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Created February 11, 2022 09:26
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futhark tree-sitter grammar
module.exports = grammar({
name: 'futhark',
rules: {
source_file: $ => repeat($.dec),
identifier: $ => /_?[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_\']*/,
_quals: $ => repeat1(
seq($.identifier, '.')
qualid: $ => choice(
seq($._quals, $.identifier)
binop: $ => seq(
qualbinop: $ => choice(
seq($._quals, $.binop),
seq('`', $.qualid, '`')
fieldid: $ => choice(
opstartchar: $ => choice(
opchar: $ => choice(
constructor: $ => seq(
literal: $ => choice(
int_type: $ => choice(
float_type: $ => choice(
intnumber: $ => seq(
_decimal: $ => /[0-9][0-9_]*/,
_hexadecimal: $ => /0[xX][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F_]*/,
_binary: $ => /0[bB][01][01_]*/,
floatnumber: $ => seq(
choice($._pointfloat, $._exponentfloat, $._hexadecimalfloat),
_pointfloat: $ => seq(
_exponentfloat: $ => seq(
choice($._decimal, $._pointfloat),
_hexadecimalfloat: $ => seq(
_fraction: $ => /\.[0-9][0-9_]*/,
_hexintpart: $ => /[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F_]*/,
_hexfraction: $ => /.[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F_]*/,
_exponent: $ => /[eE][\+\-]?[0-9]+/,
type: $ => choice(
// $.function_type,
// $.type_application,
// $.existential_size
tuple_type: $ => choice(
seq('(', ')'),
seq('(', $.type, repeat1(seq(',', $.type)), ')')
array_type: $ => seq(
dim: $ => choice(
sum_type: $ => prec.left(seq(
record_type: $ => choice(
seq('{', '}'),
type_application: $ => prec.left(3, choice(
seq($.type, $.type_arg),
seq('*', $.type)
type_arg: $ => choice(
seq('[', optional($.dim), ']'),
function_type: $ => seq(
param_type: $ => prec(2, choice(
seq('(', $.identifier, ':', $.type, ')')
stringlit: $ => token(
seq('"', repeat(choice(/[^"\\\n]/, seq("\\", /([^\n]|[0-9]+)/))), '"')
charlit: $ => token(
seq('\'', repeat(choice(/[^'\\\n]/, seq("\\", /([^\n]|[0-9]+)/))), '\'')
existential_size: $ => seq(
repeat1(seq('[', $.identifier, ']')),
dec: $ => choice(
// $.val_bind,
// $.mod_bind,
// $.mod_type_bind,
// seq('open', $.mod_exp),
// seq('import', $.stringlit),
// seq('local', $.dec),
// seq('#[', $.attr, ']', $.dec),
val_bind: $ => choice(
seq(choice('def', 'entry', 'let'),
choice($.identifier, seq('(', $.binop, ')')),
optional(seq(':', $.type)),
seq(choice('def', 'entry', 'let'),
optional(seq(':', $.type)),
type_bind: $ => seq(
optional(choice('^', '~')),
type_param: $ => choice(
seq('[', $.identifier, ']'),
seq('\'', $.identifier),
seq('\'~', $.identifier),
seq('\'^', $.identifier)
atom: $ => choice(
seq($.qualid, repeat(seq('.', $.fieldid))),
seq('(', ')'),
seq('(', $.exp, ')', repeat(seq('.', $.fieldid))),
seq('(', $.exp, repeat(seq(',', $.exp)), ')'),
seq('{', '}'),
seq('{', $.field, repeat(seq(',', $.field)), '}'),
seq($.qualid, '[', $.index, repeat(seq(',', $.index)), ']'),
seq('(', $.exp, ')', '[', $.index, repeat(seq(',', $.index)), ']'),
seq($._quals, '.', '(', $.exp, ')'),
seq('[', $.exp, repeat(seq(',', $.exp)), ']'),
