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Last active January 7, 2022 01:31
Random Affine Crop in the style of Albumentations for a Rasterio Dataset with minimal dependencies
# Utility functions for managing 3x3 matrices for cv2.warpAffine in pure numpy
import numpy as np
def identity():
return np.eye(3, dtype=np.float64)
def affine(A=None, t=None):
aff = identity()
if A is not None:
aff[0:2, 0:2] = A
if t is not None:
aff[0:2, 2] = t
return aff
def rotate(theta):
'''Rotate counter-clockwise.'''
return affine(A=[[ np.cos(theta), np.sin(theta)],
[-np.sin(theta), np.cos(theta)]])
def rotate_around(rx, ry, theta):
Rotate counter-clockwise around (rx, ry)
Rotating around (0, 0) in opencv is actually rotating around the centre
of the first pixel.
return concatenate([
translate(-rx, -ry),
translate(rx, ry)
def scale(sx, sy=None):
if sy is None: sy = sx
return affine(A=[[sx, 0],
[ 0, sy]])
def scale_around(srx, sry, sx, sy=None):
''' Scale around a different registration point '''
return concatenate([
translate(-srx, -sry),
scale(sx, sy),
translate(srx, sry),
def translate(tx, ty):
return affine(t=[tx, ty])
def concatenate(matrices):
matrix = identity()
for m in reversed(matrices):
matrix = matrix @ m
return matrix
def homogeneous(coords):
Takes 2D coords [N, ..., {x, y}] to homogeneous coords [N, ..., {x, y, 1}]
ones = np.ones((*coords.shape[:-1], 1))
return np.concatenate([coords, ones], axis=-1)
def unhomogeneous(coords):
''' Inverse of homogeneous() '''
# Normalise
coords_norm = coords/coords[..., 2:]
return coords_norm[..., :2]
def transform(mat, coords):
''' Batch transform `coords` shapend [..., 2]. '''
coords_np = homogeneous(np.asarray(coords))
return unhomogeneous(coords_np @ mat.T)
# This was created for handling large TIF files efficiently.
# There is one main class in this file: RandomAffineCrop
# This can do most of what Albumentations.Affine does but with a major
# distinction.
# You can call RandomAffineCrop.apply() on a rasterio.Dataset, and it will
# only load the minimal amount of data required to provide a crop.
# This is in contrast with Albumentations.Affine which requires an image
# to be fully loaded in memory.
import decimal
import math
import cv2
import numpy as np
import albumentations as A
import spatial
import mat3
def safe_int(v, atol=7):
Simply casting to int truncates 0.999999999999 to 0.
This accounts for floating point imprecisions.
return int(round(decimal.Decimal(v), atol))
class RandomAffineCrop(A.DualTransform):
Applies the following operations in order:
This is represented as a params dictionary:
'translate': (dx, dy),
'scale': (srx, sry, scale),
'rotate': (rx, ry, angle)
- dx, dy are normalised to IMAGE dimensions
- srx, sry are normalised to CROP dimensions
- rx, ry are normalised to CROP dimensions
- angle is in radians
You can generate a dictionary like this with random values by using
self.get_params*() functions
Then theoretically `apply()` crops the resulting image at crop_size.
In reality, it only loads the minimum image data from disk.
You may provide the random distribution for each operation as a callable
that takes no parameters.
(in the below descriptions `f` refers to `float`)
crop_size : int or (int, int)
Size of crop in pixels
translate_dist : (f, f) or callable, opt
if 2-tuple, interpreted as uniform range for both dimensions
if callable, must return (dx, dy)
scale_dist : f or (f, f, f) or callable, opt
if float, interpreted as symmetric range limit.
e.g. scale_dist=2 means, select scale between 0.5 and 2, with equal
chance to spatial <1 as to spatial >1
The scale registration point defaults to crop centre
if 3-tuple, interpreted as (srx, sry, symmetric range limit)
e.g. (0.5, 0.5, 2)
(both above examples perform the same sampling)
if callable, must return (srx, sry, scale)
rotate_dist : (f, f) or (f, f, (f,f)) or callable, opt
if 2-tuple interpreted as angle (radians) range.
