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Last active January 11, 2023 13:51
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Islamic Quiz Api Json
"question": "What is the name of the holy book of Islam?",
"answers": ["The Qur'an", "The Bible", "The Vedas", "The Sutras"],
"source": "....Quran was revealed as a guide for humanity with clear proofs of guidance and the standard ˹to distinguish between right and wrong˺.... -Qur'an, Surah Al-Baqarah 2:185",
"answerIndex": 0
"question": "Which of the following is not one of the Five Pillars of Islam?",
"answers": ["Prayer", "Fasting", "Charity", "Hiking"],
"source": "(The superstructure of) al-Islam is raised on five (pillars), testifying (the fact) that there is no god but Allah, that Muhammad is His bondsman and messenger, and the establishment of prayer, payment of Zakat, Pilgrimage to the House (Ka'ba) and the fast of Ramadan. -Sahih Muslim 16c",
"answerIndex": 3
"question": "Which Prophet (saw) had control of the Jinn and was able to talk to animals?",
"answers": ["Sulaiman (as)", "Dawud (as)", "Musa (as)", "Yunus (as)"],
"source": "And David was succeeded by Solomon, who said, “O people! We have been taught the language of birds, and been given everything ˹we need˺. This is indeed a great privilege.” -Qur'an, Surah An-Naml 27:16",
"answerIndex": 0
"question": "What is the virtue of reciting Ayatul Kursi before going to bed at night to sleep?",
"answers": [
"Takes away hunger",
"Gives you strength",
"You are protected from harm till sunrise",
"House in Jannah"
"source": "....He said to me, 'Whenever you go to bed, recite Ayat-al-Kursi from the beginning to the end ---- Allahu la ilaha illa huwa-lHaiy-ul-Qaiyum----.' He further said to me, '(If you do so), Allah will appoint a guard for you who will stay with you, and no satan will come near you till morning.'.... -Sahih al-Bukhari 2311",
"answerIndex": 2
"question": "What is Az-Zaqqum?",
"answers": [
"Food for the people of hellfire",
"Drink for the people of hellfire",
"Home for the people of hellfire",
"Clothes for the people of hellfire"
"source": "“Then indeed you, O those astray [who are] deniers, Will be eating from trees of zaqqum” (Quran 56:51-52)",
"answerIndex": 0
"question": "What is Sidrat al-Muntaha?",
"answers": [
"Food for the people of Jannah",
"An olive tree of the farthest boundary",
"A lote tree of the farthest boundary",
"Drink for the people of Jannah"
"source": "“And indeed he (Muhammad (ﷺ) saw him (Jibreel) at a second descent (i.e., another time), near Sidrat al-Muntaha (the lote tree of the utmost boundary, beyond which none can pass), near it is the Paradise of Abode, when that covered the lote-tree which did cover it!” (Quran 53:13-16)",
"answerIndex": 2
"question": "What was the relation between Prophet Musa (alayhi as-salaam) & Prophet Haroon (alayhi as-salaam)?",
"answers": ["Cousins", "Brothers", "Father & son", "Friends"],
"source": "“And Allah sent Haroon, the brother of Musa as a support to Musa when He wanted to send him to Pharaoh, to call him to worship Allah. This was in response to the request of Musa: “And We granted him his brother Haroon (Aaron), (also) a Prophet, out of Our Mercy” [Quran 19:53]",
"answerIndex": 1
"question": "Which of the following is not an example of Major Shirk?",
"answers": [
"Asking help from a Prophet",
"Going to a pious person’s grave for blessings",
"Denying Allah & His religion",
"Showing off"
"source": "The Prophet ﷺ said: ”What I fear for you the most is the minor shirk, that is ar-riya. Allah will say on the Day of Judgement when He is rewarding the people for their actions: Go to those for whom you did riya for in the world then see if you find the reward with them.” [Ahmad (5/428, 429)]",
"answerIndex": 3
"question": "What does Allah’s name Al-Mu’izz mean?",
"answers": [
"The One who dishonours",
"The One who will judge",
"The One who honours",
"The One who sees it all"
