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Forked from MSEdge/IE-Edge-diff.idl
Created February 18, 2021 04:13
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Proprietary / Non-Inteoperable IE APIs no longer in Microsoft Edge
interface AesGcmEncryptResult {
readonly attribute ArrayBuffer ciphertext;
readonly attribute ArrayBuffer tag;
interface BookmarkCollection {
readonly attribute long length;
any item(unsigned long index);
interface ControlRangeCollection {
readonly attribute long length;
void add(Element item);
void addElement(Element item);
boolean execCommand(DOMString cmdID, boolean showUI, any value);
Element item(unsigned long index);
boolean queryCommandEnabled(DOMString cmdID);
boolean queryCommandIndeterm(DOMString cmdID);
boolean queryCommandState(DOMString cmdID);
boolean queryCommandSupported(DOMString cmdID);
DOMString queryCommandText(DOMString cmdID);
any queryCommandValue(DOMString cmdID);
void remove(long index);
void scrollIntoView(any varargStart);
void select();
interface CryptoOperation {
readonly attribute Algorithm algorithm;
readonly attribute Key key;
attribute EventHandler onabort;
attribute EventHandler oncomplete;
attribute EventHandler onerror;
attribute EventHandler onprogress;
readonly attribute any result;
void abort();
void finish();
void process(ArrayBufferView buffer);
interface ErrorEventHandler {
void handleWindowError(Event event, DOMString source, long fileno, long columnNumber);
interface EventException {
const unsigned short DISPATCH_REQUEST_ERR = 1;
const unsigned short UNSPECIFIED_EVENT_TYPE_ERR = 0;
readonly attribute unsigned short code;
readonly attribute DOMString message;
readonly attribute DOMString name;
DOMString toString();
interface EventListener {
void handleEvent(Event evt);
interface FrameRequestCallback {
void sample(DOMHighResTimeStamp time);
interface HTMLBGSoundElement : HTMLElement {
attribute any balance;
attribute unsigned long loop;
attribute DOMString src;
attribute any volume;
interface HTMLDDElement : HTMLElement {
attribute boolean noWrap;
interface HTMLDTElement : HTMLElement {
attribute boolean noWrap;
interface HTMLIsIndexElement : HTMLElement {
attribute DOMString action;
readonly attribute HTMLFormElement form;
attribute DOMString prompt;
interface HTMLNextIdElement : HTMLElement {
attribute DOMString n;
interface Key {
readonly attribute Algorithm algorithm;
readonly attribute boolean extractable;
readonly attribute sequence<DOMString> keyUsage;
readonly attribute DOMString type;
interface KeyOperation {
attribute EventHandler oncomplete;
attribute EventHandler onerror;
readonly attribute any result;
interface KeyPair {
attribute Key privateKey;
attribute Key publicKey;
interface MSAppView {
readonly attribute unsigned long viewId;
void close();
void postMessage(any message, DOMString targetOrigin, any ports);
interface MSBehaviorUrnsCollection {
readonly attribute long length;
DOMString item(long index);
interface MSCSSProperties : CSSStyleDeclaration {
attribute DOMString accelerator;
attribute DOMString backgroundPositionX;
attribute DOMString backgroundPositionY;
attribute DOMString behavior;
attribute DOMString filter;
attribute DOMString imeMode;
attribute DOMString layoutFlow;
attribute DOMString layoutGrid;
attribute DOMString layoutGridChar;
attribute DOMString layoutGridLine;
attribute DOMString layoutGridMode;
attribute DOMString layoutGridType;
attribute DOMString lineBreak;
attribute DOMString msBlockProgression;
attribute DOMString msInterpolationMode;
attribute DOMString scrollbar3dLightColor;
attribute DOMString scrollbarArrowColor;
attribute DOMString scrollbarBaseColor;
attribute DOMString scrollbarDarkShadowColor;
attribute DOMString scrollbarFaceColor;
attribute DOMString scrollbarHighlightColor;