e.g. (-math.pi/2, math.pi/2)
the rotation centre defaults to the centre of the crop
if 3-tuple interpreted as (rx, ry, angle (radians) range)
e.g. (0.5, 0.5, (-math.pi/2, math.pi/2))
(both above examples perform the same sampling)
if callable, must return (rx, ry, angle)
def __init__(
always_apply: bool = False, p: float = 0.5
super().__init__(always_apply, p)
if isinstance(crop_size, int):
crop_size = (crop_size, crop_size)
self.crop_size = crop_size
self.translate_dist = spatial.translate_sampler_fnc(translate)
self.scale_dist = spatial.scale_sampler_fnc(scale)
self.rotate_dist = spatial.rotate_sampler_fnc(rotate)
def get_params(self):
Gets a set of random affine parameters sampled from the distributions
this object was initialised with.
return {
'translate': self.translate_dist(),
'scale': self.scale_dist(),
'rotate': self.rotate_dist(),
def get_params_safe(self, image_size):
Gets a set of params sampled uniformly from provided ranges, while
ensuring crop is within bounds of the image
# TODO: How can you make this safe, efficiently?
# Central square can be sampled normally.
# Triangles on the sides: trigonometry to determine how much are
# valid crop locations
# Select between by area
# In practice, for large images, this is very unlikely to occur more than once
for i in range(100):
params = self.get_params()
M = self.get_pixel_transform(image_size, **params)
if self.check_sample_inside(M, image_size):
return params
raise Exception('Could\'t spatial params for crop within image. Check image and crop sizes')
def check_sample_inside(self, M, image_size):
''' Returns true if this will spatial wholly within the image '''
iw, ih = image_size
xlo, ylo, xhi, yhi = self.get_crop_bounds(M)
return xlo >= 0 and ylo >= 0 and xhi < iw and yhi < ih
def get_pixel_transform(self, img_size, translate=(0, 0), scale=(0, 0, 1), rotate=(0, 0, 0)):
return spatial.get_pixel_transform(self.crop_size, translate, scale, rotate, img_size)
def get_crop_pixel_transform(self, M):
return spatial.get_crop_pixel_transform(M, self.crop_size)
def get_crop_bounds(self, M):
return spatial.get_crop_bounds(M, self.crop_size)
def fetch(self, img, interpolate, M=None, **params):
img_size = img.shape[1::-1]
if M is None:
M = self.get_pixel_transform(img_size, **params)
return spatial.fetch(img, M, self.crop_size, interpolate)
def apply(self, img, rows=None, cols=None, **params):
return self.fetch(img, interpolate=cv2.INTER_LINEAR, **params)
def apply_to_mask(self, img, rows=None, cols=None, **params):
return self.fetch(img, interpolate=cv2.INTER_NEAREST, **params)
def apply_to_bbox(self, bbox, rows, cols, M=None, **params):
Applies the transform to the bbox.
Note: takes axis-aligned coordinates, returns axis-aligned coordinates.
Thus, if there's a rotation, the final axis-aligned corners are the
minimum axis-aligned box to cover the rotated corners and the area
gets larger.
i.e. rotating 45 degrees and then rotating -45 degrees won't give
you the same bbox.
if M is None:
M = self.get_pixel_transform((cols, rows), **params)
xlo, ylo, xhi, yhi = bbox
# Translate to pixel values
pxlo = xlo * cols
pylo = ylo * rows
pxhi = xhi * cols
pyhi = yhi * rows
# Apply transform and re-align corners with axis
initial_corners = [(pxlo, pylo), (pxhi, pylo), (pxlo, pyhi), (pxhi, pyhi)]
corners = mat3.transform(M, initial_corners)
npxlo, npylo = corners.min(axis=0)
npxhi, npyhi = corners.max(axis=0)
# Normalise to crop size
nxlo = npxlo / self.crop_size[0]
nylo = npylo / self.crop_size[1]
nxhi = npxhi / self.crop_size[0]
nyhi = npyhi / self.crop_size[1]
return nxlo, nylo, nxhi, nyhi
def apply_to_keypoint(self, keypoint, rows, cols, M=None, **params):
Keypoints can actually be a vector; they start somewhere and point somewhere else.