"source": "Say (O Muhammad ﷺ): “O Allah! Possessor of the kingdom, You give the kingdom to whom You will, and You take the kingdom from whom You will, and You endue with honour whom You will, and You humiliate whom You will. In Your Hand is the good. Verily, You are Able to do all things.” (Quran 3:26)",
"answerIndex": 2
"question": "What does Allah’s name Al-Ghani mean?",
"answers": ["The Giver", "The Protector", "The Independent", "The Wise"],
"source": "“O mankind! You are the poor ones in need of Allah, where as Allah is the Rich Beyond Need , the Praiseworthy.” (Quran 35:15)",
"answerIndex": 2
"question": "Which is not one of the rights of a Muslim upon another Muslim?",
"answers": [
"If one invites, you accept it",
"If one dies, you attend the funeral",
"If one asks for advice, you give sincerely",
"If one asks for money, you give"
"source": "Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said: “The rights of one Muslim over another are five: returning the greeting of salaam, visiting the sick, attending funerals, accepting invitations, and saying yarhamuk Allah (may Allah have mercy on you) to one who sneezes.” (Al-Bukhari (1240) and Muslim (2162))",
"answerIndex": 3
"question": "Which Surah is referred as the oft-repeating verses Surah?",
"answers": ["Surah Ikhlas", "Surah Fatihah", "Surah Naas", "Surah Rahman"],
"source": "Abu Sa‘eed al-Mu‘alla (r) that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said to him: “I will surely teach you a soorah that is the greatest soorah in the Qur’an…” Then he said: “Al-hamdu Lillahi Rabb al-‘Aalameen… It is the seven oft-repeated verses and the Glorious Qur’an that I have been given (cf. al-Hijr 15:87).” (Bukhari 4474)",
"answerIndex": 1
"question": "Which Angel will blow the horn to signal the Day of Judgement?",
"answers": [
"Jibraeel (as)",
"Mikaeel (as)",
"Malik Ul Moat (as)",
"Israfeel (as)"
"source": "Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said, “How can I feel at ease when the Angel of the Trumpet, (Israfil) has put his lips to the Trumpet and is waiting for the order to blow it”. (Tirmidhi, Hasan, Riyad as-Salihin 409)",
"answerIndex": 3
"question": "Which uncle of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings from Allah upon him) didn’t accept Islam?",
"answers": ["Abdul Muttalib", "Hamza", "Abu Lahab", "Al-Abbas"],
"source": "“Perished be the hands of Abu Lahab and ruined he be, Neither his wealth nor what he has earned shall avail him. He shall shortly roast in a flaming fire. And his wife — laden with faggots, Shall have a rope of palm fiber round her neck.” (Qur’an 111:1-5)",
"answerIndex": 2
"question": "What are you not allowed to do in Sujood?",
"answers": [
"Make dua in Arabic",
"Recite Quran",
"Make dua in another language",
"Recite adhkar"
"source": "The Prophet ﷺ said: “I have been forbidden to recite the Quran in the state of bowing and prostration. So whilst bowing, extol the Lord in it, and while you are in prostration strive your hardest supplicating, as it is most likely that you will be responded to.” [Muslim (Sahih Muslim 479a)]",
"answerIndex": 1
"question": "Which Surah doesn’t begin with the Bismillah?",
"answers": ["Surah Rahman", "Surah Yasin", "Surah Fatihah", "Surah Tawbah"],
"source": "Imam an-Nawawi (r) said: “He should always recite Bismillah ir-Rahmaan ir-Raheem at the beginning of every Surah except Surah Baraa’ah (at-Tawbah), because the majority of scholars said that it is a verse wherever it is written in the Mushaf, and it was written at the beginning of all the soorahs except Surah at-Tawbah. If he recites it at the beginning of every soorah (other than at-Tawbah), then there is certainty that he had recited the entire Qur’an or Surah, and if he fails to recite the Basmalah, he has omitted part of the Qur’an according to the majority.” (at-Tibyaan fi Adaab Hamalat al-Qur’aan, 100)",
"answerIndex": 3
"question": "For whom is this dua for? – Rabbir Humhumma Kama Rabba Yaani Sahgeera",
"answers": ["Children", "Parents", "Whole Ummah", "The Deceased"],
"source": "“My Lord! Be merciful to them as they raised me when I was young.” (Quran 17:24)",
"answerIndex": 1
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