use lgb、xgb、mlp、rf and et, and our final submit was a simple avg of those models.
PS. We have included our features and stacking models.
More deep models will be released.
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