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Last active December 3, 2018 12:34
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KeePassXC Ctrl-Alt-K global shortcut to open
Ctrl-Alt-K - open KeePassXC
- Assumes single instance mode (it simply starts up KeePassXC).
- Waits for up to 5 seconds until the window is visible.
- Brings it to the foreground. As of KeePassXC 2.3.3 it does not always do this
itself when launched again. Haven't tested 2.3.4 since it has an issue with
URL scheme matching disabled.
- If succesful, presses Ctrl-F to focus the search box.
Run, "C:\Program Files\KeePassXC\KeePassXC.exe"
kpxcWindowAttempts := 0
kpxcWindowID := WinExist("ahk_exe KeePassXC.exe")
if kpxcWindowID > 0
WinActivate % "ahk_id " . kpxcWindowID
IfWinActive % "ahk_id " . kpxcWindowID
Send % "^f"
kpxcWindowAttempts := kpxcWindowAttempts + 1
if kpxcWindowAttempts > 50
Sleep, 100
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