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Last active September 22, 2024 20:52
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Guide to enable macOS Terminal to respect system proxy

Copy and paste the code below at the beginning of ~/.bash_profile.

export http_proxy=`scutil --proxy | awk '\
  /HTTPEnable/ { enabled = $3; } \
  /HTTPProxy/ { server = $3; } \
  /HTTPPort/ { port = $3; } \
  END { if (enabled == "1") { print "http://" server ":" port; } }'`
export HTTP_PROXY="${http_proxy}"
export https_proxy=`scutil --proxy | awk '\
  /HTTPSEnable/ { enabled = $3; } \
  /HTTPSProxy/ { server = $3; } \
  /HTTPSPort/ { port = $3; } \
  END { if (enabled == "1") { print "http://" server ":" port; } }'`
export HTTPS_PROXY="${https_proxy}"


Note: If you're using Tor, SOCKS proxy isn't supported by Terminal, so add HTTPTunnelPort 9080 at /usr/local/etc/tor/torrc

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