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Created February 4, 2021 02:47
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Sqlalchemy create partitioned tables in a for loop in Postgresql database
# I made this becuase I thought the method was interesting. It's not useful in it's current form.
# If you can, use an index instead.
from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer, Float, ForeignKey, event, DDL
from sqlalchemy.schema import CreateSchema
from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import DOUBLE_PRECISION
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base, declared_attr
Base = declarative_base()
# Make sure you're using engine.create/engine.create_all to create the tables
schema_name = 'point_partitions'
def check_schema(ddl, target, bind, state, **kw):
return not bind.dialect.has_schema(bind, schema=schema_name)
event.listen(Base.metadata, 'before_create',
Double = Float().with_variant(DOUBLE_PRECISION(), 'postgresql')
# The partitioned tables are attached after being created as described here:
# To make this nice, we create:
# - A mixin which has the properties of the table
# - The base table to be partitioned
# - Each table which is a partition separately in a for loop
class PointMixin:
# Point group is what we are partitioning by
def point_group_id(self):
return Column(Integer, ForeignKey('point_group.point_group_id', ondelete='CASCADE'), primary_key=True)
# We don't set a backref/back_populates, else it would conflict on each of the partition tables.
t = Column(Double, nullable=False, primary_key=True)
x = Column(Double, nullable=False)
y = Column(Double, nullable=False)
z = Column(Double, nullable=True)
class Point(PointMixin, Base):
__tablename__ = 'point'
__table_args__ = {
'postgresql_partition_by': 'RANGE(point_group_id)',
def PointX(point_group_id):
gid_lo = point_group_id
gid_hi = gid_lo + PARTITION_RANGE - 1
nm = f'partition_{gid_lo:08d}_{gid_hi:08d}'
# Using `type` to instantiate allows us to set the class name before the class is created
# Trying to set __name__ after creating the class fails because the Base.metadata metaclass has already
# registered the class by it's name after instantiation, replacing the previous partition table.
# i.e. This DOESN'T work:
# class PointPartitionX(PointMixin, Base):
# __name__ = f'PointPartition{gid_lo}'
# Because __name__ is set after we have declared PointPartitionX being a subclass of Base.
PointPartitionX = type(
(PointMixin, Base),
'__tablename__': nm,
'__table_args__': { 'schema': 'point_partitions' }
# This DDL only runs if the table is created. Thus this code is idempotent.
DDL(f'ALTER TABLE point ATTACH PARTITION point_partitions.{nm} FOR VALUES FROM ({gid_lo}) TO ({gid_hi+1})')
return PointPartitionX
# We will create a fixed number of partitions ahead of time.
# This has the downside that if the database grows too large, we need to increase this number.
# But, dynamic partitions have their own problems.
for x in range(0, 100, PARTITION_RANGE):
part = PointX(x)
# After this, you can just insert into the table like normal and Postgresql will allocate the rows to the partitions
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