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pip install amadeus
#First install amadeus by using "pip install amadeus" then write the following code
#Write the airport code not the full name as input like LHR for Lahore airport
from amadeus import Client, ResponseError
amadeus = Client(
client_id='Your API KEY',
client_secret='YOUR API SECRET'
a = input("Enter the Departure Airport code: ")
b = input("Enter the Arrival Airport code: ")
c = input("Enter the date of travel in the format yyyy-mm-dd :")
body = {
"originDestinations": [
"id": "1",
"originLocationCode": a,
"destinationLocationCode": b,
"departureDateTime": {
"date": c
"travelers": [
"id": "1",
"travelerType": "ADULT"
"sources": [
response =
Data =
if Data == None :
print(f"There is no available flight from {a} to {b} on {c}")
print(f"The available flights from {a} to {b} on {c} are given below: ")
for i in range(len(Data)):
print(f"{i+1}) ")
print("The aircraft number: ")
print("The aircraft code is:")
except ResponseError as error:
raise error
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