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Last active April 20, 2016 10:31
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Chopsticks game with leftovers rule solver
* Chopsticks game with leftovers rule solver.
* @author Mygod
// Here's a set of rules you can customize:
#define RULE_MOD 5
// Ok that's it. Don't make further modifications unless you know what you're doing.
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
constexpr int getMaxMoves(int ax, int ay) {
#undef RULE_SPLITS // splits are included in transfer rules
int a = ax + ay;
if (a >= RULE_MOD) a = RULE_MOD + RULE_MOD - 2 - a;
return (a >> 1) + 4;
return 4;
typedef uniform_int_distribution<mt19937::result_type> RandomRange;
mt19937 range;
enum Position {
bool makeMove(int &ax, int &ay, int &bx, int &by, int move) {
switch (move) {
case 0:
if (ay || ax & 1) return true;
ay = ax >>= 1;
return true;
#define TOUCH(a, b) \
if (!(a && b)) return true; \
b = (b + a) % RULE_MOD; \
if (bx < by) swap(bx, by); \
case 1: TOUCH(ax, bx);
case 2: TOUCH(ax, by);
case 3: TOUCH(ay, bx);
case 4: TOUCH(ay, by);
#undef TOUCH
if (move < 0) return true;
int y = move - 5, a = ax + ay;
if (a >= RULE_MOD) y += a - RULE_MOD + 1;
if (y >= ay) ++y;
if (y + y > a) return true;
ax = a - (ay = y);
return true;
swap(ax, bx);
swap(ay, by);
return false;
inline void updateStatus(Position &flag, int ax, int ay, int bx, int by, int move, int &nowSteps) {
if (makeMove(ax, ay, bx, by, move)) return;
switch (status[ax][ay][bx][by]) {
flag = static_cast<Position>(flag & ~POSITION_LOSING);
if (flag == POSITION_LOSING) nowSteps = max(nowSteps, steps[ax][ay][bx][by]);
case POSITION_LOSING: // weakness found
if (flag != POSITION_WINNING) {
nowSteps = steps[ax][ay][bx][by];
} else nowSteps = min(nowSteps, steps[ax][ay][bx][by]);
default: assert(false);
inline bool isAcceptable(int ax, int ay, int bx, int by, int move, Position nowStatus, int nowSteps) {
if (makeMove(ax, ay, bx, by, move)) return false;
auto newStatus = status[ax][ay][bx][by];
return newStatus == POSITION_LOSING && nowSteps == steps[ax][ay][bx][by] + 1 || !newStatus && !nowStatus;
inline bool userMovesFirst(int status) {
switch (status) {
case POSITION_WINNING: return false;
case POSITION_LOSING: return true;
default: return static_cast<bool>(RandomRange(0, 1)(range)); // whatever
int main() {
for (int i = 1; i < RULE_MOD; ++i) for (int j = 0; j <= i; ++j) status[0][0][i][j] = POSITION_FINAL;
bool updated = true;
while (updated) {
updated = false;
for (int ax = 1; ax < RULE_MOD; ++ax) for (int ay = 0; ay <= ax; ++ay)
for (int bx = 1; bx < RULE_MOD; ++bx) for (int by = 0; by <= bx; ++by) if (!status[ax][ay][bx][by]) {
auto flag = POSITION_LOSING;
int nowSteps = -1;
for (int move = 0, maxMoves = getMaxMoves(ax, ay); move <= maxMoves; ++move)
updateStatus(flag, ax, ay, bx, by, move, nowSteps);
if (flag) {
status[ax][ay][bx][by] = flag;
steps[ax][ay][bx][by] = nowSteps + 1;
updated = true;
// Print solution and debug information to cerr
cerr << "Positions to find:" << endl;
for (int bx = 1; bx < RULE_MOD; ++bx) for (int by = 0; by <= bx; ++by)
for (int ax = 1; ax < RULE_MOD; ++ax) for (int ay = 0; ay <= ax; ++ay)
if (status[ax][ay][bx][by] == 2 && steps[ax][ay][bx][by] > 1)
cerr << bx << by << ' ' << ax << ay << " (win within " << steps[ax][ay][bx][by] << " steps)" << endl;
cerr << endl;
cerr << "Positions to avoid except obvious ones:" << endl;
for (int bx = 1; bx < RULE_MOD; ++bx) for (int by = 0; by <= bx; ++by)
for (int ax = 1; ax < RULE_MOD; ++ax) for (int ay = 0; ay <= ax; ++ay)
if (status[ax][ay][bx][by] == 1 && steps[ax][ay][bx][by] > 1)
cerr << bx << by << ' ' << ax << ay << " (lose within " << steps[ax][ay][bx][by] << " steps)" << endl;
cerr << endl;
for (int ax = 1; ax < RULE_MOD; ++ax) for (int ay = 0; ay <= ax; ++ay) {
for (int bx = 1; bx < RULE_MOD; ++bx) for (int by = 0; by <= bx; ++by) cerr << status[ax][ay][bx][by];
cerr << endl;
// Kindly offer a game to the user
int ax = 1, ay = 1, bx = 1, by = 1, move = -1, maxMoves;
if (userMovesFirst(status[ax][ay][bx][by])) while (makeMove(ax, ay, bx, by, move)) {
cout << ax << ay << ' ' << bx << by << ' ';
cin >> move;
vector<int> moves(static_cast<size_t>(getMaxMoves(RULE_MOD - 1, 0)));
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wfor-loop-analysis"
while (ax && bx) {
auto nowStatus = status[ax][ay][bx][by];
int nowSteps = steps[ax][ay][bx][by];
assert(nowStatus != POSITION_LOSING); // there's no way I'm losing the game! no!
for (move = 0, maxMoves = getMaxMoves(ax, ay), moves.clear(); move <= maxMoves; ++move)
if (isAcceptable(ax, ay, bx, by, move, nowStatus, nowSteps)) moves.push_back(move);
assert(!moves.empty()); // I have to have a move!
// pick a random move in order to prevent getting into a loop
cout << bx << by << ' ' << ax << ay << ' ' << (move = moves[RandomRange(0, moves.size() - 1)(range)]) << endl;
makeMove(ax, ay, bx, by, move);
if (!(ax && bx)) {
cout << ax << ay << ' ' << bx << by << " YOU LOSE" << endl;
return 0;
move = -1;
while (makeMove(ax, ay, bx, by, move)) {
cout << ax << ay << ' ' << bx << by << ' ';
cin >> move;
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
cout << bx << by << ' ' << ax << ay << " YOU LOSE" << endl; // you don't have a single chance :/
return 0;
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