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Last active November 20, 2020 12:45
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Optimised pseudosurv2() function
pseudosurv2 <- function (time, event, tmax)
if (any(
stop("missing values in 'time' vector")
if (any(time < 0))
stop("'time' must be nonnegative")
if (any(
stop("missing values in 'event' vector")
if (any(event != 0 & event != 1))
stop("'event' must be a 0/1 variable (alive/dead)")
if (missing(tmax))
tmax <- unique(time[event == 1])
if (any(
stop("missing values in 'tmax' vector")
if (sum(tmax > max(time)) > 0)
stop("tmax greater than largest observation time")
tmax <- sort(tmax)
ltmax <- length(tmax)
howmany <- length(time)
pseudo <- data.frame(id = 1:howmany, time = time, event = event)
pseudo <- pseudo[order(pseudo$time, -pseudo$event), ]
tu <- unique(pseudo$time[pseudo$event == 1])
inx <- vapply(tmax,function(x) sum(x >= tu),numeric(1))
KM.omit <- surv.omit2(pseudo,inx)
KM.tot <- surv.tot2(pseudo)[inx]
KM.tot <- matrix(KM.tot, byrow = TRUE, nrow = howmany, ncol = length(tmax))
pseu <- howmany * KM.tot - (howmany - 1) * KM.omit
pseu <-
row.names(pseu) <- pseudo$id
names(pseu) <- paste("time", 1:length(tmax), sep = "_")
pseu <- pseu[order(pseudo$id),,drop=F]
surv.omit2 <- function (pseudo,inx)
td <- pseudo$time[pseudo$event == 1]
lt.temp <- c(td[-1], td[length(td)] + 1)
lt <- which(td != lt.temp)
km_extract <- which(pseudo$event)[lt][inx]
keep <- 1:nrow(pseudo) %in% km_extract
km <- C_survomitkm(pseudo$event,keep)
surv.tot2 <- function (pseudo, tmax)
howmany <- nrow(pseudo)
td <- pseudo$time[pseudo$event == 1]
lt.temp <- c(td[-1], td[length(td)] + 1)
lt <- which(td != lt.temp)
Y <- howmany:1
N <- pseudo$event
kmji <- (Y - N)/Y
km <- cumprod(kmji)
if (!missing(tmax)) {
tt <- pseudo$time[pseudo$event == 1]
tt <- tt[lt]
tt <- c(0, tt, tmax)
tt <- diff(tt)
km <- km[pseudo$event == 1]
km <- km[lt]
if (!missing(tmax)) {
km <- sum(c(1, km) * tt)
'NumericMatrix C_survomitkm(LogicalVector event,
LogicalVector keep){
int L = event.length();
int K = 0;
int M = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < L; i++){
if(keep[i] == TRUE){
M = i;
NumericVector current_vec(L);
NumericMatrix res(L,K);
int iK = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < M+1; i++){
if((i == 0) & (event[0] == TRUE)) {
current_vec[0] = 1;
for(int j = 1; j < L;j++){
current_vec[j] = 1 - 1/(1.0*L-1);
} else if((i == 0) & (event[0] == FALSE)) {
for(int j = 0; j < L;j++){
current_vec[j] = 1;
} else if((i == L-1) & (event[i] == TRUE)){
for(int j = 0; j < L-1; j ++){
current_vec[j] = 0;
} else if(event[i] == TRUE) {
for(int j = 0;j < i; j++){
current_vec[j] = current_vec[j]*(1-1/(1.0*L-1.0*i));
for(int j = i+1; j < L; j++){
current_vec[j] = current_vec[j]*(1-1/(1.0*L-1.0*i-1));
if(keep[i] == TRUE){
res(_,iK) = current_vec;
return res;
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