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Last active January 24, 2024 16:39
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Git submodule workflow example

Git submodule workflow example..

Monday 10:00 AM. (adding the submodule to the base repo)

  • You have a project (exisiting repo), you want to add/host another repo inside your project..

    • This project might be yours, ex. you have a library and many projects that you want to use the library inside them, so you want to keep just one-updated copy of the library..
    • Or, You've forked a repo, You want to do frequent/many changes to the code and you want to keep up to date with the owners edits and bug fixes..
  • In your project (that will host the submodules):

# You're at the root directory of your project
mkdir submodules # best practice, specify a directory to put all submodules' code inside it.
cd submodules
git submodule add [submodule-repo-url]

Monday 10:30 AM. (Edit the code inside the submodule)

  • Till now, You've not pushed any code to remote yet..
  • You've edited the files of the hosted submodule:
cd submodules\some-submodule # all submodules are in submodule directory
git add . # inside submodule directory
git commit -m "submodule code edits are done"
git push # the submodule remote repo is updated
cd ..\.. # back to the root directory
git status # will tell you that the pointer of the submodule is updated
git add .
git commit -m "submodule code pushed 2 minutes ago"
git push # the root project online repo is updated
  • So, push the submodule code to the submodule repo first, then push the main project code to its repo
  • Online, You've created a pull request, the code reviewe is done, pull request is accepted and merged into origin/develop..
  • Now, your teammates should merge the new code to their local copies.. WHAT ARE THE NEXT STEPS? (LET'S FIND OUT..)

Tuesday 10:00 AM (Update the project + submodule's code)

  • Before you continue working on your local branch, you have to check if origin/develop has any new updates..
git fetch
  • Ok, you've find that there are some updates.. let's get them into the local (feature) branch
git merge origin/develop
  • Let's say, your teammates have edit the code of the submodule (as you've done in Monday 10:30 AM) 😄

  • Question. What is the state of the local submodule on your side after merging the code from origin/develop?

    • IMPORTANT IF : If the submodule code is not updated after mergin from origin/develop, then the project might not even build successfully!!
      • So how to make sure the submodule is updated after a merge from origin/develop is performed?
  • Answer.

    • After merging origin/develop into your local branch, you'll have two issues:
    1. The code in the submodule is old (not updated)..
    2. The Submodule pointer is deattached from HEAD to a commit that does not exist..
      • You can verify this by running git status in both: the root directory and the submodule directory..
    • The fix:
git submodule update --recursive --remote 
  • Now, try git status in both the root directory and inside the submodule directory and you'll find them both clean..

To conclude:

  1. Update your local copy of both base project and the submodules:

    1. Merge develop/origin into local/feature
    2. Perform submodule update
  2. Edit a submodule's code

    1. Perform add, commit, and push inside submodule directory,
    2. Then perform add, commit and push inside the base project directory..

Remove a submodule

  1. git submodule deinit path/to/submodule # you're at the root directory of the git repo`
  2. git rm path/to/submodule
  3. Remove-Item .git\modules\submodule-name -recurse # powershell, or, remove the directory manually!
  4. git rm --cached submodule-name # may not be needed
  5. Verification (if one of the following exist, remove it manually):
    1. Submodule folder should be removed,
    2. In .git hidden directory:
      1. In modules directory, {submodule-name} directory should be removed,
      2. Open cofig file, any text mentioning the submodule should be removed.
    3. In .gitmodules file (root directory), any text mentioning the submodule should be removed.


  1. You want to clone a repo with its submodules
git clone --recurse-submodules [repo-url]
  1. You've cloned a repo with git clone [repo-url] but forgot about the submodules..
git submodule update --init --recursive
  1. You've opend the terminal and wonder if there are any updates to the remote submodules
git fetch --recurse-submodules
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