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Last active September 1, 2023 21:49
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Get all the properties on an instance

The GetProperties Library

The most efficient way to get all the properties on any given instance.

With the help of the Roblox developer community, we dumped every property that exists on every class into a table, and use an advanced artificial intelligence system called "pcall 'till it drops" to figure out every property on the given instance. This can be used for a wide range of use-cases, it's powering your imagination!


Simply require the module and pass an instance, it's that easy!

local GetProperties = require(...)

-- pass an instance
local PartProperties = GetProperties("Part"))
for index, props in ipairs(PartProperties) do
	print(index, props)

-- pass a class name
local ScreenGuiProperties = GetProperties("ScreenGui")
for index, props in ipairs(ScreenGuiProperties) do
	print(index, props)
local Cached = {}
local Properties = {
"Active Color",
"Active Hover Over Color",
"Always Save Script Changes",
"Animate Hover Over",
"Auto Clean Empty Line",
"Auto Closing Brackets",
"Auto Closing Quotes",
"Auto Indent Rule",
"Auto-Recovery Enabled",
"Auto-Recovery Interval (Minutes)",
"Background Color",
"Basic Objects Display Mode",
"Bool Color",
"Bracket Color",
"Built-in Function Color",
"Camera Mouse Wheel Speed",
"Camera Shift Speed",
"Camera Speed",
"Camera Zoom to Mouse Position",
"Clear Output On Start",
"Comment Color",
"Current Line Highlight Color",
"Debugger Current Line Color",
"Debugger Error Line Color",
"Disable Accurate Play Solo",
"Drag Multiple Parts As Single Part",
"Enable Autocomplete",
"Enable CoreScript Debugger",
"Enable Http Sandboxing",
"Enable Internal Beta Features",
"Enable Internal Features",
"Enable Temporary Tabs",
"Enable Temporary Tabs In Explorer",
"Error Color",
"Find Selection Background Color",
"Format On Paste",
"Format On Type",
"Function Name Color",
"Highlight Current Line",
"Highlight Occurances",
"Hover Animate Speed",
"Hover Over Color",
"Indent Using Spaces",
"Keyword Color",
"Line Thickness",
"Luau Keyword Color",
"Matching Word Background Color",
"Maximum Output Lines",
"Menu Item Background Color",
"Method Color",
"Number Color",
"Only Play Audio from Window in Focus",
"Operator Color",
"Output Layout Mode",
"Primary Text Color",
"Property Color",
"Render Throttle Percentage",
"Respect Studio shortcuts when game has focus",
"Ruler Color",
"Script Editor Color Preset",
"Script Editor Scrollbar Background Color",
"Script Editor Scrollbar Handle Color",
"Scroll Past Last Line",
"Search Content For Core Scripts",
"Secondary Text Color",
"Select Color",
"Select/Hover Color",
"Selected Menu Item Background Color",
"Selected Text Color",
"Selection Background Color",
"Selection Color",
"Server Audio Behavior",
"Show Core GUI in Explorer while Playing",
"Show Deployment Warnings",
"Show Diagnostics Bar",
"Show FileSyncService",
"Show Hidden Objects in Explorer",
"Show Hover Over",
"Show Navigation Mesh",
"Show Plugin GUI Service in Explorer",
"Show QT warnings in output",
"Show Whitespace",
"Show plus button on hover in Explorer",
"Skip Closing Brackets and Quotes",
"String Color",
"Tab Width",
"Text Color",
"Text Wrapping",
"UI Theme",
"Warning Color",
"Whitespace Color",
return function(object: any): table
assert(object ~= nil, "Argument 1 missing or nil")
local className = typeof(object) == "string" and object or object.ClassName
if Cached[className] then
return Cached[className]
local contains = {}
local clone =
for _, index in ipairs(Properties) do
local success, _ = pcall(function()
return clone[index]
if success then
table.insert(contains, index)
Cached[className] = contains
return contains
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I had nothing to do with this

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