attribute DOMString scrollbarShadowColor;
attribute DOMString scrollbarTrackColor;
attribute DOMString styleFloat;
attribute DOMString textAutospace;
attribute DOMString textJustifyTrim;
attribute DOMString textKashida;
attribute DOMString textKashidaSpace;
attribute DOMString writingMode;
attribute DOMString zoom;
any getAttribute(DOMString attributeName, long flags);
boolean removeAttribute(DOMString attributeName, long flags);
void setAttribute(DOMString attributeName, any AttributeValue, long flags);
interface MSCSSRuleList {
readonly attribute long length;
CSSStyleRule item(unsigned long index);
interface MSCompatibleInfo {
readonly attribute DOMString userAgent;
readonly attribute DOMString version;
interface MSCompatibleInfoCollection {
readonly attribute unsigned long length;
MSCompatibleInfo item(unsigned long index);
interface MSCurrentStyleCSSProperties : MSCSSProperties {
readonly attribute DOMString blockDirection;
readonly attribute DOMString clipBottom;
readonly attribute DOMString clipLeft;
readonly attribute DOMString clipRight;
readonly attribute DOMString clipTop;
readonly attribute DOMString hasLayout;
interface MSEventObj {
readonly attribute DOMString actionURL;
attribute Boolean altKey;
attribute Boolean altLeft;
readonly attribute long behaviorCookie;
readonly attribute long behaviorPart;
attribute BookmarkCollection bookmarks;
attribute HTMLCollection boundElements;
attribute long button;
readonly attribute long buttonID;
attribute Boolean cancelBubble;
attribute long clientX;
attribute long clientY;
readonly attribute Boolean contentOverflow;
attribute Boolean ctrlKey;
attribute Boolean ctrlLeft;
attribute DOMString data;
attribute DOMString dataFld;
readonly attribute DataTransfer dataTransfer;
attribute Element fromElement;
attribute long keyCode;
readonly attribute DOMString nextPage;
attribute long offsetX;
attribute long offsetY;
attribute DOMString origin;
attribute DOMString propertyName;
attribute DOMString qualifier;
attribute long reason;
attribute object recordset;
attribute Boolean repeat;
attribute any returnValue;
attribute long screenX;
attribute long screenY;
attribute Boolean shiftKey;
attribute Boolean shiftLeft;
readonly attribute Window source;
attribute Element srcElement;
attribute object srcFilter;
attribute DOMString srcUrn;
attribute Element toElement;
attribute DOMString type;
attribute DOMString url;
readonly attribute long wheelDelta;
attribute long x;
attribute long y;
any getAttribute(DOMString strAttributeName, long lFlags);
boolean removeAttribute(DOMString strAttributeName, long lFlags);
void setAttribute(DOMString strAttributeName, any AttributeValue, long lFlags);
interface MSExecAtPriorityFunctionCallback {
any callback(any args);
interface MSLaunchUriCallback {
void callback();
interface MSMimeTypesCollection {
readonly attribute long length;
interface MSNamespaceInfo {
readonly attribute DOMString name;
attribute EventHandler onreadystatechange;
readonly attribute DOMString readyState;
readonly attribute DOMString urn;
void doImport(DOMString implementationUrl);
interface MSNamespaceInfoCollection {
readonly attribute long length;
object add(DOMString namespace, DOMString urn, any implementationUrl);
object item(any index);
interface MSPluginsCollection {
readonly attribute long length;
void refresh(boolean reload);
interface MSPointerEvent{
readonly attribute long pointerId;
readonly attribute double width;
readonly attribute double height;
readonly attribute float pressure;
readonly attribute long tiltX;
readonly attribute long tiltY;
readonly attribute long pointerType;
readonly attribute boolean isPrimary;
interface MSPopupWindow {
readonly attribute Document document;
readonly attribute boolean isOpen;
void hide();
