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Created October 30, 2020 08:49
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from fastapi import APIRouter, Depends, HTTPException, status
from slugify import slugify
from .crud import (
from ..database.models import BaseTodo, TodoList, TodoDoc, todo_helper
from ..database.utils import AIOMC, get_database
router = APIRouter()
@router.get('/', response_model=TodoList)
async def list_todos(db:AIOMC = Depends(get_database)):
todos = await get_all_todos(db)
formatted = [todo_helper(todo) for todo in todos]
return TodoList(count=len(todos), todos=formatted)
@router.get('/{slug}', response_model=TodoDoc)
async def retrieve_todo(slug: str, db:AIOMC = Depends(get_database)):
todo = await get_todo_or_404(slug, db)
return todo_helper(todo)'/', response_model=TodoDoc, status_code=status.HTTP_201_CREATED)
async def create_todo(todo: BaseTodo, db:AIOMC = Depends(get_database)):
slug = slugify(todo.title)
exists = await get_todo_by_slug(slug, db)
if exists:
raise HTTPException(
detail=f"Todo with slug '{slug}' already exists"
todo = await create_todo_by_slug(todo, slug, db)
return todo_helper(todo)
@router.put('/{slug}', response_model=TodoDoc)
async def update_todo(slug: str, data: BaseTodo, db:AIOMC = Depends(get_database)):
doc = await get_todo_or_404(slug, db)
updated = await update_todo_by_slug(slug, data, doc, db)
return todo_helper(updated)
@router.delete('/{slug}', status_code=status.HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT)
async def delete_todo(slug: str, db:AIOMC = Depends(get_database)):
_ = await get_todo_or_404(slug, db)
await delete_todo_by_slug(slug, db)
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