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Last active April 24, 2020 15:38
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  • Save Muratam/7aa40e699e61d55b7f32874978a5e393 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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import os.path
import requests
import datetime
import random
import tweepy
import sys
import os
import shutil
import re
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from pprint import pprint
from urllib.parse import urljoin
def get_api():
with open("tweettoken") as f:
c_k = f.readline().strip()
c_s = f.readline().strip()
a_k = f.readline().strip()
a_s = f.readline().strip()
auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(c_k, c_s)
auth.set_access_token(a_k, a_s)
api = tweepy.API(auth)
return api
def tweet(text):
api = get_api()
def get_random_wikipedia(t=0):
got = requests.get("")
if got.encoding.startswith("ISO"):
got.encoding = got.apparent_encoding
soup = BeautifulSoup(got.text, "html5lib")
content = soup.select_one("#mw-content-text").select_one("p")
ruby =
"((.+?))", content.text).group(0)[1:].replace("(", "").replace(")", "")
ruby = ruby.replace(" ", "").replace(
" ", "").split(",")[0].split("、")[0]
body =
"^(.+?)(", content.text).group(0).replace("(", "").replace(")", "")
categories = soup.select_one("#mw-normal-catlinks").select("li")
categories = [c.select_one("a").text for c in categories]
for c in categories:
ignores = ["人","学校","大学","年生","年没","世紀生","世紀没","画像提供依頼","の神社","駅","法律","の寺院","の郵便局","氏","の企業","の建築物","の河川","のダム","の法","の公園","設立","市の","町の","村の","区の","の市","の町","の村","の区","市域の","県の","番組","ドラマ","のシングル","のアルバム","の廃止市町村","の一覧","年代","不詳","不明","小説","者","家","組合","条例"]
for ignore in ignores:
if ignore in c :
raise Exception
for r in ruby:
if not ((r >= "あ" and r <= "ん") or (r >= "ア" and r <= "ン")):
raise Exception
if ruby in ["しゅような","いちらん"] :
raise Exception
for e in ["もく","か"]:
if ruby.endswith(e):
raise Exception
if body in categories:
raise Exception
return {
"ruby": ruby,
"name": body,
"categories": categories,
except Exception as e:
return get_random_wikipedia(t + 1)
tmpfilepath = "/tmp/sprintshout-tweet.txt"
def sprint_shaut():
wiki = get_random_wikipedia()
if wiki == None:
return "失敗しました..."
result = ""
with open(tmpfilepath, "w") as f:
f.write(wiki["ruby"] + " (" + wiki["name"] + ")\n" + wiki["url"])
shout = ""
rand = random.randint(0, len(wiki["ruby"])-1)
for i, r in enumerate(wiki["ruby"]):
if i == rand:
shout += r
shout += "◯"
result += "今回の問題 : " + shout + "("+str(len(wiki["ruby"]))+"文字)"
result += "\n" + "ヒント:" + ",".join(wiki["categories"])
result += "\n答えは15分後発表!"
return result
def answer():
result = ""
with open(tmpfilepath, "r") as f:
result += "答えは " + "".join(f.readlines()) + "\n"
result += "\n当てられなかった人は徳を貯めて次回頑張ろうね!"
return result
if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) == 2 :
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