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Last active July 25, 2023 17:30
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Sample of CRUD Repository and Paging Repository Pattern based on Spring Framework repository abstraction layers (CRUD, PagingAndSorting, Jpa). It was designated to work with Sequelize Typescript.
import { Model } from 'sequelize-typescript';
import { MakeNullishOptional } from 'sequelize/types/utils';
import { DestroyOptions, FindOptions, UpdateOptions } from 'sequelize';
export type RepoPrimaryKey = string | number | bigint;
export type RepoDelete<TAttributes extends object> = DestroyOptions<TAttributes>;
export type RepoUpdate<TAttributes extends object> = UpdateOptions<TAttributes>;
export type RepoFetch<TAttributes extends object> = FindOptions<TAttributes>;
export type RepoCreate<TAttributes extends object> = MakeNullishOptional<TAttributes>;
export interface ICrudRepository<
TModelAttributes extends object,
TCreationAttributes extends object,
TModel extends Model<TModelAttributes, TCreationAttributes>
> {
create(value: RepoCreate<TCreationAttributes>): Promise<TModel>;
fetchOne(options: RepoFetch<TModelAttributes>): Promise<TModel>;
updateOne(options: RepoUpdate<TModelAttributes>, value: TModelAttributes): Promise<TModel>;
deleteOne(options: RepoDelete<TModelAttributes>): Promise<TModel>;
restoreOne(options: RepoFetch<TModelAttributes>): Promise<TModel>;
fetchUnique(identifier: RepoPrimaryKey, options?: RepoFetch<TModelAttributes>): Promise<TModel>;
updateUnique(identifier: RepoPrimaryKey, value: TModelAttributes): Promise<TModel>;
deleteUnique(identifier: RepoPrimaryKey): Promise<TModel>;
restoreUnique(identifier: RepoPrimaryKey): Promise<TModel>;
fetch(options: RepoFetch<TModelAttributes>): Promise<TModel[]>;
update(options: RepoUpdate<TModelAttributes>, value: TModelAttributes): Promise<TModel[]>;
delete(options: RepoDelete<TModelAttributes>): Promise<TModel[]>;
restore(options: RepoFetch<TModelAttributes>): Promise<TModel[]>;
count(options: RepoFetch<TModelAttributes>): Promise<number>;
exists(options: RepoFetch<TModelAttributes>): Promise<boolean>;
import { Model } from 'sequelize-typescript';
import { ModelStatic } from 'sequelize';
import {
} from './crud-repository.interface';
export abstract class CrudRepository<
TModelAttributes extends object,
TCreationAttributes extends object,
TModel extends Model<TModelAttributes, TCreationAttributes>
> implements ICrudRepository<TModelAttributes, TCreationAttributes, TModel> {
constructor(protected readonly model: ModelStatic<TModel>) {}
async create(value: RepoCreate<TCreationAttributes>): Promise<TModel> {
return await this.model.create(value);
async fetch(options: RepoFetch<TModelAttributes>): Promise<TModel[]> {
return await this.model.findAll(options);
async fetchOne(options: RepoFetch<TModelAttributes>): Promise<TModel> {
const entity = await this.model.findOne(options);
if (!entity)
throw new Error('The specified record was not found in the database.');
return entity;
async fetchUnique(identifier: RepoPrimaryKey, options?: RepoFetch<TModelAttributes>): Promise<TModel> {
const entity = await this.model.findByPk(identifier, options);
if (!entity)
throw new Error('The specified record was not found in the database.');
return entity;
async update(options: RepoUpdate<TModelAttributes>, value: TModelAttributes): Promise<TModel[]> {
await this.model.update(value, options);
return await this.fetch(options);
async updateUnique(identifier: RepoPrimaryKey, value: TModelAttributes): Promise<TModel> {
const entity = await this.fetchUnique(identifier);
return await entity.update(value);
async updateOne(options: RepoUpdate<TModelAttributes>, value: TModelAttributes): Promise<TModel> {
const entity = await this.fetchOne(options);
return await entity.update(value);
async delete(options: RepoDelete<TModelAttributes>): Promise<TModel[]> {
const entities = await this.fetch(options);
await Promise.all( => entity.destroy()));
return entities;
async deleteUnique(identifier: RepoPrimaryKey): Promise<TModel> {
const entity = await this.fetchUnique(identifier);
await entity.destroy();
return entity;
async deleteOne(options: RepoDelete<TModelAttributes>): Promise<TModel> {
const entity = await this.fetchOne(options);
await entity.destroy();
return entity;
async restore(options: RepoFetch<TModelAttributes>): Promise<TModel[]> {
const entities = await this.fetch(options);
await Promise.all( => entity.restore(options)));
return entities;
async restoreUnique(identifier: RepoPrimaryKey): Promise<TModel> {
const entity = await this.fetchUnique(identifier, { paranoid: false });
await entity.restore();
return entity;
async restoreOne(options: RepoFetch<TModelAttributes>): Promise<TModel> {
const entity = await this.fetchOne({ ...options, paranoid: false });
await entity.restore();
return entity;
async count(options: RepoFetch<TModelAttributes>): Promise<number> {
return await this.model.count(options);
async exists(options: RepoFetch<TModelAttributes>): Promise<boolean> {
return (await this.count(options)) > 0;
import { Model } from 'sequelize-typescript';
import { ICrudRepository, RepoFetch } from './crud-repository.interface';
export interface IPagingRepository<
TModelAttributes extends object,
TCreationAttributes extends object,
TModel extends Model<TModelAttributes, TCreationAttributes>
> extends ICrudRepository<TModelAttributes, TCreationAttributes, TModel> {
fetchByPage(page: number, pageSize: number): Promise<TModel[]>;
fetchByOffset(offset: number, count: number): Promise<TModel[]>;
fetchPaginated(page: number, pageSize: number, options: RepoFetch<TModelAttributes>): Promise<TModel[]>;
import { ModelStatic } from 'sequelize';
import { Model } from 'sequelize-typescript';
import { CrudRepository } from './crud.repository';
import { IPagingRepository, RepoFetch } from './paging-repository.interface';
export abstract class PagingRepository<
TModelAttributes extends object,
TCreationAttributes extends object,
TModel extends Model<TModelAttributes, TCreationAttributes>
> extends CrudRepository<TModelAttributes, TCreationAttributes, TModel>
implements IPagingRepository<TModelAttributes, TCreationAttributes, TModel> {
constructor(protected readonly model: ModelStatic<TModel>) {
async fetchByOffset(offset: number, count: number): Promise<TModel[]> {
return await super.fetch({
limit: count,
async fetchByPage(page: number, pageSize: number): Promise<TModel[]> {
return await super.fetch({
offset: page * pageSize,
limit: pageSize,
async fetchPaginated(page: number, pageSize: number, options: RepoFetch<TModelAttributes>): Promise<TModel[]> {
return await super.fetch({
offset: page * pageSize,
limit: pageSize,
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