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RESTful API - best practices

RESTful API best practices guide - by Shai Yerushalmi

Web API’s is a web development architecture which decoupling the client GUI from the database and the server’s logic. This architecture enables to serve the same interface to multiple clients running on various platforms. Also, the same application can communicate with multiple interfaces.

REST stands for Representational state transfer and its a stateless protocol over HTTP that provides the interactions with the resources stored in the database which contains four basic CRUD actions - Create, Read, Update and Delete.

Each CRUD interaction can be defined by combinations of the following:

  • HTTP method (POST / GET / UPDATE / DELETE)

  • Url endpoint

  • Headers

  • Parameters

  • Data body


REST - Representational State Transfer

Resource - an object or representation of an object

Collection - a set of objects

CRUD - the four basic actions of Create, Read, Update and Delete

API endpoint - url path to locate the resource.

Use API versioning prefix

To support previous versions of the API - not always needed, yet it is a good practice


API endpoint: use nouns, plurals form


Use sub-resource for relationships

The url is describing the query and the relationships requested.

For example, to get all the persons related to a car:


Server response structure

It is possible to send the object or collection and send the additional meta information such as total-count via headers. Sometimes there is a need for an elaborated response which includes meta data - in this case the following structure can be helpful.

DATA will provide the resource or the collection and INFO will contain the additional metadata, while messages can be added to the MESSAGES array.

HTTP GET /api/v1/{resource}

	data: {},
	info: {},
	messages: []

Use Content-Type header in response and request

Content-Type: application/json

Pagination by parameters

There are several methods to achieve pagination - a common method is to use the parameters of limit and offset.

Use the elaborated response or the header X-Total-Count to get from the server the total amount of objects in the requested collection.

GET /api/v1/{resource}?offset=50&limit=10

Search, sort, fields and filter by parameters

Again - there are several options to implement this


GET /api/v1/{resource}?q=findme


GET /api/v1/{resource}?sort=key1:asc,key2,key3


GET /api/v1/{resource}?fields=name,color,location


GET /api/v1/{resource}?car=bmw

Use HTTP method which correlate with the CRUD action

Action HTTP method Url endpoint Response HTTP code
Create resource POST /api/v1/{resource} resource object 201
Read resource GET /api/v1/{resource}/{id} resource object 200
Read collection GET /api/v1/{resource} resource collection 200
Update resource PUT /api/v1/{resource}/{id} resource object 200 / 204 / 201
Delete resource DELETE /api/v1/{resource}/{id} 200 / 202 / 204

Use HTTP status codes in responses

2xx - Success

200 - OK

201 - Created

202 - Accepted, queued to be performed

204 - No content

3xx - Redirection

304 - Not modified

4xx - Client error

400 - Bad request

401 - Unauthorized

403 - Forbidden

404 - Not found

5xx - Server error

500 - Internal server error

502 - Bad gateway, in case there is an error in the upstream server

Error object with some helpful info

It can be helpful to add some info.

	"error": {
		"status": 400,
		"message": "invalid id"

With great application comes great documentation

Write a great documentation (or follow one). It is always helpful to have a documentation, how ever, since it is time and effort consuming, you can just follow an online available detailed documentation. It will provide the documentation for basic issues such as pagination, url general structure, HTTP error codes, search and sort parameters etc., Still, need to add the end points and model structure.

My favorite documentation to follow is spotify developers API -

Advanced API design topics

Use HATEOAS for better API navigation

HATEOAS - Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State

Use link to related resources in the API response

X-HTTP-Method-Override header

Use this method override the HTTP method.


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