void show(long x, long y, long w, long h, any element);
interface MSScriptHost {
interface MSSelection {
readonly attribute DOMString type;
readonly attribute DOMString typeDetail;
void clear();
TextRange createRange();
TextRangeCollection createRangeCollection();
void empty();
interface MSStyleCSSProperties : MSCSSProperties {
attribute long pixelBottom;
attribute long pixelHeight;
attribute long pixelLeft;
attribute long pixelRight;
attribute long pixelTop;
attribute long pixelWidth;
attribute float posBottom;
attribute float posHeight;
attribute float posLeft;
attribute float posRight;
attribute float posTop;
attribute float posWidth;
attribute boolean textDecorationBlink;
attribute boolean textDecorationLineThrough;
attribute boolean textDecorationNone;
attribute boolean textDecorationOverline;
attribute boolean textDecorationUnderline;
interface MSUnsafeFunctionCallback {
any callback();
interface MediaQueryListListener {
void handleChange(MediaQueryList mql);
interface MutationCallback {
void callback(sequence<MutationRecord> mutations, MutationObserver observer);
interface PositionCallback {
void handleEvent(Position position);
interface PositionErrorCallback {
void handleEvent(PositionError error);
interface RangeException {
const unsigned short BAD_BOUNDARYPOINTS_ERR = 1;
const unsigned short INVALID_NODE_TYPE_ERR = 2;
readonly attribute unsigned short code;
readonly attribute DOMString message;
readonly attribute DOMString name;
DOMString toString();
interface SVGException {
const unsigned short SVG_INVALID_VALUE_ERR = 1;
const unsigned short SVG_MATRIX_NOT_INVERTABLE = 2;
const unsigned short SVG_WRONG_TYPE_ERR = 0;
attribute unsigned short code;
readonly attribute DOMString message;
readonly attribute DOMString name;
DOMString toString();
interface TextRange {
readonly attribute long boundingHeight;
readonly attribute long boundingLeft;
readonly attribute long boundingTop;
readonly attribute long boundingWidth;
readonly attribute DOMString htmlText;
readonly attribute long offsetLeft;
readonly attribute long offsetTop;
attribute DOMString text;
void collapse(boolean start);
long compareEndPoints(DOMString how, TextRange sourceRange);
TextRange duplicate();
boolean execCommand(DOMString cmdID, boolean showUI, any value);
boolean execCommandShowHelp(DOMString cmdID);
boolean expand(DOMString Unit);
boolean findText(DOMString string, long count, long flags);
DOMString getBookmark();
ClientRect getBoundingClientRect();
ClientRectList getClientRects();
boolean inRange(TextRange range);
boolean isEqual(TextRange range);
long move(DOMString unit, long count);
long moveEnd(DOMString unit, long count);
long moveStart(DOMString unit, long count);
boolean moveToBookmark(DOMString bookmark);
void moveToElementText(Element element);
void moveToPoint(long x, long y);
Element parentElement();
void pasteHTML(DOMString html);
boolean queryCommandEnabled(DOMString cmdID);
boolean queryCommandIndeterm(DOMString cmdID);
boolean queryCommandState(DOMString cmdID);
boolean queryCommandSupported(DOMString cmdID);
DOMString queryCommandText(DOMString cmdID);
any queryCommandValue(DOMString cmdID);
void scrollIntoView(boolean fStart);
void select();
void setEndPoint(DOMString how, TextRange SourceRange);
interface TextRangeCollection {
readonly attribute long length;
TextRange item(unsigned long index);
interface XDomainRequest {
readonly attribute DOMString contentType;
attribute EventHandler onerror;
attribute EventHandler onload;
attribute EventHandler onprogress;
attribute EventHandler ontimeout;
readonly attribute DOMString responseText;
attribute long timeout;
void abort();
XDomainRequest create();
void open(DOMString method, DOMString url);
void send(any data);
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