if M is None:
M = self.get_pixel_transform((cols, rows), **params)
# Get point and vector
x, y, angle, scale = keypoint
vx = math.cos(angle)*scale
vy = -math.sin(angle)*scale
# Transform point and vector in pixel space
points = [[x, y],[x+vx, y+vy]]
# New x,y denoted nx,ny.
(nx, ny), (nevx, nevy) = mat3.transform(M, points)
# Vector is relative to nx, ny
nvx = nevx-nx
nvy = nevy-ny
nscale = math.sqrt(nvx**2 + nvy**2)
nangle = math.atan2(nvy, nvx)
# Albumentations follows the convention that a positive rotation
# is counter-clockwise for the angle of the keypoint
nangle = -nangle
# Return vector in polar form
# To match with `albumentations.Rotate`, we take the int part.
return safe_int(nx), safe_int(ny), nangle, nscale
import math
import cv2
import numpy as np
import mat3
# Default uniform ranges
ROTATE_DEFAULT_RANGE = (-math.pi/2, math.pi/2)
# Sampling functions
def translate_uniform_dist(v=TRANSLATE_DEFAULT_RANGE):
return tuple(np.random.uniform(*v, (2,)))
def multiplicatively_symmetrical_uniform(v):
If you sample in the range (0.5, 2) then you are more likely
to sample a value greater than 1 than less than 1.
This function balances the weight such that sampling a value in (1, v)
is equally likely as sampling from the range (1/v, 1)
sample = np.random.uniform(1, v)
r = np.random.randn()
return sample if r > 0 else 1/sample
def scale_uniform_dist(srx=0.5, sry=0.5, v=SCALE_DEFAULT_RANGE):
return (srx, sry, multiplicatively_symmetrical_uniform(v))
def rotate_uniform_dist(rx=0.5, ry=0.5, v=ROTATE_DEFAULT_RANGE):
return (rx, ry, np.random.uniform(*v))
def translate_sampler_fnc(translate=translate_uniform_dist):
''' Returns a parameterless function for sampling translation '''
if isinstance(translate, tuple) or isinstance(translate, list):
if not(len(translate) == 2):
raise ValueError('Translate as a tuple must be a 2-tuple')
return lambda: translate_uniform_dist(translate)
elif translate is None:
return lambda: (0, 0)
elif callable(translate):
return translate
raise ValueError('translate must be one of: (float, float), None or callable')
def scale_sampler_fnc(scale=scale_uniform_dist):
if isinstance(scale, tuple) or isinstance(scale, list):
return lambda: scale_uniform_dist(*scale)
elif isinstance(scale, float):
return lambda: scale_uniform_dist(v=scale)
elif scale is None:
return lambda: (0, 0, 1)
elif callable(scale):
return scale
raise ValueError('Scale must be one of: float, (float, float, float) or callable')
def rotate_sampler_fnc(rotate=rotate_uniform_dist):
if isinstance(rotate, tuple) or isinstance(rotate, list):
if not(len(rotate) == 3):
raise ValueError('Rotate as a tuple must be a 3-tuple')
return lambda: rotate_uniform_dist(*rotate)
elif isinstance(rotate, float):
return lambda: rotate_uniform_dist(v=rotate)
elif rotate is None:
return lambda: (0, 0, 0)
elif callable(rotate):
return rotate
raise ValueError('Rotate must be one of: (float, float), '
'(float, float, (float, float)) or callable')
def affine_sampler_fnc(translate=translate_uniform_dist,
t = translate_sampler_fnc(translate)
s = scale_sampler_fnc(scale)
r = rotate_sampler_fnc(rotate)
def do_sample():
return {
'translate': t(),
'scale': s(),
'rotate': r(),
return do_sample
# Matrix functions
def _translate_norm_matrix(img_size, crop_size, translate):
iw, ih = img_size
cw, ch = crop_size
dx, dy = translate
# Normalised translation is bounded by viable crop locations
return mat3.translate((iw - cw + 1)*dx, (ih - ch + 1)*dy)
def get_pixel_transform(crop_size, translate=(0, 0), scale=(0, 0, 1), rotate=(0, 0, 0),
Gets a 3x3 matrix which moves coordinates to new positions
in transformed image space.
