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Last active April 29, 2024 16:50
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This script bakes the transformation of a node to its offset parent matrix which then acts as its rest matrix. Only works with maya 2020 and up.
import maya.api.OpenMaya as om
import maya.cmds as cmds
TRANSFORM_NODETYPES = ["transform", "joint"]
def has_non_default_locked_attributes(node):
locked_attributes = []
for attribute in ["translate", "rotate", "scale", "jointOrient"]:
default_value = 1 if attribute == "scale" else 0
for axis in "XYZ":
if cmds.attributeQuery(attribute + axis, node=node, exists=True):
attribute_name = "{}.{}{}".format(node, attribute, axis)
current_value = cmds.getAttr(attribute_name)
if cmds.getAttr(attribute_name, lock=True) and current_value != default_value:
return True
def reset_transforms(node):
for attribute in ["translate", "rotate", "scale", "jointOrient"]:
value = 1 if attribute == "scale" else 0
for axis in "XYZ":
if cmds.attributeQuery(attribute + axis, node=node, exists=True):
attribute_name = "{}.{}{}".format(node, attribute, axis)
if not cmds.getAttr(attribute_name, lock=True):
cmds.setAttr(attribute_name, value)
def bake_transform_to_offset_parent_matrix(node):
if cmds.nodeType(node) not in TRANSFORM_NODETYPES:
raise ValueError("Node {} is not a transform node".format(node))
if has_non_default_locked_attributes(node):
raise RuntimeError("Node {} has at least one non default locked attribute(s)".format(node))
local_matrix = om.MMatrix(cmds.xform(node, q=True, m=True, ws=False))
offset_parent_matrix = om.MMatrix(cmds.getAttr(node + ".offsetParentMatrix"))
baked_matrix = local_matrix * offset_parent_matrix
cmds.setAttr(node + ".offsetParentMatrix", baked_matrix, type="matrix")
def bake_transform_to_offset_parent_matrix_selection():
for node in
if __name__ == "__main__":
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RDelet commented Nov 26, 2022

It's because you try to launch this script as mel. It's python script

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dneag commented Jun 13, 2023


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