seq('[', $.exp, optional(seq('..', $.exp)), '...', $.exp, ']'),
seq('(', $.qualbinop, ')'),
seq('(', $.exp, $.qualbinop, ')'),
seq('(', $.qualbinop, $.exp, ')'),
seq('(', repeat1(seq('.', $.field)), ')'),
seq('(', '.', '[', $.index, repeat(seq(',', $.index)), ']', ')'),
exp: $ => choice(
seq($.exp, $.qualbinop, $.exp),
seq($.exp, $.exp),
seq('!', $.exp),
seq('-', $.exp),
seq($.constructor, repeat($.exp)),
seq($.exp, ':', $.type),
seq($.exp, ':>', $.type),
seq($.exp, optional(seq('..', $.exp)), '...', $.exp),
seq($.exp, optional(seq('..', $.exp)), '..<', $.exp),
seq($.exp, optional(seq('..', $.exp)), '..>', $.exp),
seq('if', $.exp, 'then', $.exp, 'else', $.exp),
seq('let', repeat($.size), $.pat, '=', $.exp, 'in', $.exp),
seq('let', $.identifier, '[', $.index, repeat(seq(',', $.index)), ']', '=', $.exp, 'in', $.exp),
seq('let', $.identifier, repeat($.type_param), repeat1($.pat), optional(seq(':', $.type)), '=', $.exp, 'in', $.exp),
seq('(', '\\', repeat1($.pat), optional(seq('=', $.exp)), $.loopform, 'do', $.exp),
seq('#[', $.attr, ']', $.exp),
seq('unsafe', $.exp),
seq('assert', $.atom, $.atom),
seq($.exp, 'with', '[', $.index, repeat(seq(',', $.index)), ']', '=', $.exp),
seq($.exp, 'with', $.fieldid, repeat(seq('.', $.fieldid)), '=', $.exp),
seq('match', $.exp, repeat1(seq('case', $.pat, '->', $.exp))),
index: $ => $.literal,
loopform: $ => seq(
field: $ => choice(
seq($.fieldid, '=', $.exp),
size: $ => seq(
'[', $.identifier, ']'
pat: $ => choice(
seq('(', ')'),
seq('(', $.pat, ')'),
seq('(', $.pat, repeat1(seq(',', $.pat)), ')'),
seq('{', '}'),
seq('{', $.fieldid, optional(seq('=', $.pat)), repeat(seq(',', $.fieldid, optional(seq('=', $.pat)))), '}'),
seq($.constructor, repeat($.pat)),
seq($.pat, ':', $.type),
seq('#[', $.attr, ']', $.pat),
pat_literal: $ => seq(
mod_bind: $ => seq(
optional(seq(':', $.mod_type_exp)),
mod_param: $ => seq(
mod_type_bind: $ => seq(
mod_exp: $ => choice(
seq($.mod_exp, ':', $.mod_type_exp),
seq('\\', '(', $.identifier, ':', $.mod_type_exp, ')', optional(seq(':', $.mod_type_exp)), '->', $.mod_exp),
seq($.mod_exp, $.mod_exp),
seq('(', $.mod_exp, ')'),
seq('{', repeat($.dec), '}'),
seq('import', $.stringlit),
mod_type_exp: $ => choice(
seq('{', repeat($.spec), '}'),
seq($.mod_type_exp, 'with', $.qualid, repeat($.type_param), '=', $.type),
seq('(', $.mod_type_exp, ')'),
seq('(', $.identifier, ':', $.mod_type_exp, ')', '->', $.mod_type_exp),
seq($.mod_type_exp, '->', $.mod_type_exp),
spec: $ => choice(
seq('val', $.identifier, repeat($.type_param), ':', $.spec_type),
seq('val', $.binop, repeat($.type_param), ':', $.spec_type),
seq('type', optional('^'), $.identifier, repeat($.type_param), '=', $.type),
seq('type', optional('^'), $.identifier, repeat($.type_param)),
seq('module', $.identifier, ':', $.mod_type_exp),
seq('include', $.mod_type_exp),
seq('#[', $.attr, ']', $.spec),
spec_type: $ => choice(
seq($.type, '->', $.spec_type),
attr: $ => choice(
seq($.identifier, '(', optional(seq($.attr, repeat(seq(',', $.attr)))), ')'),
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