e.g. Given a bbox at (10, 10), rx=ry=angle=0, sc=1, dx=20, dy=40
applying this transform will move it to (30, 50)
cw, ch = crop_size
rx, ry, angle = rotate
srx, sry, sc = scale
if img_size is None:
t = mat3.translate(*translate)
t = _translate_norm_matrix(img_size, crop_size, translate)
# (rx, ry) and (srx, sry) are relative to the crop origin.
s = mat3.scale_around(srx*cw, sry*ch, sc)
r = mat3.rotate_around(rx*cw, ry*ch, angle)
M = mat3.concatenate([t, s, r])
return M
def get_crop_pixel_transform(M, crop_size):
Gets a 3x3 transform which moves coordinates within a crop
as if you used M on the whole image.
xlo, ylo, _, _ = get_crop_bounds(M, crop_size)
U = mat3.translate(xlo, ylo)
Q = mat3.concatenate([U, M])
return Q
def get_crop_bounds(M, crop_size):
Returns minimum pixel boundaries required to obtain pixel data.
# Assume crop is in top-right, then use M to move corners of crop
# to correct place in pixel-space
initial_corners = np.array([(0., 0), (1, 0), (1, 1), (0, 1)]) * crop_size
corners = mat3.transform(np.linalg.inv(M), initial_corners)
xlo, ylo = corners.min(axis=0)
xhi, yhi = corners.max(axis=0)
xlo, ylo = math.floor(xlo), math.floor(ylo)
xhi, yhi = math.ceil(xhi), math.ceil(yhi)
return xlo, ylo, xhi, yhi
def fetch(img, M, crop_size, interpolate=cv2.INTER_LINEAR):
# Find M, relative to the crop
Q = get_crop_pixel_transform(M, crop_size)
# Get crop and return selected data
bounds = get_crop_bounds(M, crop_size)
crop = read_crop(img, bounds, ch_axis=2)
# Note: warpAffine treats (0,0) to be the centre of the top-left pixel.
# This is not a bug; it is necessary for proper sampling.
# However, this can cause unexpected mis-alignments between bboxes
# and the sampled image
half_in = mat3.translate(1/2, 1/2)
half_out = mat3.translate(-1/2, -1/2)
P = mat3.concatenate([half_in, Q, half_out])
return cv2.warpAffine(crop, P[:2], crop_size,
flags=interpolate, borderMode=cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT)
def get_crop_slices(img_shp, window):
Slices for filling a crop from an image when cropping with `window`
while accounting for the window being off the edge of `img`.
*Note:* negative values in `window` are interpreted as-is, not as "from the end".
img_shp, window = np.array(img_shp), np.array(window)
start = window[:, 0]
end = window[:, 1]
window_shp = end - start
# Calculate crop slice positions
crop_low = np.clip(0 - start, a_min=0, a_max=window_shp)
crop_high = window_shp - np.clip(end-img_shp, a_min=0, a_max=window_shp)
crop_slices = tuple(slice(low, high) for low, high in zip(crop_low, crop_high))
# Calculate img slice positions
start = np.clip(start, a_min=0, a_max=img_shp)
end = np.clip(end, a_min=0, a_max=img_shp)
img_slices = tuple(slice(low, high) for low, high in zip(start, end))
return img_slices, crop_slices
def read_crop(img, window, ch_axis=0):
Gets from `img` a crop defined by `pos`/`size`.
Note: `pos`/`size` may extend beyond image boundaries, and
negative indices are considered as-is, not "from the end".
img : rasterio.Dataset or np.ndarray
Dataset/img to pull raster data from
pos : ((int, int), (int, int)) or (int, int, int, int) or (int, int)
1st form: bounds (xlo, ylo, xhi, yhi)
2nd form: pixel location to pull from (y, x) (must provide `size`)
3rd form: slices to pull from (y_window, x_window)
size : (int, int), opt
Size of crop (yx) if window is given as a position
ch_axis : int, opt
Which axis to place the channels in output
Crop raster data
window = normalise_window(window)
(ylo, yhi), (xlo, xhi) = window
ysize, xsize = (yhi-ylo), (xhi-xlo)
dtype = img.dtypes[0] if hasattr(img, 'dtypes') else img.dtype
# Window may extend beyond the image boundaries, thus, instead of simply
# stacking the outputs, which wouldn't be the full size, we create
# a np.zeros and then paste into that the usable parts of the crop
crop_shp = [ysize, xsize]
img_shp = list(img.shape)
if hasattr(img, 'count'):
crop_shp.insert(ch_axis, img.count)
elif len(img.shape) == 3:
# Note: pop drops the channel from img_shp
crop_shp.insert(ch_axis, img_shp.pop(ch_axis))
crop = np.zeros(crop_shp, dtype=dtype)
img_slices, crop_slices = get_slices(img_shp, window)
if hasattr(img, 'read') and hasattr(img, 'count'):
for j in range(img.count):
band_crop_slices = list(crop_slices)
band_crop_slices.insert(ch_axis, j)
crop[tuple(band_crop_slices)] =, window=img_slices)
if len(img.shape) == 3:
crop_slices = list(crop_slices)
img_slices = list(img_slices)
crop_slices.insert(ch_axis, slice(None))
img_slices.insert(ch_axis, slice(None))
crop[tuple(crop_slices)] = img[tuple(img_slices)]
