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Last active August 29, 2015 14:07
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  • Save Mygod/cd6efc1524d3f1662b25 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Mygod/cd6efc1524d3f1662b25 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A buggy WordPress exporter (it's buggy, don't use it)
(s = document.createElement('script')).setAttribute('src', '');
(s = document.createElement('script')).setAttribute('src', '');
output = [];
itemCount = [];
processedCount = [];
count = (q = $('a[href^="*wordpress*/?p="]')).length;
processed = 0;
function process(data) {
$('li.comment-author-86 div[id^="commentbody-"]', r = $.parseHTML(data)).each(function() {
output.push($(this).text().trim() + '\r\n\r\n~~~\r\n\r\n');
return r;
q.each(function () {
if (itemCount[i = /\d+/.exec($(this).attr('href'))[0]] != undefined) {
console.log(++processed + '/' + count);
itemCount[i] = 0;
$.get(a = '*wordpress*/?p=' + i, function (data) {
processedCount[i] = 1;
if ((itemCount[i] = $('', process(data)).text()) <= 1) console.log(++processed + '/' + count);
else for (page = 1; page < itemCount[i]; ++page) $.get(a + '&cpage=' + page, function (data) {
if (itemCount[i] == ++processedCount[i]) console.log(++processed + '/' + count);
setTimeout(function () {
if (processed >= count) saveAs(new Blob(output, { type: 'text/plain; charset=utf-8' }), "exported.txt");
}, 1000);
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