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Last active August 29, 2015 14:16
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Redis expire notification test

Redis expire test

Test script to check how redis expire registration works.


Run with npm run.

const redis = require('redis'),
subscriber = redis.createClient(6379, 'localhost'),
writer = redis.createClient(6379, 'localhost'),
keys = new Map();
// config
const keyCount = 10000,
delay = 10, // expire delay in seconds
listenDelay = 5, // how many seconds to listen after last timeout
batchDelay = 1, // how many seconds between a batch
batches = 20; // In how many batches to execute
subscriber.on('pmessage', (pattern, channel, message) => {
if (message == 'expired') {
const parts = channel.split(':'),
key = Number(parts[2]),
keyData = keys.get(key);
keyData.unset =;
keyData.delay = keyData.unset - keyData.set - delay * 1000;
function setExpiringBatch(start, count, cb) {
for (let i = 0; i < count; i += 1) {
const key = i + start;
writer.setex(`expire-test:${key}`, delay,;
keys.set(key, { set:, unset: undefined, delay: 0 });
console.log(`Added ${count} test keys with ${delay}s expire time.`);
cb(start + count);
subscriber.on('psubscribe', (channel, count) => {
console.log("Subscribed to keychange events.");
const more = (last) => {
if (last < keyCount) {
console.log('Sleeping for', batchDelay, 's')
setTimeout(() => {
setExpiringBatch(last + 1, keyCount / batches, more);
}, batchDelay * 1000);
} else {
setTimeout(() => {
console.log(`Listened for ${listenDelay + delay}s, shutting down.`);
const keyValues = keys.values();
let unexpiredCount = 0,
biggestDelay = 0,
delays = [];
for (let keyData of keyValues) {
if (!keyData.unset)
unexpiredCount += 1;
if (keyData.delay > biggestDelay)
biggestDelay = keyData.delay;
console.log("Results for expire test:");
console.log("Created", keyCount, "expiring keys with", delay, "s expire time in", batches, "batches with", batchDelay, "s between each batch.");
console.log("Keys that did not expire: ", unexpiredCount);
console.log("Biggest delay was:", biggestDelay, "ms");
console.log("Median delay was: ", delays[Math.floor(delays.length / 2)], "ms");
console.log("Mean delay was: ", Math.floor(delays.reduce((memo, count) => { return memo + count; }, 0) / delays.length), "ms");
}, (listenDelay + delay) * 1000);
setExpiringBatch(0, keyCount / batches, more);
writer.keys("expire-test:*", (err, keys) => {
console.log(`Found ${keys.length} existing keys.`);
if (keys.length > 0) {
console.log("Deleting existing keys.");
subscriber.config("SET", "notify-keyspace-events", "Kx");
"name": "redis-expire-test",
"version": "0.0.1",
"description": "Test redis key expiration",
"main": "index.js",
"scripts": {
"test": "./node_modules/.bin/babel-node index.es6"
"author": "Otto Vehvilainen",
"license": "MIT",
"dependencies": {
"babel": "^4.5.5",
"hiredis": "^0.2.0",
"redis": "^0.12.1"
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