return crop
# This was created for handling large TIF files efficiently.
# There is one main class in this file: RandomAffineCrop
# This can do most of what Albumentations.Affine does but with a major
# distinction.
# You can call RandomAffineCrop.apply() on a rasterio.Dataset, and it will
# only load the minimal amount of data required to provide a crop.
# This is in contrast with Albumentations.Affine which requires an image
# to be fully loaded in memory.
import decimal
import math
import cv2
import numpy as np
import albumentations as A
import spatial
import mat3
def safe_int(v, atol=7):
Simply casting to int truncates 0.999999999999 to 0.
This accounts for floating point imprecisions.
return int(round(decimal.Decimal(v), atol))
class RandomAffineCrop(A.DualTransform):
Applies the following operations in order:
This is represented as a params dictionary:
'translate': (dx, dy),
'scale': (srx, sry, scale),
'rotate': (rx, ry, angle)
- dx, dy are normalised to IMAGE dimensions
- srx, sry are normalised to CROP dimensions
- rx, ry are normalised to CROP dimensions
- angle is in radians
You can generate a dictionary like this with random values by using
self.get_params*() functions
Then theoretically `apply()` crops the resulting image at crop_size.
In reality, it only loads the minimum image data from disk.
You may provide the random distribution for each operation as a callable
that takes no parameters.
(in the below descriptions `f` refers to `float`)
crop_size : int or (int, int)
Size of crop in pixels
translate_dist : (f, f) or callable, opt
if 2-tuple, interpreted as uniform range for both dimensions
if callable, must return (dx, dy)
scale_dist : f or (f, f, f) or callable, opt
if float, interpreted as symmetric range limit.
e.g. scale_dist=2 means, select scale between 0.5 and 2, with equal
chance to spatial <1 as to spatial >1
The scale registration point defaults to crop centre
if 3-tuple, interpreted as (srx, sry, symmetric range limit)
e.g. (0.5, 0.5, 2)
(both above examples perform the same sampling)
if callable, must return (srx, sry, scale)
rotate_dist : (f, f) or (f, f, (f,f)) or callable, opt
if 2-tuple interpreted as angle (radians) range.
e.g. (-math.pi/2, math.pi/2)
the rotation centre defaults to the centre of the crop
if 3-tuple interpreted as (rx, ry, angle (radians) range)
e.g. (0.5, 0.5, (-math.pi/2, math.pi/2))
(both above examples perform the same sampling)
if callable, must return (rx, ry, angle)
def __init__(
always_apply: bool = False, p: float = 0.5
super().__init__(always_apply, p)
if isinstance(crop_size, int):
crop_size = (crop_size, crop_size)
self.crop_size = crop_size
self.translate_dist = spatial.translate_sampler_fnc(translate)
self.scale_dist = spatial.scale_sampler_fnc(scale)
self.rotate_dist = spatial.rotate_sampler_fnc(rotate)
def get_params(self):
Gets a set of random affine parameters sampled from the distributions
this object was initialised with.
