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Last active December 20, 2017 15:23
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Redis PHP get,set
//This is the redis database being selected
//Databases in redis are integers (0-15) unlike
//mysql where the database can be a string
$redis = new \Redis();//
//KEY => VAL(string)
$redis->set("software", "pmmp/PocketMine-MP");
//[KEY => VAL(string)]
$redis->hSet("Array1", "key", "value");
$redis->hGet("Array1", "key");//"value"
$redis->hGet("Array1", "key1");//bool(false)
$redis->hSet("Array1", "key1", "1");
$redis->hIncr("Array1", "key1");
$redis->hGet("Array1", "key1");//"2"
$redis->hGetAll("Array1");//["key" => "value", "key1" => "2"]
$redis->hDel("Array1", "key1");
$redis->hGetAll("Array1");//["key" => "value"]
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