return {
'translate': self.translate_dist(),
'scale': self.scale_dist(),
'rotate': self.rotate_dist(),
def get_params_safe(self, image_size):
Gets a set of params sampled uniformly from provided ranges, while
ensuring crop is within bounds of the image
# TODO: How can you make this safe, efficiently?
# Central square can be sampled normally.
# Triangles on the sides: trigonometry to determine how much are
# valid crop locations
# Select between by area
# In practice, for large images, this is very unlikely to occur more than once
for i in range(100):
params = self.get_params()
M = self.get_pixel_transform(image_size, **params)
if self.check_sample_inside(M, image_size):
return params
raise Exception('Could\'t spatial params for crop within image. Check image and crop sizes')
def check_sample_inside(self, M, image_size):
''' Returns true if this will spatial wholly within the image '''
iw, ih = image_size
xlo, ylo, xhi, yhi = self.get_crop_bounds(M)
return xlo >= 0 and ylo >= 0 and xhi < iw and yhi < ih
def get_pixel_transform(self, img_size, translate=(0, 0), scale=(0, 0, 1), rotate=(0, 0, 0)):
return spatial.get_pixel_transform(self.crop_size, translate, scale, rotate, img_size)
def get_crop_pixel_transform(self, M):
return spatial.get_crop_pixel_transform(M, self.crop_size)
def get_crop_bounds(self, M):
return spatial.get_crop_bounds(M, self.crop_size)
def fetch(self, img, interpolate, M=None, **params):
img_size = img.shape[1::-1]
if M is None:
M = self.get_pixel_transform(img_size, **params)
return spatial.fetch(img, M, self.crop_size, interpolate)
def apply(self, img, rows=None, cols=None, **params):
return self.fetch(img, interpolate=cv2.INTER_LINEAR, **params)
def apply_to_mask(self, img, rows=None, cols=None, **params):
return self.fetch(img, interpolate=cv2.INTER_NEAREST, **params)
def apply_to_bbox(self, bbox, rows, cols, M=None, **params):
Applies the transform to the bbox.
Note: takes axis-aligned coordinates, returns axis-aligned coordinates.
Thus, if there's a rotation, the final axis-aligned corners are the
minimum axis-aligned box to cover the rotated corners and the area
gets larger.
i.e. rotating 45 degrees and then rotating -45 degrees won't give
you the same bbox.
if M is None:
M = self.get_pixel_transform((cols, rows), **params)
xlo, ylo, xhi, yhi = bbox
# Translate to pixel values
pxlo = xlo * cols
pylo = ylo * rows
pxhi = xhi * cols
pyhi = yhi * rows
# Apply transform and re-align corners with axis
initial_corners = [(pxlo, pylo), (pxhi, pylo), (pxlo, pyhi), (pxhi, pyhi)]
corners = mat3.transform(M, initial_corners)
npxlo, npylo = corners.min(axis=0)
npxhi, npyhi = corners.max(axis=0)
# Normalise to crop size
nxlo = npxlo / self.crop_size[0]
nylo = npylo / self.crop_size[1]
nxhi = npxhi / self.crop_size[0]
nyhi = npyhi / self.crop_size[1]
return nxlo, nylo, nxhi, nyhi
def apply_to_keypoint(self, keypoint, rows, cols, M=None, **params):
Keypoints can actually be a vector; they start somewhere and point somewhere else.
if M is None:
M = self.get_pixel_transform((cols, rows), **params)
# Get point and vector
x, y, angle, scale = keypoint
vx = math.cos(angle)*scale
vy = -math.sin(angle)*scale
# Transform point and vector in pixel space
points = [[x, y],[x+vx, y+vy]]
# New x,y denoted nx,ny.
(nx, ny), (nevx, nevy) = mat3.transform(M, points)
# Vector is relative to nx, ny
nvx = nevx-nx
nvy = nevy-ny
nscale = math.sqrt(nvx**2 + nvy**2)
nangle = math.atan2(nvy, nvx)
# Albumentations follows the convention that a positive rotation
# is counter-clockwise for the angle of the keypoint
nangle = -nangle
# Return vector in polar form
# To match with `albumentations.Rotate`, we take the int part.
return safe_int(nx), safe_int(ny), nangle, nscale
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Minimal usage example:

import rasterio

from random_affine_crop import RandomAffineCrop

rac = RandomAffineCrop(crop_size=(224, 224))
tif ='some.tif')
crop = rac.apply(tif, **rac.get_params())

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Multihuntr commented Jan 7, 2022

Minimal functional usage example:

import rasterio

import spatial

crop_size = (224, 224)
tif ='some.tif')
sampler = spatial.affine_sampler_fnc()
M = spatial.get_pixel_transform(crop_size, img_size=tif.shape, **sampler())
crop = spatial.fetch(tif, M, crop_size)

Note has no dependency on Albumentations.

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